Isabel: I can't believe this Max. You know, I finally feel like I have a quasi-normal existence and you go and blow it all with one random act of lunacy. How did you let my misguided brother do this?

Michael: Hey don't turn this around on me. I'm not the one who thinks he's a super hero.

Max: Look, I said I was sorry.

Isabel: You're sorry? You break a sacred pact and that's all you have to say? It's against the rules Max, the rules we made!

Max: You use your powers all the time.

Isabel: Recreationally.

Isabel: The important thing is, to contain this. We just have to figure out what to say to Miss Scientist....Oh my God, you told her.

Max: I didn't have a choice. It's gonna be okay.

Isabel: Don't you realize that everything has changed.

Max: No, it hasn't.

Michael: Max, she's right, we're screwed. It's time to leave Roswell.

Max: Michael, we can't just leave.

Michael: Yeah we can. We've always known this day would come. We said when it did we'd be prepared.

Isabel: Michael, where are we gonna go? You know Roswell's home.

Michael: Roswell's not home. It's not even in our solar system.

Max: Well this is the closest thing we have to home right now.

Michael: For you two maybe, it was you the Evans found on the side of the road, not me. They're like real parents to you. My foster dad just keeps me around for the monthly check.

Max: This is gonna be OK. We should just lay low. Go back to school and act normal.

Isabel: Act normal? That's your big plan Max? Don't you realize it's only a matter of time before they find us and turn us over to some government agency where they're gonna test us and prod us, and, oh yeah, exterminate us.

Isabel: Where's your stuff??

Michael: I'm wearin' it.

Michael: Well then there's hope. I mean if we can find him, he can tell us where we came from, what we are-

Isabel: Michael calm down, we had one potential relative 40 years ago, all we know about him is he was a potential killer.

Liz: Look I can't change what happened. But if you run, Valenti is gonna know it's you. You'll be proving it for him.

Max: She's right.

Isabel: I should've known you'd side with her.

Max: Isabel I'm not on anyone's side all right.

Isabel: Get on a side Max because time is running out.

Max: She should move her car. I'm turning myself into Valenti.

Michael: Max, we said we were leaving.

Isabel: Max, I can't leave without you.

Isabel: What's your idea?

Isabel: Nice mask Alex.

Alex: Isabel, hey. Maria.

Maria: Hey.

Alex: Uh, nice cones.

Isabel: Come on roll!

Maria: OK, I'm rolling.

Isabel: Roll!!

Maria: I'm rolling!! Okay?

Isabel: Right that's better. Keys.

Maria: Okay, I know my mom's car doesn't look like much, but, not destroying it is the key to my and my mother's relationship okay?

Isabel: Whatever.