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:::Keanu Addiction has been built and maintained with a heap of hard work and we know how it feels to be a webmaster or webmistress of a site and not receive too much acknowledgement for hard work and effort so we have decided to give you guys out there some encouragement and have created our own "Quality Keanu Site" Award. If you have a Keanu site of substance and deserve a bit of credit, we think you do! Then tell us......all you have to do is email Natalie the webmistress here, with a few quick details

1. Tell us your name
2. Supply a valid email address
3. Give us the name of your website
4. Give us the valid URL of your website (Very important!)
5. Don't forget to see if your site matches our critera!

That's all there is to it!

The criteria for this award is as follows-
-Your site has at least four pages of Keanu content
-You designed the graphics (i.e buttons, headings) and layout yourself
-Your site has been updated in the last two months

Don't forget nothing too light on the Keanu cause then it wouldn't be a Keanu site now would it. I'll be check each page myself to see if they match the critera and  I'll get back you you with your award as soon as possible, depending on what I have going on you may have to wait at least a week:::

Here is a sample of the award you will receive-

:::When you receive your award put it on your site where ever you please! Make it bigger, make it smaller....just don't forget to link back to us :-) hehe. Coming Soon! So many different Keanu Awards it will make your head spin so stay tuned dudes! I am thinking up categories as we speak! P.S. if you enter your Keanu site for an award and haven't yet entered The Keanu Top 100 Web sites what are you waiting for come on over!:::