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[Background Information]
I have been running Keanu Addiction for a couple of years now and I decided to venture into the area of webrings! I decided it was about time I created my own for fellow Keanu Addicts and the result is Keanu Addiction: The Webring. Our webring is different to other Keanu webrings, why you might ask? Well that's simple, because it is simple. Meaning of course that our webring is small, our graphic is small, it will fit anywhere on your site and remain inconspicuous! Sounds cool? Yay! How bout you join us, we need you, Keanu Addicts!

Well yes there has to be some requirements! I know don't you hate them but I promise we don't have many and I do keep my promises. Okay here we go-
1. You must have a Keanu website (Well duh!)
2. It must have at least four pages of Keanu content!
3. You wont be admitted to the ring if your site is commercial, meaning it's main purpose is to sell a product.
Well that's it for requirements, well actually I couldn't think of any more!

So do I have your business? I hope so :-) Here is how to join-
1. Submit your site to the queue.
2. Add the HTML fragment to your site to either a links page or one of the main pages
3. Wait for me to add you to the webring

[Webring Administration]
*Random Link
*List of sites
*Edit your sites information

Questions, comments? Email Natalie the Webmistress.

Keanu Addiction! Addicted?
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