Course Objectives: The students will develop an understanding of self actualization, and of career paths, group building, program opportunities, and responsibilities. An Autonomous Learing Model and other gifted strategies will be followed in the curriculum.
Contemporary Issues: This course covers selected current topics. In 4th period CI, the students will be involved in a year long project covering three topics:
Tourism, Population and Water. They will participate in Future Problem Solving Program (FPS).
Activities: Creating a cuaderno (notebook), creating a dictionary (diccionario),
partaking in FPS, self interest projects, career paths-Myers Briggs career assessment test, and field experiences. Three hours of community service each semester at a service organization is required. This has to be done before the end of each semester.
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Great Books
(GB) 10th Grade
Course Objectives: The students will develop an understanding of self actualization, and of career paths, group building, program opportunities, and responsibilities. An Autonomous Learing Model and other gifted strategies will be followed in the curriculum.
Great Books: This course satisfies the Communication Skills requirement to graduate. The students follow the GB fonundation format and rules for discussion. They will read selected great works of philosophers and authors, both past and contemporary works.
Activities: Creating a cuaderno (notebook), creating a dictionary (diccionario), outline the GB rules and format for discussion, read and discuss selection of works by great philosophers, and authors, poets and other works of art; career path portfolios, Myers-Briggs assessment test, and field experiences. Three hours of communicty service at a service organization is required before the end of each semester.
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Mentorship Program
(MP) 10th-12th Grade
Course Objectives: The students will develop an understanding of self actualization, and of career paths, group building, program opportunities, and responsibilities. An Autonomous Learing Model and other gifted strategies will be followed in the curriculum.
Mentorship Program: This is set up through Career Enrichment Center (CEC). There are a lists of businesses and local entities that support the opportunity for students to gain experience in their field/career of interest. A packet of information is to be completed and turned in to their sponsor teacher before placement. This course is usually scheduled during 00 hour. The student's involvement is on their own time as well as their own transportation. A minimum of 4-5 hours a week is required.
Activities: Meet with the sponsor teacher to establish the mentorship, complete the MP packet, keep a cuaderno (notebook), weekly logs and midterm and final exam.
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Independent Studies
(IS) 11th-12th Grade
Course Objectives: The students will develop an understanding of self actualization, and of career paths, group building, program opportunities, and responsibilities. An Autonomous Learing Model and other gifted strategies will be followed in the curriculum.
Independent Studies: Students who elect for IS have to select a problem-solving study based on their interest. The study does have to be approved by the sponsor teacher. Consistency and follow up is important. This course is usually scheduled during 00 hour. Grades are based on completion of the requirements that are outlined in the IS packet.
Activities: Completion of the IS packet, keeping a cuaderno (notebook), weekly logs, regular meetings with the sponsor teacher, and midterm and final exam which consists of presentations.
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(IS) 11th-12th Grade
Course Objectives: The students will develop an understanding of self actualization, and of career paths, group building, program opportunities, and responsibilities. An Autonomous Learing Model and other gifted strategies will be followed in the curriculum.
Internship: This study is setup like mentorships through CEC. The difference is that the students are paid for their time. This is a job placement. Student's commitment to a job situation and responsibility are very important. The activities are the same as MS and IS.
NOTE: Regular meetings with the sponsor teacher are mandatory. Grades are based on all of the above.
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Rubrics/Grades: Student's grades are based on a point system. Each course varies in the amount of points assigned to each assignment/project. Assignment/projects have a value of 100 points each. The midterm and final exam are both worth 50 points.
The points are converted to a grade:
99-100=A+ | 88-89=B+ | 78-79=C+ | 68-69=D+
97-94=A | 87-84=B | 77-74=C | 67-64=D
93-90=A- | 83-80=B- | 73-70=C- | 63-60=D-
59 and below=F |
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NOTE: Acccountability and responsibility are key factors in these courses. The students will be graded according to their commitment and completed work.