Boy, you all really must wanna know about me if you decided to come here! Ok, here's stuff on me;
Name: Sara Marie Curtis Nickname: Sar Bear (thank you Tiff!), Max, JSWB, Atta, atta_girl, battys_baby (Hi Batty! *kiss*), Emily, Emma, Emmerz, Em, Emmy, Julie_Su, Lily, Gismark, Poppy, a whole bunch of cuss words I refuse to post here! Age:15 Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing, drawing, dancing, singing, watching 'A Bug's Life', hanging at the ABL RP forum, chatting with Batty!! :P And a ton of other things. Boyfriend/Husband: Boyfriend!! I love you, Marc (MY Batty_Koda!!) !!! *showers you with hugs and kisses* Pets: Mr. Emma, male grey bunny (don't ask!!), Hunter, female German Shapard-Huskie mixture (dog), Willamina Switzelmier (Willie), A Snowser-Poodle mix, and Hannibal the Cannibal, A teddy-bear hamster. Hopes/Dreams: I want to be a vet some day, and a writer as well. However, if neither of those come true, I want to be an animator, and work with my 'sister', Anne!!! ( Love you Flik! *hugz you* ) Friends: Marc (hi, sweetie! *kiss again*), Anne, Nemesis, Tiffany, Katie D. and Katie H., Kimmy (Kimberly), Becca, Jessica, Jessy-Ni, Marie, All the girls in my cabin at camp (i love you all!!), Sky, and all you wonderful people out there that seem to love me for reasons I don't know and don't understand.
Me under the christmas tree with our doggy hunter! Taken last Christmas. I'm wearing roller blades, but you can't tell.
This is a better picture of Hunter. She's a German Shepard Huskie Mixture.
This is Willie and Hunter together on our little love seat! Don't worry, they're both just friends... and both female!
This is Willie, or Willamina Switzlemier. She's a snowser-poodle mix. (don't ask, and no, I CAN'T spell, so sue me.) She's lounging under the sheets that are on my bed. She seems to love sleeping on my bed. (it's low to the ground, so she can jump up there easily.)
There will be more pics of me up once I actually get all the film from camp developed!