Hellmaster Phibrizzo
Hellmaster Phibrizzo is the strongest Mazoku under Ruby-Eye Shabranigdo. He takes on the form of a child around the age of ten to fool people into trusting him. He first appears in episode 46 of the Slayers NEXT. Within the short time that he is in the tapes, he tries everything to get Lina Inverse to cast the Giga Slave in hopes that it will go out of control and return the world to chaos. This ends up being his downfall, however, and we are forced to bod farewell to Phibbi in episode 52 of the Slayers NEXT. Name: Hellmaster Phibrizzo Age: Old... really old 'Human' Form: Ten year old child Strongest attack: Hellmaster can crush a crystal that represents a person's life force. If he does this, that person will die. Personality: When he is acting the role of an innocent 10 year old human boy, Phibrizzo is a sweet, caring little child. When showing his true form, he is cold-hearted and ruthless, stopping at nothing to acheieve his goals.