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My Friends

My angel is blowing kisses to all of my friends, letting them know that they are special to me, in one way or another..~smile~

These are my friends. No particular order, really just as I thought of you. Some are gone, now, to the winds of time, some to the whims of fate.

Sher, girl you are my dear friend, the one I can tell anything to and know you will always be there, just as I am for you. The terrible twosome rides again...we have had some really great times, g/f. Creating havoc, the jokes and games..the know, i know..i won't go there..the times we sat and matched shots of puking in your sink...getting picked up by the cops (literally), falling down all the way home..the Jehovah's Witness parking lot...gawd that was a wild weekend...the pics...~wink~...I love ya like my sister, sher.
Ruthie, darlin', I love ya, you have proved to be my best friend, though many trials and tribualtions.I pray daily for you and hope in my heart of hearts that the cure we dream of does indeed come in your lifetime. Somehow, some way, Lupus must be cured..~fights back tears~I sit and remember the pranks we played, the "good clean fun". My true partner in crime. We set the world of Gor on it's collective ear and had a ball, while always maintaining our aura of dignity and charm. Now we share a like lifestyle on two different worlds. But no matter the distance, no matter the problems, I will ALWAYS be there for you.
Mark, the Fuzzy Blue Gorilla, you are the singular, most wonderful man I have ever known. Always there when I need to cry, vent, lean on you or just sit and shoot the bull. I miss throwing myself into your arms and having you "deftly catching lady in mid air" for a great big hug. The fun we had, You, who taught me how to flirt again. And made me realize there IS life after separation and divorce. You gave me the courage and the ability to look people in the eye and make them accept me as I am. One day I hope you will find true happiness, until then, my shoulder, ear and arms are always open and ready to soak up tears, listen and hold you. I love you.
Ahhhhh, Chance, what can I say..~wink wink, nudge nudge~ I adore ya, sweetie and miss ya like hell. I feel the need for an ice cream sundae...interested? chocolate ice cream, hot fudge, caramel, whipped cream, nuts ~snicker~, cherries ~snicker again~ and maybe even sprinkles if you're a vewwy good boy...maybe we won't tie ya to the bar this time...(yeah right) ~soft husky chuckle~ I hope your real life treats ya well, kiddo.
Desi, my first friend at grammas, We have been through a lot, you and I. Charter members of the "grammas insomniac's club" ~smile~ God, the games of T or D we have gone through, the dares we have pulled off and the people we have "corrupted" ~giggle~ The fights we have waged, keeping our friends from being harassed and the general bitchiness we so excel at and yet manage to retain the aura of dignity.I could go on and on, but I think that might tarish our "sweet, innocent reputations" ...Yeah right..~giggle~
NAS!!!!!! Girl, I still remember the fisrt day ya "VAAARRRROOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMed" into grammas. Ya caught the hearts of us that day and have managed to drive your way into a special place in my heart. I love ya, g/f. You have been a wonder in your steadfastly positive outlook at life and managed to capture and hold the elusive Dreamweaver's heart. I wish you two the very best. I can hardly wait til the wedding, girl. I can picture it now, you, Dee and me, dancing on the bar!! ~wicked grin~ Stealing Jimmer's cheese curls and hidng to crunch 'em down ~lil giggle~
Dreamweaver, Hon you grab hold of NAS with both hands and hold on tight! You have a real treasure there. And she has one in you. I have been so proud to call you friend, to tease and flirt and watch you and Cindy fall in love. That to me, is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen. You two are made for each other and i wish you nothing but the best. Through thick and thin, you have remained close, even though we rarely see each other. I miss you.
buddy, kissessssssss and some hugggggggggums from the lady in the desert who misses ya. My garden blooms because of friends like you.
Dee..A truly wonderful lady and the heartthrob of grammas. You gained my trust and my love, sis..dancing on the bar, hanging out and talking about anything and everything we could think of. Here's your G&T, sis \%/ to work!!
Owen, my friend "down under", you are a wonderful person, sweetie and i adore ya...ya Aussie.~smile~
Charlie, the "ragin' cajun" ~giggle~ what do i say? are a darling of the first order and a truly sweet man, to boot
Tomcat, a true lech..*LOL*..and a sweetheart inside. if you and owen ever quit "fighting" and bickering...God i dunno what i would do. You are a wonderful man...i miss my morning jokes, though *grin*
Kaz/Mountainman, My former FC and dear friend, we have had some times, You and I and still through everything have managed to remain friends~soft smile~. You are truly special to me and have a place in my heart.
Brade, my Friend. I could go on and on about You, but i'll be nice..~snicker~. The first person on Gor i revealed my new self to. And the one that nearly had heart failure over it. That was a hard time, to think i had lost one of the best friends i have had, someone i trusted implicitly, but thank the PKs You realized that it was who i really am and accepted that. ~giggle~ You are a wonderful man and a good friend to me.Thank You..for everything
Talisman(aka ~Lore~) You are a wonderful man, regardless of your opinion of yourself. You have within you, a heart that knows no boundaries and brooks no bones about what its feeling. You have stood by me through the bad times, the good times and together we have built a friendship to last the ages. You are the one "Sin" i have..~chuckles~ and you know my heart is with you and Pam. You are loved, hon, more than you will ever know. You are truly, my talisman, my good luck..not to mention my conscience and the one person around that can calm me down from high temper ~wry grin~ Doggone that soothing voice of yours anyway~soft laugh~ Sometimes i don't know why you put up with me...but Lord am i glad you do.
SaucyLady{H} (aka joie{H})..God...what to say about you? You have quickly become a very dear friend, hun and i love ya...but you know are such a sweet, wonderful caring of others and fiercely protective of your friends. You inspire me..~smiles and hugtight~
~cass~ you, sweet sissy, are a wonder to me..through pain of your own, you manage to find the ability to be there for others in need, to sit and talk about anything and everything and find the right thing to say to them all..~huggggsss~ wuv ya, sweets
my dear Muse..for the first time, i am really speechless...what can i possibly say about you? You are my friend, confidant, wailing wall and just generally always there. I suppose together we make a good pair..both of us insecure in our lives at times and clinging to the blind hope that tomorrow is another day and this too shall pass. we are each other's support...what keeps us going, makes us realize that no matter how bad things are...there's always someone that has it worse..ok, now i'm not gonna wax poetic..~g~ but you know i love you and will always be there, shoulder is yours anytime you need it.
On December 15, 1999 a dear friend died unexpectedly in New Orleans..Rich, you will never know how much you will be missed. the true SOUTHERNGENT, you were loved by everyone that knew you. I can only hope that you know just how much you meant to so very many. For myself, i know, i hadn't seen you in a while, but you always crossed my mind and brought a smile to my face. My one true regret, is that i didn't make it to Carnival for Mardi Gras with the others last you and i will never meet, face to face. I love and miss you, my friend..~looks up with a smile and tears rolling down my cheeks~ May God's fishin' hole be well stocked and your line always full. Heaven is a better place for having you there. ~blows you that kiss on the lips i never gave you before~