Wild Wild West

Night of the Colonel's Ghost, #6624

West and Gordon escort President Grant to San Fransisco, to dedicate a statue of the late Colonel Wayne Gibson in Gibsonville. West rides ahead to check out the town and finds that it is plagued by a series of broken-neck murders and arguments over lost gold. A further investigation yields the fact that the Colonel is not as dead as was previously thought and that his statue is far from ordinary.
Directed by Charles Rondeau
Written by Ken Kolb
Colonel Gibson: Lee Bergere
Jennifer Caeine: Kathie Browne
President Grant: Roy Engel
* The above information was compiled from The Wild Wild West: The Series by Susan E. Kesler (Arnett Press), "Michael Garrison's Wild Wild West," an article by Robert Alan Crick in Epi-Log Journal #11 and other sources.
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