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You can hardly make a friend in a year, but you can lose one in an hour.

Follow no one but learn from everyone .

Treat others the way you want to be treated .

What upset me is not that you lied me. but that from now on wards i can no longer beleve you.

We conserver only what we love.We will love only what we understant.We will understand only what we feel .


Kiss on the ear is "I'm Horny"

Kiss on the cheek is "We're Friends"

Kiss on the hand is "I Adore You"

Kiss on the shoulder is "I Want You"

Kiss on the lips is "I Love You"

Kiss on everywhere else is "Let's get Busy"

Holding hands is "We Can Learn To Love Each Other"

A wink is "Let's Get It On"

Slap on the butt is "Watch Out"

Playing with the ear is "I Can't Live Without You"

Arms around the waist is "I Love You To Much To Let Go"

Pulling hair on head is "Tell Me You Love Me"

Looking into each other's eyes is "Let's Get Romantic"

Holding on thight is "Don't Let Go"



If you are kissing someone,close your eyes, it's not nice to stare.


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Sorry My Love Thoughts Lyrics Five kisses
