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PeRsIaN Songs

Welcome to the music section of Meer Site. Here you will find the best and only the best of Persian music. In The bottom is a menu, click on a name to view information and listen to songs by that artist. If what you are looking for is not on the menu, try the 'Links' section. Also, you can check the 'All' section for all the Persian songs in Real Audio format on the Internet. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me at . Also if you have any information that you think I should add to the biographies please let me know. I hope you enjoy your visit and visit us often, to view our new additions.

Here are my best singers

Dariush Cdar5.jpg (9599 bytes)
EBI Cebi4.jpg (8138 bytes)
Hayedeh CHyd1.JPG (8242 bytes)
Siavash Ghomayshi
all2.jpg (4820 bytes)



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