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Masks from A-L

Masks from A-L

The ALL NIGHT MASK: This mask is gotten by going to North Clock Town at about midnight on the first day. When the robbery takes place, run up to the robber (Sakon) and give him a nice thwack on the butt with your blade. He will proceed to drop the beg and run away. A lady will then and there give you the BLAST MASK. At 10:00 PM on the final night, go to the Curiosity Shop in West Clock Town and buy the ALL NIGHT MASK for 500 rupees.
The BLAST MASK: To get this mask, do what the above mask says until it reads, "A lady will then and there give you the BLAST MASK," that is when you get the BLAST MASK.
The BREMEN MASK: Gettin this mask is easier than getting almost any mask. Anywhere from midnight to 6:00 on the first or second day, go to the Laundry Pool and talk to the guy playing a music box. Talk to him and he will give you the BREMEN MASK.
The BUNNY HOOD: After getting the BRREMEN MASK, go to Romani ranch during daytime and go to the chicken coop. Wear the BREMEN MASK and walk around holding B until you have rounded up all the little yellow things. When you have, they will start turning into Cuccus. Talk to Grog (the man sitting at the tree) and he will give you the BUNNY HOOD.
The CAPTAIN'S HAT: Go to Ikana graveyard at any time of the day. Keep walking until you get to an archway with a skeleton sleeping under it. This will be a huge skeleton. Play the Sonata of Awakening to make him wake up. He will start to run slowly away from you. Shoot him with arrows to freeze him because you are going to need it. While walking, you will notice that fire walls block your way. To put them down, kill the two Stallchildren that appear. When yo catch up to the skeleton dude, hit him a lot with your sword. This will take a very, very long time. Once you beat him, hookshot to the chest and get the CAPTAIN'S HAT.
The CIRCUS LEADER MASK: To get this easy one, you first need the ROMANI MASK (a hard one). Go in to the Milk Bar Latte between 10:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Talk to the really short and fat zora. Tell him you will help him and do what he says. Then talk to him as a Zora, Deku, and Goron. Once you have talked to him as all four, the Gorman leader will give you the CIRCUS LEADER MASK.
The COUPLE'S MASK: I believe this mask is hardest mask of all to obtain (besides the Fierce Deity’s Mask) because if you make a mistake, you have to start ALL OVER at Step 1, and that is a real pain, because getting this mask takes up one ENTIRE three-day cycle. Well, here’s how to get it: Start at the beginning of the three-day cycle. At 8:00 AM on the First Day, go to the Stock Pot Inn in East Clock Town. **NOTE!** DO NOT TALK TO ANJU AT THIS TIME!! If you do, you will have to start over. Wait there until somewhere around 2:00 AM when the Postman delivers a letter to Anju, the clerk. After the Postman leaves, THEN talk to Anju, without wearing any masks. Tell her you have a reservation, and you will receive the Room Key. Immediately after receiving the Room Key, talk to Anju again, this time with Kafei’s Mask. Then, you’ve got nothing in particular to do for awhile. Meet Anju in the kitchen on the first floor of the Stock Pot Inn at 11:30 PM and talk to her to receive the Letter to Kafei. First thing in the morning, deposit the letter into any postbox (postboxes look sort of like miniature red huts). Wait until about 3:30 AM on the Second Day, and go to the Laundry Pool. The door that was locked before should now be open. If it isn’t, wait for the Postman to deliver Kafei’s letter. Enter the door, and talk to the kid wearing the Keaton mask to discover that he is actually Kafei. He will then give you the Pendant of Memories. Deliver this to Anju immediately. (At this point, you can get the Keaton Mask [Mask 2-1] and the Postman’s Hat [Mask 1-1], and don’t worry, you’ll still be able to get the Couple’s Mask without starting over.) Be at the entrance to Sakon’s hideout (It’s in Ikana Canyon, you must have Garo’s Mask [Mask 4-3] and the Hookshot to get there) BEFORE 6:00 PM on the Final Day. As soon as you get there, hide behind the nearby blocks. If you are not extremely early, Kafei should be there, too. A few seconds after 6:00 PM hits, Sakon will approach. If he sees you, you will have to start over. He will open the door, and Kafei will sprint in after him. Follow Kafei inside, and go in the door. Upon seeing his Sun’s Mask, Kafei will accidentally trip a security mechanism, and it will only be a matter of minutes until the Sun’s Mask reaches the end of the conveyor belt and disappears down a hole, never to be seen again. Your job is to get to the end of the conveyor belt before the Sun’s mask does. Here’s how: You must first step on the switch Kafei stepped on. You will then be alternating between controlling Kafei and Link, starting with Kafei. Enter the room that opens when you step on the switch with Link. Push one of the four blocks onto the blue switch in the middle. You will then be controlling Link again. Enter the room that you opened with Kafei. You will keep alternating between Link and Kafei. Solve the puzzles in each room. The object of each puzzle is to step on (or push a block onto) the blue switch in the room. If there are no switches, then defeat the enemies to solve it. Keep in mind that you must stay ahead of the Sun’s Mask as it moves along the conveyor belt. It is also VERY IMPORTANT to know that if you push down a red switch, the conveyor belt will move at a faster pace, until the switch is released. On the other hand, the light brown switches slow the belt down as long as the switch is pressed. When you get to the room with many blocks and the blue switch at the bottom of the screen (as Kafei), first push/pull the block directly above the red switch, out of the way. Then, step on the red switch and push the block between the switches, to the left, onto the brown switch. Finally, push the block above the blue switch, down. In the room with the block blocking the door, simply push (or pull) the block out of the way. When you get to the end of the conveyor belt, step on the bottom blue switch with Kafei to open the top door. Then step on the top switch with Link to retrieve the Sun’s Mask for Kafei. Nope, we’re not done yet! At around 1 hour till Game Over on the Final Day, return to the Stock Pot Inn and head up the steps and continue forward, through the door. Kafei and Anju will be there, and they will combine the Sun Mask with Anju’s Moon Mask to create the Couple’s Mask. They will then hand it over to you. WHEW! Thanks to Zach Parker at
The DEKU MASK: Get the moon's tear (which you will trade in for womething in a sec), and the bubble ability in the first three days. At midnight on the third day when Clock Tower opens, walk up to the golden deku launcher. When the Deku Scrub comes, trade him the Moon's Tear for the launcher. Launch up to the heart piece and go up the stairs that were created from the doors. Shoot a bubble at Skull Kid and he will drop the ocarina. Play the song you learn from Zelda and go to the first day. Go in through the doors to the Mask Salesman and talk to him. He will give you the DEKU MASK.
The DON GERO MASK: Go to the Goron Shrine where th baby is. Light all the torches in the Shrine (this might take a while) until you get the chandelier to start spinning. Go up to the top level and go off the ramp and hit the jars on the chandelier. One of them contains the Rock Sirloin. Pick it up and get ready for some tedious work (well not too tedious, you just won't be able to attack). Run the Rock Sirloin back to the place where the Mountain Smithy is (the log cabin place). FInd a Goron stranded on a small clif. Throw him the Rock Sirloin and he will jump down and give you the mask.
The GARO MASK: GO to milk road and to Gorman Track. Talk to one of the two brothers while on Epona. They will challenge you to a horse race for 30 rupees or something. Beat them (it is harder than beating Ingo in Ocarina of Time) and they will give you the GARO MASK.
The GIANTS MASK: You physically and literally HAVE to hit this mask in a treasure chest while in the Stone Tower Temple.
The GIBDO MASK: Go to Ikana Graveyard on the first or second day with the CAPTAIN'S HAT on and mosey on over to the grave with skeletons dancing around it. Tell them to open the grave and jump down. If it is the right grave, go through a door and kill all 30 (or something like that) Bad Bats or Keese or whatever. Go then light all the torches and the door will open. Go in and beat the crap out of that Iron Knuckle. Sharp will appear and teach you the ssong of Storms. Go to Ikana place with the castle. Go to the cave with Flat in it. Play the Song of Storms and he will die. Watch teh Gibdos die and stand next to the house with horns. Put on the BLAST MASK and blow up. DO NOT let the girl see you. When she is far enough away, go in the house. Go down the stairs. Walk slowly towards the closet at the far side of the room. When it opens, play the Song of Healing and the weird guy will become a person. He will geve you the GIBDO MASK.
The GORON MASK: To get this Mask, you will need the Lens of Truth. Since the Goron Mask and the Lens of Truth are practically obtained at once, I will first tell you how to get the Lens of Truth. Find the owl in the Mountain Village. Talk to him, and he will guide you across the abyss. To find the hidden platforms that lead across the gap, look for feathers that the owl will drop. He will drop them right on the platforms. You must hurry, because the feathers don’t stay on the platforms for long. At the other end of the pit is the Lens of Truth. Now, to get the Goron Mask, use the Lens of Truth to cross back over the pit. When you get back, use the Lens of Truth to see a ghostly Goron. Talk to him and when he starts to fly away, follow him. You don’t have to use the Lens of Truth once he starts moving; just follow his shadow. Don’t worry; there’s no way you can get too far behind him that you don’t know where he went. He stops frequently. When he flies to the top of the hugely tall cliff, use the Lens to reveal a ladder. Climb the ladder, and when you get to a crossroads, take the ladder on the right. At the next fork in the ladder, take the ladder on the left. Next, take the right path again. When you reach the top, talk to the Goron Ghost and then play the Song of Healing for him. He will be transformed into a mask, the Goron Mask. You will then pick it up. Thanks to Zach Parker at
The GREAT FAIRY MASK: On any day, find the stray fairy in Clock Town (in Laundry Pool or East Clock Town). Bring it to the cave in North Clock Town. The fairy will give you the GREAT FAIRY MASK.
The KAMARO MASK: Exit through North Clock Town at night and use the Lens of Truth on the huge mushroom shaped things. On one of them, there will be a person. Talk to him and play the Song of Healing for him and he will give you the KAMARO MASK.
The KEATON MASK: Go through the COUPLE'S MASK course until you deliver the Pendant of Mamories to Anju. Deliver it and then keep leaving and coming (at one point you won't e able to go in) until you see the man from the Curiosity Shop there. Talk to him and he will give you the KEATON MASK and the special delivery.

Special thanks to Dynamasty for the pictures of all the masks.