"Much To Do About Nothing"

I'll bet you were wondering when I'd get around to this! The reason I waited so long is because I really dislike writing things autobiographical in nature; even though it is about my favorite topic: me. Oops, my arrogance is showing again!

So where do I start?...I'm certainly not going to go 'way back when' and recount all my childhood exploits! Let it suffice to say that I had a fairly normal childhood, and grew up in a home where alcoholism was not a factor.

So why did I become alcoholic? That's like asking why is some water salty and some fresh. The answer is: I don't know. Some claim alcoholism is hereditary; and that certainly may be in some cases. But I'm the first alcoholic in my family; and I have a sister who I would consider borderline alcoholic. All I really know is that the alcoholic traits developed long before the physical action of drinking took place.

I am the oldest of two children, and grew up an only child for the first ten years of my life. My dad passed away when I was 13. He had a heart attack and died in the hospital about a week later.

Mom remarried a couple of years later, and I currently have two step brothers who I never see or keep in contact with, my younger sister (aged 31) and a 17 year old half-sister.

So here I am, now a 41 year old man (gadds!!) with the personality of a 23 year old, although at times you'd think I was three. But that's OK. I'm young at heart.

I live in north-central Minnesota on my own five acres of wooded heaven. Just me and my dog (a Siberian Husky named Jack). For whatever reason, I have never married and have no children (at least none that I'd claim, or would claim me). My drinking past isn't real pretty in regards to sex. Just for the record; I did not mention this because I'm looking for a date. Sorry ladies, it's nothing personal.

Some of the things I like are dogs and other animals, but not cats, they're too independent for me (a lot like women, in fact. Sorry gals). Looney tunes; I'm just crazy about Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester & tweety, the Road Runner and of course, Wile E. Coyote, plus all the others. Warner Bros. produced some of the best cartoons ever back in the late 50s and throughout the 60s.

I like to read, and spend a lot of time doing so. Science Fiction is my thing. You'll find a lot of quotes on page one by Robert A. Heinlein, one of my favorite authors. I also like anything by Dean Koontz, John Irving and the incomparable Anne Rice, there's not another author anywhere who can hold a candle to her. I'd marry that woman if she'd dump her terrible poet husband, Stan. I'm sorry, I just don't understand Mr. Rice's poetry.

I also enjoy being outside in the summer (winters here are dreadful!), and most anything having to do with nature. I'm happiest when I'm in the middle of the woods, with not a soul around. I also like sitting around the campfire playing guitar or engaged in stimulating conversation.

Some of the things I dislike are cats (as I already mentioned), politics, organized religion, pushy people and small talk.

I'm usually pretty taciturn in nature, like Mr. Ed the horse, I never speak unless I have something to say. Really, I just never know what to say to people; like I said small talk bores me to tears. It annoys me terribly when people start asking personal questions like, where do you live, are you married, where do you work, etc. I've never thought of myself as being particularly secretive, although I must appear that way to others.

The one time when I do speak is at an A.A. meeting. I almost always have something to contribute. Hopefully, what I say at meetings will help somebody, as I like to be of service.

I will say one more thing about myself, and for this I'm going to quote a verse of a song Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson did back in the 70s. The song is titled "Momas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys." That whole song describes me pretty well, and particularly the verse I'm about to quote.
"Cowboys love smoky old poolrooms
and clear mountain mornings.
Little warm puppies and children
and girls of the night.
Them that don't know him
won't like him,
and them that do sometimes
won't know how to take him.
He ain't wrong,
he's just different;
and his pride won't let him
do things to make you think he's right."

So there you have it. That's me, in a nut shell. Someday I'll add some pictures to this page. The thing is; I have no recent pics of myself or my dog. It's funny, but when some one tries to take my picture, their camera breaks!

This is me teaching my younger sister how to drive. It's quite an old picture now, as Kathy graduates from high school this June(1999)

This is me. Another old picture.
I don't see a coffee cup in front of me, but I assume it's there.

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