Comments section

On this page I will be printing the comments that I have received from other people regarding my pages. If I ever figure out how to do forms, I'll set it up so you can just print your own comments on this page. In the meantime, if you send comments to my E-mail address, I will print them here.

One of my visitors wrote:

As far as the creation/evolution issue to me it's like what came first the chicken or the egg? The word evolve means "to come from and to change." So for something to evolve it first had to become! It is really amazing t me that we an teach kids about other people's religions and beliefs but we cannot even menion Christianity. And it really bothers me that in our culture we approve of children learning about and using weapons, but we shun the notion of kids learning to build bridges of understanding with other cultures. Is there any doubt we live in a warring society? Anyhow there is some more to think about!

Great thoughts and well put!! Thankx for your input. This is exactly what I wanted from my readers.

Another reader wrote this comment about drug legalization..

Whether we legalize or not, the drug situation has such a hold on our country, I don't think it would influence our youth to the degree that you do. What is going to help and or hinder our youth is PARENT involvment. We as parents are so caught up in our lives, whether it is job or hobby, that our children have taken second, third and fourth place in our lives. How can we teach, direct ad guide our youth when we don't take the time to simply listen to what they have to say!!!!

Take 10 minutes, to stop, sit down with the youth in your family(son, daughter, niece, nephew,step-children) and simply listen to what they want to talk about. We don't have to push, interrogate or threaten. It will come out if given enough time and patience.

Here's a thought for You!!

Thanks for your comments; you are correct about parent involvement and being a listener rather than a interrogator. .
