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On this page I will be offering interesting little snippets
of information as I come accross them. Most will pertain to
computers and the internet.

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-In June, the 5 most visited web sites from first to last were: Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Netscape and GeoCities.

- The gap between male & female Internet users narrowed to roughly 8% by the end of 1998. MALES: 46.0% FEMALES: 38%

- Although stats on affiliate programs are scarce, the Web's top 3 affiliate programs appear to be those offered by AutoFusion.com, Music Boulevard and Amazon.com .

- After English, Japanese and then German, are the most used languages on the Net. By 2002, English speaking users will fall to a minority position. By 2005, it is estimated that 60% of all Internet users will speak a language other than English.

Recent studies indicate that more than two out of every five people in North America are now Internet users.

About 60% of North American Internet users have used the Web to shop.

Estimated total world online users: 179 million, with a 100+ million in Canada & the USA.

- More than 23% of Australia's adult population use the Internet -Use of home PC's to surf the Net has dropped almost 40% in the last four years as use of the Internet has penetrated the workplace.

- Almost half of all Internet users have a university degree and 20% a post grad degree.

- By the year 2000 there will be 25 countries where over 10% of the population will be Internet users.

-At the end of 1998, the U.S. had an overwhelming lead in Internet users comprising 50% of the total 150 million users.

- On a per capita basis, the U.S. only ranked 5th in Internet users. Iceland, Norway, Sweden & Finland had a higher per capita use.

- The gay and lesbian Internet population is estimated to number in excess of 9 million users.

- Top e-tail sites on the Web appear to be Amazon.com, Ticketmaster.com, and Buy.com.

Which companies currently spend the most on Web advertising? Microsoft topped the list (big surprise!), with Amazon.com taking second spot and TRUSTe third spot.

- A recent survey indicated that 64% of online consumers distrust web sites.

- Where do most news addicts go on the Web? The top 3 destinations are msnbc.com, weather.com and cnn.com.

- Everyone knows Chat is popular, but it took AOL's release of stats on its Buddy List and Instant Messenger services to show how popular. More than 40 million registered users of these services send over 430 million messages each day. Hey, people love to talk :)

- Looks like e-commerce is making its mark on the consumer mind. The top e-commerce brands are now familiar to more than 100 million US consumers.

- The latest research indicates that nearly 46% of e-commerce spending will come from outside the U.S. by 2003.

- According to a study by Nielsen Media Research, households with Internet access watch 13 percent less television than households that are not online.

-According to Greenfield Online, three-quarters of all internet surfers are now buying on the internet, with 82% of these buying multiple items. Compare that with 12 months ago when only slight more thanhalf of all web surfers were making purchases.

- A recent poll of New York City voters found that 44% of them would be less likely to vote for a politician that supported Internet taxes. 26% said they would be more likely to vote for that candidate.

- There are now an estimated 3.6 million sites on the internet, with 2.2 million of those accessible by the public. The largest 25,000 of these sites, however, account for 50% of the total content on the web, according to OCLC Research.
