This page is ALWAYS

My webpage site has gotten to be too big; so here's my feeble attempt at a site map.
I hope it helps.

This is where it all begins. Take the trip and try not to get lost.
From here you can go to an article on Creationism
The first of the AA pages
My joke page
An article titled Think About This
Look at some pictures
Visit My Links page
Read the Previous Quotes
Read other people's Comments
Read the Disclaimer
Or Search the Web
And now vote for greeting cards.
You should be able to go back home from almost all of these pages without using your back button.

So you've made it this far without getting lost? GREAT!
Now, let's say you're visiting the first AA page. From there you must go in sequence to the second AA page, and then the third AA page, the fourth AA page, then the fifth AA page,followed by the sixth AA page
That page will then take you to a page which has an article about Tobacco manufacturers in court (page 5).That page also has a side bar linking you with some selected AA readings.

Now from here you can go to my self portrait or read All about ME. and look at some picturesThat's not too entertaining; believe me.

Still not lost? That's wonderful!! Too bad I'm confused.
Anyway....moving right along....
If you've read about me, you must then return to page 5.
But if you've chosen to see my self portrait, you must then go to the next to last page, and then, of course, the last page

OK--now if you are reading the article Think About This, you will then be taken to the second page of that article which will then make you go read all about me again.
Gosh, I'm sure sorry to pull a dirty trick like that on you. NOT!

Well, I think that covers everything. If not--it's because I'm lost too.
Have fun!

Oops! ........I almost forgot.
Go back to the