about me

People everywhere always want to know more about me. I recieve thousands (well---actually 100s) of E-mails daily from people wanting to know about me.
(OK, I told a little white lie, it's not 100s either. Just 1 or 2)
I recieved an E-mail just today, in fact, from one of my readers wanting to know, "When do you sleep?"
(The answer: morning, noon & night; except when I'm on the www)

You've read my page "All about me" but probably didn't learn much. You want to know MORE! So I decided to create this page, Frequently Asked Questions about me.

Would you like to ask me a question about myself? If so, just drop a line by

or post to my Bulletin board, and I will print the answer here.

Now on to the FAQS..

Question: When do you sleep?
Morning, noon and night; except when I'm on the www.

Question: What's your favorite color?
Purple, of course.

Question: What's your favorite beverage?

Question: Who is your favorite actor?
I don't really have one. I'm not into TV or movies enough to
know actors by name. When I see a movie I like I say, "I liked that
movie." But I can never remember who played in it.

Question: Are you really 10 feet tall and bullet proof?
Only when drunk.

Question: Why do you never wear anything but jeans and T shirts
Because I hate to dress up and T shirts are cheap.
(I once wore a tux for my sister's wedding. I even have a picture
to prove it, but you'll never see it posted here.)

Question: You've been know to chase 'fallen women.' Why??
They're the only women I have a chance of catching.

Question: You seem like a fairly normal guy. Why is your sister so weird?
She's from another planet. I found the egg she was hatched
from when I was 10 and asked my parents if we could keep it.
(Biggest mistake I ever made)

Question: Is that true about your sister?
OK--I made it up. I'm from another planet.

Question: What planet are you originally from?
OK--I made that up too

Question: Why do you lie so much?
I have an over-active imagination.

Question: How many hours do you spend on the internet each day?
I hate to admit this, but the fact is that I spend a minimum
of 4 hours on the web every day. Usually though, it's closer to 7
hours. I know I need to get a life!

Question: What is your opinion on sports?
All so-called "sports" ivolving a ball are not
really sports at all, but rather, time cosuming contests of
strenghth and/or agility played by overpaid, unworked nincompups
who have absolutely no chance of living a normal life. This includes,
but is not limited to, baseball, basketball, football, golf, bowling
and tennis. Hocky: substitute ball for puck, which hurts more if hit
with it.
Professional wrestling; This is not a sport either, but can be rather
entertaining if taken with a grain of salt.
There is only one real sport, and this is played by members of the
oposite sex, and involves the male using all the cunning and wile at
his disposal to get a female to agree to sleep with him; while the
female MUST find 1001 reasons not too. Winner takes all!