June 7, 1999

To all my "real" computer using friends, I wish to thank you for bearing with me during the past several weeks. I think I've got most of the bugs worked out now. I had to use a puter to do it, though.
I'm glad you all can finally see the dragon on the first page. That one was my fault; I used the <EMBED> tag instead of the <IMG> tag. Sorry about that.
As not all things work the same on all browsers, some of you may not be able to change the background color of a page when prompted to do so. WEBTV users, everything on these pages should work for you. These pages were created using WEBTV classic. I've tried to make these pages as user-friendly as possible. I understand that what appears on my TV screen may appear differently on a puter moniter. Someday soon, I hope to have a real puter, that will give me more options; but I will keep my WEBTV as well, because I want these pages to be user-friendly to WEBTVers.

I wish to express my gratitude to the following people.

Thanks Larry P. for the use of your scanner. I couldn't have put many pictures here at $2 per pic.

Thank you Chuck for the use of your scanner as well, and for teaching me how to rename & resize pictures. Thanks also for downloading the neccesary programs into Larry's puter.

Lolita M., you are always an inspiration! You stuck with me through 1001 e-mails when I was learning HTML, and I am forever indebted to you. Thanks also for the use of your puter yesterday.

Tom M., you are a genius! I couldn't have got my javascript to work without your input. And you claim not to know anything about java!

Thank you my friend, Denise, for checking my pages regularly and letting me know what did & didn't work. Your services were invaluable.

I wish to thank Dennis H. for listening to me babble on & on about HTML code and webpage building. I know you probably don't give a rat's #$@&, but you know how I love to babble.

Last but certainly not least, thank you Unique!! I enjoyed all those pats as much as you. It was those head patting sessions that got me through on those days when I wanted to give up on HTML code and my webpage. I owe you some doggy treats. (P.S. Don't tell Lolita when I've filled you with dog biskets. That will be our own little secret.

If I've missed anyone here, that's just an oversight on my part, nothing personal.

June 10,1999

You can now see the voting booth on "Rate My Site." I got a new booth for that page, as I could not get the background color on the beseen quizlet to change to white. I submitted my changes to beseen at least a dozen times, but still would not change the bgcolor!
The new voting booth is up and working fine. I appologize for any inconvinence this may have caused. Thanks

June 11,1999

I finally got a "Real" computer!! Well....it's not really mine. I'm just trying it out for a while. But, the guy that built it, did so with me in mind. I went to look at it yesterday, and it said to take it home and try it out for a while. If I decide to keep it, he'll let it go CHEAP, which is about all I can afford.
Now the trick is trying to figure out how to use the damn thing. I hooked it up when I got home from work, and even installed an anti-virus program, and hooked up to the internet by myself! That, I thought, was quite impressive; but from there on out, I was confused. I'm back on good ol' webtv now. At least this I understand.
I will learn how to operate that computer, though. Maybe by this winter I'll have it figured out enough to do some really cool stuff with my web pages. In the meantime: what you see is what you get..

June 20,1999

I have made a decission! I'm going to keep this computor. I really do prefer it for working on my web pages and other things as well. Webtv I like for surfing the web, and I will us it for that purpose only.
Now that I have some different options and teniques available to me, I suppose you're wondering when I'll put them to practice on my pages. Truth is; I still haven't got this puter figured out. I'm still learning. I also want to find a good program for fonts that I can download. I'm sure ZDnet has them for free, it's just a matter of finding the program which best suits my needs. Also, as I'm a little bit limited for space on my hard drive, I don't wnat to download some program that's going to take up 10 megs of space.
So be patient. When I get this thing figured out, I'll incorporate some cool stuff into my pages

This one is free for all to enjoy, especially Lolita, who brought the shrinking dragon to my attention..

My Dragon