Topic of the Month
articles for
August 1999

Name: Denise
Title: Humor
Late last summer I went to an AA meeting. There I saw a female friend of mine that I had not seen in quite awhile. She had been having alot of relapses and felt bad about it. She asked where she should sit and an older male said "Sit here!" I chimed in and said "No sit by me". Where upon the older gentleman said "No sit by me, I like you more" and I responded "No sit by me,its safer, I'm married". I believe that the best qualities of people and humor is the capacity to heal. It helps us all to realize just how humorous our lives and our attitudes really are.

Name: Lolita
Title: Humor
I have spent some time thinking about the topic of humor before commenting. Just what is Humor? A feeling, an emotion, a sight? When something strikes us as funny, we call it humor. But in our society today so much of what people think is funny is actually watching an accident which causes pain to someoneelse. Take Funniest Home Videos for instance, most of what is shown is an accident to a person and\or pet. Why do people think that is funny? Have we lost our compassion to empathize with the pain of others? To me Humor is something good that happens? My favorite is the Pepsi commercial of several years ago, with the little girl and several puppies. She is laughing and having such a good time that it simply made you feel good and laugh right along with her. The best stress reliever in this world is a good belly shaking laughing session. We must have laughter in our world or we will simply curl up into a small ball and wither away. Take a look at some of our homes for the aged. I'll take Soldiers in my Cup anytime.

Name: Mr. Ed
Title: Passing the Buck
Years ago I worked as a bartender in a small-town beerjoint. One day, as I was working, the owner, Sandy was there as well, visiting with one of the customers. Soon this customer ordered another beer and when I brought it, he handed Sandy his dollar and she then handed it to me to put in the till. I believe this is known as "passing the buck."

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