Creationism vs. the
Big Bang theory
& the theory of evolution

There seems to be a lot of disagreement between the religious leaders and the scientists, as to how the Earth (indeed-the universe, and life as we know it) was formed.

With this disagreement, of course, comes the question of what should we be teaching the children in our schools.

The United States was founded upon the principle of religious freedom, and also upon the principle of free speech. I firmly believe in these values.

At this time I would like to put forth the notions that:
1. There is a God
2. No one knows what took place billions of years ago when the universe was formed
3. Creationism and the Big Bang theory shouldn't be at odds

This said; then is it not possible that God created the universe with a big bang?

There also some who claimed that man was the first of Gods creatures to be placed upon the earth; yet we have fossil evidence proving the existance of dinosaurs millions of years before man came upon the scene. According Genesis, God created all the animals on the fifth day. Supposing that's true, who's to say that God didn't create dinosaurs first; which for reasons only God knows, they later died out, so He then created other animals to replace them. Yes, all this could have happened on the fifth day! How do you know how long one day is to God? I would like to suggest that one of God's days would be like several million years to us! Of course, this can't be proven; but neither can any other theory. We weren't there!

As far as evolution goes, I believe it's entirely possible. I do not take everything that's written in the bible literally. Maybe evolution was all part og God's master plan. Or maybe man was created separately as it's written in the bible, and only the other species evolved.

Well, there's some food for thought. As I stated earlier, these pages were meant to be thought provoking as well as fun. Or didn't you read the fine print?

Mr. Ed

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