Being as how these are my pages, I will be expressing some of my thoughts about recovery. I'm still pretty arrogant at times , and these pages are a labor of ego-feeding. Many of my ideas are controversial in nature. Feel free to disagree with me----everyone else does! But once again: these pages are meant to be thought provoking (return to homepage and read the fine print).

There are a lot of little sloagans that you hear in AA meetings accross the world. At this time I would like to address the phrase "Take what you like and leave the rest". I'm sure you've all heard it. I hate that phrase, and here's why.
For a long time in my sobriety, I was doing exactly that: taking what I liked and leaving the rest. Consequently, I usually took home a belly full of coffee, and nothing more.
When people started talking about getting honest, reading the big book, or working the steps; I didn't like it, and left it.

What about "No pain, no gain"? Cringe! Hopefully, we will gain from life's painfull experiences, but it doesn't always have to be that way. One thing AA has enabled me to do, is learn from the experience of others, and thereby spare myself a lot of pain.

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