Why Ask Why?

We alcoholics being prone to self pity have a tendency to ask, "Why me? Why did I have to become alcoholic? I certainly didn't deserve this!"

Is the answer to that age-old question so important? Does it really matter? To put it another way:
Let's say you suddenly found yourself in a canoe in the middle of a large lake without a paddle. Chances are, you wouldn't worry about how you got there; but rather how you were going to get to shore. Any wondering about how you wound up in that lake would be saved until you were safely ashore.

Alcoholism is the same way. We've got enough to do trying to recover from this malady, without wondering how or why we became that way. And once you do recover, it won't really matter anymore.

So I say to you....Why ask why? Ask rather....Why not?....Or if you really want to question things; ask why God chose to give you the gift of sobriety.

There is one thing I'm sure of today, and that's that my sobriety is a gift from God! I have no idea why He chose me to receive the gift. Surely there are others more deserving of sobriety than I! What did I do to deserve this wonderful gift? I lied, cheated, stole, walked all over anyone and everyone I perceived to be in my way. I banned God and mankind from my life. Never once did I erect a temple to the glory of God.
No, I don't deserve this gift; and yet God has seen fit to bestow it upon me. So I shall not ask why I became alcoholic, but I will humbly ask God what can I do today to be of maximum service to Him and to others.

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