Serenity Prayer
AA Preamble
The 12 Steps
The 12 Traditions
The Promises
This next bit of writing really has very little to do with AA; but as always, I like to express my opinions, and hopefully give you some food for thought.

This deal about several of the states suing the cigarette manufacturers (and winning) really bothers me. There are three things wrong with it.
1. It was wrong of the cigarette makers to lie in court about the effects of smoking on the human body.
2. It was wrong of the states to sue the cigarette manufacturers.
3. The states should never have won those lawsuits.

Let me clarify. It's possible that my being a smoker clouds my judgment; but I don't think so. When I quit drinking, I did not feel a need to sue to manufacturers of my favorite grog for all the physical damage it had done me and the mess it had made of my life. I drank of my own free will. Nobody ever had to force me to drink! Granted when I crossed the line into alcoholism, I no longer had a choice but to drink. Who's fault is that? Mine! I shouldn't have started to begin with. One thing AA has taught me is to take responsibility for my own actions. Placing blame elsewhere is no longer acceptable for me. This same principle applies to the cigarette issue. Everyone knows smoking is harmful! That's been proven thirty-some odd years ago. Yet people still choose to smoke. Don't go blaming the cigarette makers.

Of course the states claim they need to get back the loses due to people being hospitalized as a result of smoking. EXCUSE ME! I pay my insurance premiums like everyone else. The state of Minnesota never had to pay one red cent for my hospitalization when I suffered a heart attack last year!

So the cigarette manufacturers lied about the effects of smoking. In a way I don't blame them for their dishonesty. They were only trying to protect their own best interests, which when it gets right down to the nitty gritty, we all do. The cause for their dishonesty should never had happened. Besides, let the government be honest--The U.S. government and the individual state's government make billions of dollars per year in cigarette tax revenues! They autta be grateful to the cigarette companies and all the smokers.

Well there's more food for thought. As always, I appreciate your comments.


"Much to do about nothing"