Think About This

Why is it that the United States government deems it necessary to legislate everything it considers dangerous, inappropriate or immoral?
First let me state that I love my country and would defend it to my death. One great thing about America is that I can speak out against it, on the internet or my own hometown; and no one will barge into my house in the middle of the night, and cart me off to prison for my un-patriotic political views.

There are two issues I would like to address at this time. The first is prostitution, and the second is illegal drugs.

About prostitution; it's illegal in most of the states, yet takes place everywhere. Any commodity is sure to be bought, sold, traded and bartered for. And this is also true of a "women's commodity", as it was called in franker times.

So where does our government get off legislating prostitution as illegal? They'll never stop it. OK, some claim it is immoral, indecent and unclean. Maybe. But who decides? If we are going to go by the Christian Bible, it is indeed immoral. But remember, in some cultures prostitution is not only legal, but has NO social stigma attached to it. Excuse me for disagreeing with the Bible, but I'm not so sure that Christianity has all the answers.

It is truly my belief and wish that prostitution should be legalized. And the prostitutes themselves should have to have regular medical check ups, not only for their protection, but for the protection of their clients as well.

OK, I can hear some of you now! You probably think that I'm hard-up for sex. I can assure you, this is not the case. I have never found it necessary to rely on a whore to fulfill my manly desires. I still get it free, if on a somewhat irregular basis. But my hat's off to any woman who can make a living by selling her body. More power to them if they can stand the occupation.

Now to address

illegal drugs

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