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This great idea comes from my friend, Denise.

Here's the rules:
The topic this month (September '99) is "Faith." Please write a brief article on that subject by the 25th of the month, and sign your name or handle. At that time readers can vote on the article they liked best and the winner gets to pick next months' topic. Chosen topics can be any subject of interest to you (AA related, current event, history, arts & crafts, etc..). My only request is that you keep it somewhat clean. If I find an article here filled with words like "@(*^%$@", it will be deleted.

I will post the winner's name on this page by the 27th, and they may then E-mail me with their chosen topic for next month.

Now let's all have fun with this. Remember the topic is "Faith."

sept. 20, 1999
Please disregard wht you just read.
From now until the end of December the topic is open. Write about anything at all. The topic you write about is yours to choose. We will go back to a new topic each month starting Jan. 1 in the year 2000. Remember to vote for your favorite. Winner chooses the first topic of the new year.

OK, everyone have fun with this. Now is your chance to sound-off about anything you like. You may contribute more than once. So for you ambitious types, start writing & enlighten us.Grin.

Get ready to type now. You will be directed to the page to post your article when you click "POST" below.

Next month's topic will be chosen by:
Lolita (congratulations on being August's winner!)
E-mail me with your topic

OK, you've read the articles and submitted your own. Now you may vote on the article you liked best. To vote, type in the author's name and click "Add"

Would you like to vote now?