What's New?

You can always tell when I've updated my site by viewing my main page. Unfortunately, it's not always so easy to find what the updates are. That's the reason for this page, to show you at a glance what's new at Mr. Ed's. Whenever I update my pages, I will update this page as well and let you know briefly what changes I've made to my site.
For example: This page is new (July 18,1999).

August 27,1999
New today! A Trivia Contest page!! Answer the Trivia question
correctly and win a prize.

August 30,1999
New songs added to my jukebox today. Enjoy!
Any reguests? I'll see what I can do.
Also if you entered my site through the entry page, you've seen the
newest addition. Something done on a dare.
But for those of you who missed it, here it is again:
COOL, huh?

September 2,1999
I was up real early this morning adding two new awards
that I've won.
One of them was in this morning's E-mail, the other I
received on August 30th, but just now got around to
putting on my page; because contrary to what I claim
on another page, I do have some kind of life. LOL
See my new awards here.

Sept 12,1999
By request; I added two more versions of the
Serenity Prayer. Click Here & follow the links.

Sept 19,1999
Two things new!
I've created some awards you could possibly
win from Mr. Ed's. Check them out. If you've
got a webpage, try for one.

I'm also in the process of making a new
website called Busy B's.

You can access both of these from the
opening page

Sept 26,1999
As I'm sure you've noticed, I've changed
the name of this site from "Mr. Ed's" to
"Mr. Ed's 2,000"
because this site is now Y2K compliant.

If this sounds somehow familiar, I must
admit to plagiarism. On the Late Show, I
heard my buddie, David Letterman rename
his show to Late Show 2,000. And that,
of course, is where I stole the idea.

Oct 10,1999
The ol' homepage has a brand new look. But
I guess you already noticed that.
I hope it makes navigating my site easier.
