Do you have a webpage and feel you deserve some recognition. You may apply for my award. To win, you must meet the following requirements.

First, you must sign my guestbook. I will not consider any sites from anyone who doesn't sign the book. NO exceptions.

I must like your page. It's my award, so if I don't like it, you don't win it. Please don't be offended if you don't win an award. Many fine sites are overlooked by me simply because I don't care for them. Just my personal taste.

Webpages of all kinds or subjects will be considered including sex sites. Content doesn't matter, quality and my personal taste does.

You page must load within a reasonable amount of time. If I have time to go to the bathroom, make a sandwich and watch a TV sitcom before your page loads, it WILL NOT be considered. I will, of course, make allowances for slow connections and so forth. Also, if your page is about backgrounds, animated gifs and the like, I will take that into consideration as those types of pages typically load slower.

If you win one of my awards, you MUST link back to my page. I will check.

The awards you can win are shown below. To apply, send me an E-mail stating why you feel your page deserves an award and tell me which award you'd like.

Good luck!

Awards #1 & #2

award award

Awards #3 & #4

award award

Award #5