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Naga Land

Nagaland or the Naga country means the areas inhabited by the Nagas in North-East India and North-West Myanmar living in between the Brahmaputra valley of India and Chindwin river of Myanmar unless otherwise specified as Nagaland State or Naga hills of Manipur (South Nagaland) or eastern Nagas (Myanmar). Nagaland is situated in the Tri-junction of India, China and Myanmar at 93° to 97° longitude and 23° to 28° latitude. The size of the Naga inhabited areas is approximately 100,000 which has been divided and ruled under different nations. Some areas are partitioned in India  different States of Manipur, Nagaland, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, and a great portion in Myanmar. The Nagaland lies in between Brahmaputra river on the west, Chindwin river on the East, bordered China on the north and Mizo hills on the south. The size of the whole Naga territory would be even more than seven times of the whole present Nagaland State.

The beauty of the Dziiko Valley

Dziiko Valley tucked away at an altitude of 2438.4 meters above sea level. is at a 30-km. distance from the Kohima city. From June to September the entire valley is a carpet of wild flowers. The lilies - white and yellow, the aconitums the enphobias etc., the crystal clear water of the stream leisurely meandering through the valley,..…all in all, offer an unforgettable experience. The numerous low cluster of hillocks surrounding the vale, contains some cosy natural caves and rocky over-hangs, ideal for camping.

The Naga country has rich minerals like iron-chromium, nickel cobalt, copper etc.The Naga region in general has a cool salubrious climate. Winter is cold, summer is pleasant. It is covered with ever- green vegetation all seasons through. Rainfall is abundant. Every mountain, ridges, range and peak has a legend to tell. The forest is very dense it has rich economic resources.The economic trees like titachap, bongsong pine, cane, bamboo etc are plentifully available. The forest also has abundance of edible plants and fruits. The forest also has got many medecinial-value plants.

Agriculture is the main occupation of the people in the region terrace wet-cultivation is the main method of cultivation. Practice of Jhum cultivation is almost abandoned. Rice is the staple food of the people. The vegetables like cabbage, potato, mustard, maize bean squash etc are grown and fruits like- peach, plum, pears, lemon, grapes, banana, etc are also grown in abundance. Animal farming, pisciculture, agriculture, forest based industries, handloom and handicraft are the prospective economic activities of the region.


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Developed By Mr.B Koheni Moses.