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Operation Bluebird

Indian Security forces has been carrying out counter insurgency operation in Naga country since 1954 and till today in various means and inflicted the innocent Naga public. In course of the operation, the Indian forces had beaten, tortured and murdered the public in inhuman manners, raped and sexually molested our women, burnt down entire villages and destroyed properties, for instance Khonoma Village was burnt down for seven times and Chiifiimei village for seven times and likewise in many other Naga villages. The innocent public do not dare to speak out the reason why and the opportunistic and commercial politician do not come out to rescue the public from the jaws of the bloodthirsty Indian armed forces. How small the Naga country it may be is inevitable to repulse the enemies from our country. Fighting, killing between the nationalists and aggressors is a daily phenomenon in the Naga country. The Indian forces are always hitting below the belt, but inspite of any amount of death toll of Naga patriot in any combat, we do not retaliate against the Indian innocent public but the Indian army avenged its dead and loss of arms and ammunition from the innocent Naga public and extorted properties from them to make good the lost in the war and tortured the public in inhuman manners at various parts of Naga country. To avenge the losses they launched an operation in an action of the Indian security forces to the innocent Naga public in recent time following the camp attack of Assam Rifles post at Oinam in Manipur by men of NSCN (IM) July 9, 1987 was unprecendentedly the worst of its kind in Shepoumaramth area, also one of the biggest loss for the Indian independent country, in which arms and ammunition had been snatched away with 90 SLR, 22 stengun, 10 LMG, 60 mortrar bomb, 396 hand granade, over 27,808 round of ammunition. The Indian government have launched the operation under the code name of "Operation Blue-Bird". In the name of counter-insurgency, the Assam Rifles let loose a reign of terror in the entire area of Oinam. The excesses committed in the operation bluebird by Assam Rifles is  historic in the annals of theNaga national movement. That with the help of the Naga People's Movements for Human Rights, and other organisations, the armed forces were brought to the court. This is the first time in the long torturous history of violation of human rights of our people to bring the guilty officers of Indian security forces to stand in the dock and answer the charges of murder, rape, looting and arson.

Area of Operation Within 24 hours of raiding, the Assam rifles have sealed off the area, and on July 11, 1987 an extensive combing operation was launched with the code name "Operation Bluebird" with a view to genocide the Naga public under the cover of recovering the looted arms and ammunition. Operation-Bluebird was carried out in surrounding thirty villages of Oinam- Oinam, Thingba Khullen, Thigba Khunou, Khabung, Sorbung, Ngamju, Purul Akutpa, Purul Atongba, Koide Maiba, Phuba Thapham, Phuba khuman, Liyai, Chingmei khullen, Chingmei khunou, Phaibung khullen, Phaibung khunou, Lakhamai Sirong, Sirong Shofii, Kodom Khravo, Khongdei khuman, Khongdei Shimgphum, Khonggei Ngawar, Thiwa, Ngairi Khullen, Ngairi Leishang, Ngiri Raiduloumai, Tingsong and Khamson. The Operation carried out for nearly four months lasted till the end of October 1987.

Excesses in Operation
Within a few days of launching the operation , the Assam Rifles shot dead fifteen persons after subjecting them to inhuman torture. There were  serious of reports of villagers being subjected to all kinds of cruel inhuman and degrading treatment by the Assam Rifles. The whole area was imposed with curfew. The villagers were made to stand in the open, exposed to torrential rains and scorching heat for weeks. The Assam Rifles went from house to house searching and looting valuable things of the villagers. People were not allowed to go to their fields and to tend their cattle's, thereby millions worth rupees of agricultural crops were destroyed. The Assam Rifles, chasing up and down the villagers, grouping them beating and torturing the able-bodied young man after stripping them naked before the public view as  dreaded criminals, confined the mammoth in the concentration camp and kept them for days together without food and water, and not even  the infants, the sick, and the aged men were spared. Many people were shot dead, many adults and babies died due to constant harassment, forced starvation and denial of medical aid and many died of shock seeing   their dear ones tortoured to death. The Naga people have no human value before the Assam Rifles. Hundreds of villagers were severely beaten and subjected to third degree method of torture. Men were blind-folded, hangd upside down, buried alive, given electric shocks, tied four limbs, kept for days together and dragged around at times, put chilly powder to the eyes and nostrils, beaten with Rifles butts, wooden logs, iron rod, lathis from foot to head, beaten leg on the table, crushed hand on the ground which leading to haemotysise, bone fracture, head injury, boxed on the face, chest, ear, pierced with needle or nails which caused many to hearing impairment and fractured ribs and many maimed and handicapped for life. Two women were forced to gave birth in the open air in-front of the Jawans,. mothers were forced to work for the Assam Rifles on the day of delivery, hundreds of villagers were forced to labour for the Assam Rifles for months without payment. Many houses were burnt down, several churches and schools were dismantled. Interrogation were made at gun-point, inserting pistol in the mouth. Pointing at forehead and  heart etc. In such manner, the Assam Rifles had tortured the innocent public on the plea of searching for the lost arms.

Abrogation of civil Administration
Many public leaders, political leaders, journalists, student leaders,had voiced their concern and sent representation to the government. However, no official commission of enquiry or even an administrative investigation was forthcoming. The leaders coming to see the people were tortured and sent to jails on false charges. The Assam Rifles had completely disregarded the civil administration and ran a parallel administration in the area. The civil law had ceased to operate in Senapati District of Manipur. The Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of Police were wrongfully confined, humiliated and prevented from discharging their duty by the Assam Rifles and the Chief Minister was made helpless in protecting the villagers from the Assam Rifles' atrocities. Thus the Assam Rifles overthrew the civil government and ran a Nazi type of despotic government in the area which have taken a heavy toll of many lives and devastated  immeasurable amount of properties. The toll list of major victim-villages are  as under: -

1. Oinam Village

    P. Sanglong, Village chairman -Shot dead.
    Th. Wakhao, G.B -Shot dead.
    L.P. Ring, Asst. teacher -Shot dead.
    B. Lash, School secretary -Shot dead.
    Mrs. Thekhala w/o, Ngaoni -died of shock
    Mrs. Thone w/o Sangao -died of shock
    Mrs. Lala w/o, Lama -died of shock
    Miss. Thila w/o, Kang -died of shock
    Th. Pao s/o, Thithi -died of starvation in the concentration camp.
    Mr. Martin s/o, Longma -died of starvation in the concentration camp.
    Mr. Henry s/o. Sangdua -died of starvation inthe  concentration camp.
    Miss. Khaila d/o, Dowang -died of starvation in the concentration camp.

    56 innocent villagers beaten and tortured.
    65 houses dismantled
    2 houses burnt
    Mr. Loathe buried alive.
    Mrs. Khola - forced-delivery before the public view.
    Mrs. Lomana - forced-delivery before public view.

2 Khongdei Khuman

    Zumo, headman - Shot dead
    Th. Tungta teacher - shot dead
    R. Khoula, G.B - Shot dead
    Kh. Seinai, G.B Shot dead

    34 innocent villagers beaten and tortured.
    20 houses brunt down
    1 woman tortured and raped.

3 Khondei Shimphung

    M. Esau, V.A - shot dead
    M Thawa, V.A - shot dead
    34 villagers beaten and tortured
    12 houses dismantled and burnt many precious properties were looted.

4 Phuba Khuman

    24 persons beaten and tortured
    2 women tortured and molested.
    4 houses dismantled and burnt.

5 Phuba Thapham

    Mrs. Lachao-e w/o, Viesii died of shock
    Mr. P Pazii teacher -died of shock
    35 persons beaten and tortured.

6. Ngari Khullen

    Rangkhao, Headman shot dead
    Mathol-mi, V.A shot dead.
    20 persons beaten and tortured

7.Thingba Khullen

    4 persons seriously beaten.
    6 houses dismantled.

8 Thingba Khunou

    Mr. Seva, Church chowkidar shot dead
    6 houses dismantled
    4 persons severely beaten.

9 Ngamju

    6 persons seriously beaten
    6 houses burnt down
    24 houses dismantled.

10. Phaibung Khullen

    13 persons beaten black & blue.
    1 house dismantled.

11 Phaibung Khunou

    13 persons beaten black and blue.
    1 house dismantled

12. Kodom

    15 persons severely beaten
    3 houses dismantled
    2 houses burnt down.

13. Shirong

    5 persons beaten black and blue
    3 houses dismantled

14. Lakhamai

    7 persons beaten black and blue

15. Liyai

    13 persons beaten black and blue

16. Tinsong

    4 persons severely beaten

17. Purul

    12 persons severely beaten

18. Koide

    8 persons severely beaten

19 Maiba

    8 persons severely beaten

20 Sorbung

    7 persons severely beaten

21 N. Mayangkhang

    12 persons severely beaten

22 Pudunamai

    1 person killed.

Many public leaders, student leaders, and political leaders were arrested and tortured
, namely: -

  1. Th Liba, MDC
  2. Th Saloni, MDC
  3. L.R Maki, MDC
  4. L Kasaso, MDC
  5. Th Puni, MDC
  6. Angelius, District Council Chairman
  7. P.S Pou, Public Leader
  8. V. Solomon, Congress Worker
  9. Thio Daniel, Student leader
  10. L Jonathan, Public leader
  11. Chokriviyi Venyo, Naga Student Federation (NSF), delegate
  12. Neikho Lhousa, Vice President NSF
  13. Keviletuo Kheiwhou, NSF delegate
  14. L Lohe, President Mao Student Union.
  15. Artex Shimray, President ANSAM (All Naga Student Association in Manipur)

Human Rights Movement

Civil liberties and Human Rights Organisation (CLAHRO) was the first to file petition to the Guwahati High Court for release of illegally arrested public leaders and villagers. Another case was filed by the Manipur Baptist Convention Women's Union on rape, sexual molestation, forced labour and porters on womenfolk by theAssam Rifles. The atrocities continued unabated. In this the Naga People's Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) had filed writ petition on October 5, 1987 on the atrocities committed by the Assam Rifles. The petition was supported by a large member of affidavits given by the victims. The petitions has annexed memoranda, and appeals made by various political and voluntary groups to the state and central government for necessary action of the excesses of Assam Rifles and relief of the victims. In support of these charges the Naga People's Movement for Human Right filed dozens of affidavits of victims, memorandums, petitions, News paper reports and other documents running into more than a thousand pages. The NPMHR in the writ petition has asked the court for necessary action against the excesses committed by the Assam Rifles during the Operation Bluebird.

  1. Revoking the notification declaring Senapati District as a disturbed area under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.

  2. To lay down guidelines to ensure that civil administration can effectively check misuse of power by the Armed Forces during the combing operations.

  3. To declare section 6 of the Armed Forces Special power Act unconstitutional. Because of this section no one can file any case against the Security Forces even if they commit crimes without first obtaining permission from the central Government, an impossible condition for the villagers in the hill areas.

  4. Examplary damages to be paid to the families of those tortured to death, to those  who were assaulted or raped, to the house owners whose houses   were dismantled or burnt; to those who were tortured or illegally detained; to those whose goods were looted or destroyed and to all those who were forced to work without payment.

  5. Criminal cases be filed against the guilty men and officers of the Assam Rifles. High Court has directed the Sessions Judge, Manipur on 6 July, 1988 to record the evidence on the following charges of murder, torture, rape, illegal detention, dismantling and desecration of churches, dismantling of houses, schools, forced labour and looting by the Assam Rifles during the operation Bluebird.

    1. The Assam Rifles have killed 27 innocent Naga public after subjecting them to inhuman torture of which 21 were shot dead after torture and the rest died due to forced starvation, denial of medical aids in the concentration camp, and shock of torture.

    2. Three women were raped, five women were sexually molested two women were forced to get delivered child before the public view, pregnant women were forced to use as potter.

    3. 340 persons were beaten and tortured in third degree methods of various inhuman manners, 96 persons were arrested and detained at their camp for weeks in inhuman condition.

    4. 125 residential houses were burnt and 172 houses were dismantled, 10 churches and 6 schools were dismantled

    5. Millions of rupees worth of property were looted and annihilated. For instance they have looted property of 50,7900/- worth at  Oinam, Ngamju, Khongdei Shimphung, Khongdei Khuman, Kodom Khullen and Sorbung villages. More than 50,000 men  were force to labour without wages, used for jungle cutting, camp construction, transporting goods etc. and million of rupees worth of crops were destroyed by un-tended cattles and Jawans.


The Naga People's Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) was the chief opponent against the Assam Rifles, but the organisation has meager resources to   handle the case if alone, since the case was a big one. Later, four organisations - NPMHR, United Naga Council, (UNC) Manipur Baptist Convention Women's Union (MBCWU) and All Naga Students Association, Manipur. (ANSAM) together formed a body known as - Coordination Committee on Oinam Issue (COCOI) in October 1987 and decided to pool in their resources and take up the issue. Helping the advocates, contacting villagers and co-ordinating the various aspects of work related to the petition, in order to put an end to the armed atrocities and to restore the rule of law in the area. This is how the COCOI came into being. Several other capacities. NSF (Naga Students' Federation) CLARHO (Civil right and human Right Organisation), NDFHR (Naga Doctor's Forum on Human Right, BCIRO (Bombay and Calcutta Democratic Right Organisation) AMSU (All Manipur Students Union). Not only organisations but also individuals like the internationally renowned dancer Uma Sharma came to Manipur and Nagaland and performed voluntarily to help COCOI in order to put down military atrocities to an end.

In the course of time the members of the COCOI witnesses had been intimidated by the Assam Rifles. They tried to terrorize the people into silence and filed false criminal cases against the key witnesses and prevented the villagers from coming to Imphal, illegally arrested, detained to refrain from attending the court, the Assam Rifles' advocate Mr. T. Bhubon Singh threatened to use force against the lawyer for NPMHR. Later the Assam Rifles raided MBC (Manipur Baptist Church) girl hostel where the advocate of NPMHR was staying and threatened to use force against her. Further Assam Rifles filed criminal cases under terrorist Act against church leaders and NPMHR activist. The goodwill mission of NSF who went to Oinam were arrested and tortured, the national press was forbidden to visit the affected area by AssamRifles, no local journalists were allowed to enter the area. The Assam Rifles spread unfounded rumours like," the NPMHR activists are anti-national, supporter of underground". Besides certain local politicians are behind this case who procured witnesses for Assam Rifles. Again no politicianl during the time has had the gut to help and stand for its people. Against all odds and hindrance the NPMHR had been able to continue because of the indomitable courage of the villages, which has been a constant source of inspiration.

Amnesty international

Human Rights Organisations all over the country and even international organisation voiced their concern over blatant interference of Assam Rifles in the judicial process. Amnesty international gave the following statement to the 45th United Nations' commission on Human Rights.

" In some countries, serious machinery for independent judicial investigation may be in place but its efforts to investigate human rights may by sabotaged. A court in India has been investigating allegations of reprisal killing and torture of villagers by the Assam Rifles in Manipur State. It is reported that members of the Assam Rifles have reportedly tried to intimidate witnesses, even resorting again to torture, and also to intimidate one of the lawyers by invading her lodging and threatening to use force against her. The government of India has regrettably not responded to amnesty international's request to observe the proceeding. "

The atrocious excesses of the Assam Rifles during the Operation Bluebird has become an international issue with the London based Human Rights Organisation who mainly concern for the protection of Human Rights. The amnesty international alarmed the Indian government for not allowing its observers to hear the court proceedings at Manipur in connection with this incident. In a letter on 1st Nov. 1988, the International Agency addressed the Union Home Minister to take up steps to, ensure that all complaints of abuses and witnesses to such acts be protected against ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of their complaint or any evidence given as in article 13 of  the UN convention against torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading  treatment  or punishment urge all government to do. The international agency wrote seventy-three-page document against the extra judicial executions in Manipur during Operation Bluebird committed by Assam Rifles.

The sessions Judge ended recording of evidence and has transferred all the record to the High Court, Gauhati on April 21, 1990, The High Court has completed hearing is awaited the verdict. The COCOI has won the moral and political victory is expected the legal too.


            Words: Wati Aier
            Music: Takatemjen.

            Last night I read in a local newspaper
            It was the story of Oinam.
            What a story of sin and shame!
            The Jawans molested and raped my sisters!
            In torrential rain and scorching heat
            Men and women were made to stand.

            I cried in the silence choking my shout from rusting out.
            How long are we to bear such an insult?
            That day when the sun sunk behind Oinam hills.
            The desires and dreams of this land rekindled

            That day mothers wept at the graves
            The church became concentration camps.
            Men were beaten up and hung down
            Two women gave birth to their babies
            In the open air in front of Jawans
            Oh! Oinam, what a nightmare.

            Oinam, Oinam, Oinam, Oh! Oinam
            You are a sign of bondage and slavery,
            If my people forget you Oh Oinam
            Let them never, never sing again.

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