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   The People of Naga Land

The very simple answer is "The Wooden Platters and Head Strapers". A legend goes on to say that a family comes out of the 'trough'. They were called the Naga family. History says the Naga family came from southern China of Yunnam province enrouted to the adjoining island world routed back to Chiangmei and then moved to upper Myanmar and settled at Samsok after crossing Chingwin river, later settled at Makhel and spread to the present habitats. This family group is known as the "NAGAs". The Nagas are a mongolian racial group. They are generally well built, tall, slim, reddish in complexion. But the physical features cannot describe or tell us in detail who are the Nagas unless you know them by it's moral character, belief and culture. The trees are known by it's fruit so are the Nagas, they are also known by their culture, social system, way of life and high moral character. The Nagas are a distinct and one of the finest race. They are simple, sincere, honest, industrious, humorous, cheerful, courteous, straight forward, truthful. they are free and open society. No family pays tax to other, no landlord harass the labours, no tenant pays rent. Theft, murder, cheating are unknown.

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Nagas are a very peculiar and special people. They are very much social animal. They have a well organised society. Society is above everything. Every names of hills, river, mountain, ridges, village and persons have a significant meaning. Names are indicative of one's social position. The poor man cannot give his son or daughter the name of rich or war for the fear of the society. The names of the children are given according to the performance of the parents and it's ancestors. Thus the Nagas are not known by physical feature alone but by his custom, tradition, moral character and way of life.

The people whom we called the Nagas are the people living in the present Nagaland state, the Naga hills of Manipur, in the north Cachar, Mikir hills, Lakhimpur, Nowgong and Sibsagar districts of Assam, in the north-east of Arunachal Pradesh, in the Somra tract and its contiguos parts of Myanmar. The Nagas are a distinct people and a separate entity in every sense - racially, culturally, linguistically, religious and historically. They are different shape and colour from Indian. The Nagas has altogether 77 different tribes, of which 16 tribes in Nagaland State, 12 tribes in southern Nagaland (Manipur), one tribe in Assam, 27 tribes in Eastern Nagaland (Myanmar), and 21 tribes in Arunachal Pradesh.




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Developed By Mr. B Koheni Moses.