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 Naga Political

Every Naga village is an independent village state maintains their own sovereignty. They were frequently attacked to one another village. That is why the villages were built on the hilltop for strategic convenience the primary consideration of village site was defensive viability. Each village fiercely maintained its entity. The nagas are defence conscious because every village attained the status of sovereignty states. Sovereignty was maintained at the cost of the heroes. Through the nagas Village State small it may be, they have the basic ingredient of a state. That they have the territory, population, sovereignty and the government and the government with the hereditary king. The king is the head of the state also the head of the religion. All public ceremonies, rites, and rituals are performed by the chief of the village. The chief first sow the seeds, transplant the paddy and first to harvest it. He performed all religious ceremonies of the village, presided over all village meetings and adjunction of cases. The defence of the external aggression and maintenance of internal problems are the preliminary concern of the king. The king is the administrator, the chief judge, the chief commander, and the chief priest of village. The king is highly honoured by the villagers. Every animal killed for community festivals and all wild animal killed are given king's share. The king is above the public.

The village chief is assisted by the members of the village council known as village authority (v.a). The number of the members varied from village to village according to the size of population. The members are elected from time to time. The persons of higher intelligent, sociable, good orator, good moral character, high social standing are elected member of council. Every village state pursued an independent foreign policy. Each village state has its own defence system. Administration is indigenous and independent. Its economy is local self-sufficient.


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Developed By Mr. B Koheni Moses.