1. Stop depreciating yourself. There is a lot
that is right in you. Empty your mind of
'failure' thoughts and mistakes and
start seeing yourself as a competent person.
2. Eliminate self-pity thoughts. Start
thinking of what you have instead of dwelling on
what you may have lost. List your
assets of personality and talent.
3. Quit thinking constantly of yourself. Think
of others. Actually go out and look for
someone who needs the kind of help
you can give and then give it freely.
4. Remember the words of Goethe. He who
has a firm "will" moulds the world to
himself. Almighty has put a
tough power into human beings called the will. Use it.
5. Have a goal and put an achievable
timetable on it.
6. Stop wasting your mental energy on past events and start thinking about
what to
do. Now amazing things happen when
you think constructively.
7. Every morning and every evening
repeat these words aloud: "I can do whatever I
can plan".
8. Everyday say three times, "Every
day in every way I am becoming better and
9. Think and practice joy everyday.
10. Get enthusiasm; Think enthusiasm; live enthusiastically;