Chapter 13

The Tomorrow Trilogy

by Pendragn

---Section 1: Star Fall

“But my liege, we really can’t afford to deny the Shi’Ar offers any longer.  The plague has struck down nearly all of our trueblood centurions, and yourself...” Arak  Daat, one of the four ruling councilors of Xandar, confided in Adora, Queen of Xandar. She  looked at him, with tired eyes.

“Arak, I don’t TRUST the Shi’Ar! For months now they have been trying to  bully their way into controlling Xandar, and then, when they threatened the trade  embargoes that forced us to send Saal to Earth to discharge Richard Rider...” So much had  happened in the short time since Xandar’s rebirth. Adora sometimes had difficulty  keeping it all straight in her head.

“Then they, somehow, managed to bribe Coulter into letting them run  surveillance spheres out of our centurion installations...” Adora knew she could not place all of  that particular event’s blame on councilor Coulter. She too had thought keeping a closer eye  on sectors under NovaCorps protection would be useful. How naive she had been.

The other councilor in the chamber with Adora, Meria Layc, placed her hand  on top of Adora’s, feeling it shake from the many effects of the clonal degeneration.  “Xandar is too powerful, too trusted, to be allowed to become part of the Shi’Ar. With our  reputation, and the resources of the Nova-Force, the Shi’Ar would rule this universe  uncontested, no power could stop them. We’ve taken a vote, your majesty, just amongst  ourselves. I and Nohr are opposed to consolidation with the Empire, while Coulter and  Arak...” Meria looked with deep contempt at her colleague across the room. “Well, I think  you know where they stand. We need your decision, my Queen.”

The hissing sound of the automated door granted Adora a moment’s reprieve  from answering the query of her advisors, as Nohr Vaul, the youngest of the  advisors, entered. He looked visibly shaken. “My Queen, I have word from the World-Mind. The  First Centurion has taken ill. It.. it is the degeneration, my liege.”

Adora touched her hand to her face, suppressing a shuddering sob. The First  Centurion, as custom held, was her mate and dearest love. “If Tanak is ill, I have no  choice. Alert Deathbird’s vessel. I am ready to discuss a merger.”


“Stop them!” Blasts of gravimetric energy tore from a small cluster of  blue-skinned men standing guard in front of the door to the royal audience chamber, the  energy colliding with Richard Rider’s chest, only to be absorbed.

As Dagger let fly a volley of light knives and Firestar disabled the  temporarily stunned guards, Carlton peered around the corner and looked at the fallen corpsmen.

“Rich, why is it that not a single one of the centurions we’ve fought in the  last 20 minutes has been Xandarian?”


Nohr Vaul looked at the endless rows of medical bays, lining what had once  been the great auditorium, looking for all the world like a graveyard for those who are not  yet dead, but no longer alive. The sounds of medical equipment echoed off of the vaulted  ceilings, and the occasional sound of a lifesign leveling off into the flat line of the  afterlife helped to shroud the room in a melancholy that suited Nohr’s mood. He stood there,  waiting for Arak, anxious about what the near future held for the Xandarian people.

He heard the soft footfall of the eldest advisor behind him, and turned,  looking upon his mentor in the soft light of the auditorium-cum-hospital. He did not look as  though any of his worries had been alleviated by Adora’s decision.

Nohr spoke, hesitantly at first. “I failed. I sent Firelord to Earth, trying  to retrieve the prime matrix, but he failed. Somehow, we lost contact with the ship, and  Pyreus. I.. failed my queen. It must be as you said Arak, surely Rider’s matrix can heal the  queen, but my attempts to obtain it have been failures. I can see no choice but to side  with you and Coulter, Xandar must have the help of the Shi’Ar physicians...”

Arak looked at the youthful councilor, pride swelling on his face. “You have  not failed your Queen, my boy, you’ve saved her! With your endorsement, we have  complete agreement within the Council. Whether Adora likes it or not, Xandar and  Shi’Ar shall become one, and this terrible sickness can end!”

“Complete agreement? But I thought Meria was still opposed...” Nohr looked  confused, but as Arak placed a re-assuring hand on his shoulder, everything seemed to  get better.

“Coulter is, even as we speak, convincing our female counterpart of the..  merits of siding with us. Now.. get some sleep, my boy. Tomorrow morning, when Deathbird  arrives, we shall have a historic event upon our hands. You’re name will go down in  history.. Nohr Vaul, the man who saved Xandar!” Arak ushered Nohr out of the auditorium,  even as a quiet buzz began to come from his coat pocket.

Reaching inside and removing his communications device, just as the doors  closed, Arak was greeted by the visage of a gray skinned nova centurion. “Lord Arak, the  Terrans have reached Adora’s chamber! What do we do?”

“Fool! Had Nohr heard that Rider is here, you could have just ruined  everything! It doesn’t matter what those Earthlings tell Adora now, we have unanimous  consent among the council, she is powerless to stop us. Summon all corpsmen, and whatever  you do, keep them contained in that chamber.”

“But sir, one of the terrans, the one with the Kymellian energies... he has  made his way to the port and re-taken his starcraft! What do we do about him?”

“Blow the smartship out of the sky.”


“Richard!” Adora, Queen of Xandar, sat bolt upright in the combination  throne-bed she was currently confined to, as, in a burst of microwave energy, the small  contingent of New Warriors that had come to Xandar seeking to resolve the Shi’Ar/Xandarian  conspiracy once and for all, entered the royal throne room.

“Oh my God...” Rich looked at the Queen, who had been, when he last saw her,  a beautiful, vital young woman. Now she looked awful, her skin discolored and  hanging loosely from her emaciated frame. Her hair was falling out, and her entire  body seemed to be quivering. The only parts of her that retained the vivacity of her  previous stature were her eyes. They gleamed with something that had become foreign to them in the  times since Rider’s expulsion from the Nova corps. Hope.

Carlton approached the Queen, bowing awkwardly. “My lady, I haven’t had the  pleasure. I am Carlton LaFroyge, otherwise known as Hindsight. My companions are Tandy Bowen, Dagger.. and the others I believe you’ve met, Angelica  Jones-Astrovik, Firestar.. and...” Carlton began to realize how silly he sounded, telling Adora things  that she obviously already knew, from the extensive surveillance Xandar had placed  Earth under. “Your majesty, can.. can you tell us what’s happened here? We haven’t gotten  a complete story from anyone in the past few hours.”


Plasma blasts detonated all around Friday, as the small and all-to-recently  rebuilt Kymellian smartship attempted to do evasive maneuvering that it’s  refurbished form was not equipped for. Inside, Alex Power, the sometimes-New Warrior known as  Powerhouse, worked frantically at the controls, helping Friday compensate for some of  the damage to her not-yet-complete guidance systems.

“I told them thirty minutes. I’ve given them an hour. Friday... take me  home.”

“Alex, I really must advise against this...” the soft electronic voice of  the smartship answered Alex’s command with the stern, parental tone that Friday had always  used with the Power children.

“Now, Friday.”

With a flare of ion-driven thrusters, Friday maneuvered into position for  escape trajectory, and launched into hyperspace, leaving the remaining four Warriors stranded  very far from home.


“But it didn’t work! You told Nohr, when the epidemic first began, that a  Nova-Force would overcome the disease. So I secretly forced mine in to the Queen. As a  councilor, I could no longer serve actively with the Corps anyway...” Meria looked at  Coulter, fear evident on her face. The two councilors stood in a small, dark room,  somewhere far from prying eyes. Coulter knew of many such places.

“What I told Nohr was that the prime matrix would overcome the disease. You  must have misheard me. But that doesn’t matter now. What matters is that I know that  what you have done is what infected the Queen in the first place, and it’s only a  matter of time before others find out as well. Wouldn’t it be better if she was cured when  they learn this? The Shi’Ar can find the cure she needs!” Coulter was a weaselish fellow, and  he was the most openly Shi’Ar supportive of all Xandarians. For some reason, everything  he said in confidence always seemed to Meria like.. black mail.

“But what if we get the prime matrix? Can’t that still work...?” Meria was  violently opposed to joining the Shi’Ar Imperium. She hoped, desperately, that there  was some other way.

“Nohr tried and failed! And the Queen doesn’t have the time. What do you  say, Meria? It’s your decision now. Does Adora live, or does she die?”


“My Lady, the Pendragon warship which we commandeered has returned to  Xandarian space. What do we do with it?” the ensign aboard the Shi’Ar imperial cruiser  spoke to the Majestrix through her dedicated comlink in the battle room. Deathbird was  presently occupied with honing her combative skills as the cruiser made all haste back  to Xandar to close the annexation of the small planet cluster into the greater glory of  the Shi’Ar Imperium.

“Destroy it. We don’t need Arak or Nohr finding out we tried to kill their  little cure-all, now do we? And don’t bother me again with something as obvious as this, or  I’ll eat your heart.” Deathbird closed the comlink and returned to skewering the captured  Kree soldiers with her broadsword. She couldn’t wait to run that same blade through the  sniveling Xandarian Queen.


“And that about brings you up to speed.” Adora breathed heavily, the strain  of telling the convoluted recent history of Xandar more difficult for her than she had  anticipated.

“Well, let’s just do what we came for and leave folks. Tandy, if you  would...” Nova paced, nervously. Something in Adora’s story didn’t fit right. If one of the  councilors had sent for him to cure Adora, why hadn’t he been immediately taken to see her? Why the  cell?

Tandy Bowen walked up to the Queen, and placed her hands on Adora’s  shoulders. A soft white light began to pour from Tandy’s body, light which blinded and soothed  all at once, light which infused Adora with the beauty and vitality that she had lost.

“Something’s wrong! I’m trying to purge the disease, but it’s attached to  something! I can’t make it let go!” Tandy began to writhe, as the healing effect  generated a crackling red feedback.

Carlton jotted notes in a notebook drawn hastily from his ‘utility belt’,  and then he turned to Adora, his face alight with the thrill of discovery, even as Dagger grew  weaker. “Queen Adora, you said all of the Xandarians in the NovaCorps are ill... but how  many other Xandarians are?”

From between clenched teeth, Adora spat out her answer. “I’m the only  non-corpsman infected so far.”

Suddenly the train of thought which Hindsight perused became clear to Nova  as well. “It’s attached to the Nova-Force!”

“But I have no Nova-Force...” Adora began to lose consciousness, her eyes  rolling back into her head, even as Dagger broke contact.

Touching her hand to Rich’s cheek, Tandy pulsed her healing light through  his body, and felt the same grasping flutter of energy within him that she had felt within  Adora. “She may not KNOW she has it, but Adora has one of these energy matrices in her.  And as long as it’s there, it’s burning the cloned body out. I can heal her, but only if  she gets rid of that thing.. and NOW, because she’s not going to last much longer.”

Carlton looked at Rich, naked longing in his eyes. “Did you just say that..  you have to find someplace to put a Nova-Force.. a host?” Hindsight made no effort to hide  his desire to be a superhero. This could just be the chance he had waited all his life for.  He dared not pass it up.

Adora’s body convulsed, and energy lanced out from her, striking Tandy and  drawing her inner light out, forming an interwoven lattice of white and red light.  Carlton shook his head as he realized that the decision as to who was going to take the matrix  off of Adora’s hands was out of his control. Luckily, he’d grown used to rejection.


They were seated, in the small audience chamber aboard Deathbird’s cruiser.  On one side of the table, Deathbird sat, surrounded by her entourage. The Imperial  Guardsman, Gladiator, was on her left, and on her right, a mysterious figure clad in  dark leather. He had intricate silver gauntlets and a belt of the same substance, as well as  a visor which covered his eyes. To the right of this figure was Coulter.

The other side of the table was occupied by Arak, Meria, and Nohr, all of  whom looked nervously at the empty seat, the seat where Adora belonged.

“It pains me to hear that your Queen is too ill to continue our  negotiations, but Coulter tells me that.. you have come to a consensus?” Deathbird spoke in measured  tones, but the way her feathers ruffled betrayed her haste. “I have the contract here. It  just requires your signatures.”

Coulter pushed the heavy parchment across the table, gesturing for Arak to  sign it. As the elder statesman placed his signature upon the sheet, an alarm klaxon  sounded, and the Shi’Ar vessels computer elaborated on the situation.

*Warning. Chamber door under assault by high powered microwave emissions. Countermeasures ineffective. Structural failure imminent*

“Hurry! There are rebel factions from both our worlds who do not want to see  this happen, and their forces are upon us. We must finish this!” Deathbird’s  voice rose to a screech as Meria grudgingly signed the sheet, her eyes growing wide in  disbelief at the red-hot material of the door, as it began to peel back and melt away.

“Microwaves.. but.. wasn’t one of Rider’s companions a microwave user...”  Nohr hesitated, watching the door. Gladiator stood, his eyes smoldering.

“Sign it now.”

And as the ink from Nohr’s signature soaked into the parchment, Firestar  finished off the reinforced doorway and was followed in her entrance by both Nova and Adora.

Deathbird laughed aloud, as Gladiator and the other figure moved in close to  her. “You are too late, Adora! Your world is mine!”


Carlton LaFroyge was a computer expert, by his own standards. He had played  with many of the best computer systems Earth had to offer, and for a brief time had  used a Xandarian databank, on board a ship belonging to Firelord and Air-Walker. Now, using  the full power of the World-Mind, in person, he was truly amazed.

“Well Tandy, I have the sequencers in the medical bay set. On Adora’s mark,  you release the Nova-Force into the World-Mind, and it will automatically take the  modifications your powers made to the matrix and incorporate them into the biological profile  of every Xandarian affected by the degeneration.” Taking out his notebook again,  Carlton quickly began jotting down schematic sketches of the World-Mind. If he had his way,  he’d have one of these things for his own use, back on Earth.

Dagger stood, looking out the window of the World-Mind chamber, into the  clear night sky. She wore the white and gold costume which the Nova-Force had supplied  her with, and she could tell that this was not the only change to her that this alien  energy had caused. “I can’t believe Alex left without us... he’s changed so much, since  he and I served on the team together.”

“Well, we did sort of blow up his best friend. But he stole half the gear  that he used to rebuild Friday from the Pad, so the way I see it, we’re all even. But  something does bother me.”

“What’s that?” Tandy stepped away from the window, placing her hands on the  receiver panel, waiting anxiously for Adora’s call.

“Some of the stuff he used, well.. it came from the Hydra complex. I didn’t  have time to examine it all very closely, originally, but while we were on our way here,  in Friday, I took a good look at the parts labels. He had the power cells from the Corruptor  beam in Friday’s navigational systems and, well... they were labeled “Project: Day”.  I’m curious what that means. If we ever catch up with Alex, I’ll have to ask him what  else he found down there...”


Adora, Queen of Xandar, looked upon her councilors, eyes burning with rage.  “What is the meaning of this? What have you done!?!”

Nohr and Meria leapt to her side, their tearful apologies overlapping, each  confessing to their parts in the various machinations. Adora simply nodded at them by way  of acknowledgment, and turned her attention back to Deathbird’s end of the  table, even as Arak rose and returned to the side of his Queen.

“Coulter, don’t you belong on THIS side of the table?”

The sickly looking councilor rose, his face covered in a broad, triumphant  grin. “My allegiance is to Shi’Ar now, Adora. As is yours...”

Nova pushed his way to the table, past the few Shi’Ar guards who had  attempted to form a barrier between the two New Warriors and the proceedings. “Like hell it  is!”

“What your man here says is true, Adora. Now, before you arouse my wrath..  on your knees.” Deathbird’s feathers bristled, and her lips curled back in a sneer  which revealed a pair of teeth filed to razor points.

Adora clicked a small device on her belt, and almost immediately, the alarm  klaxons sounded again, this time giving a different announcement to Deathbird and  her crew.

*Warning. Xandar World-Mind generating unusual frequencies. Guards in  medical bay report rapid recovery of Xandarian Centurions. Requesting commands*

“Very well, Majestrix. You may consider Xandar yours if you wish, but I tell  you now, what you hold in your grasp is a world rife with rebellion. We’ll tear the  biospheres apart before we allow you to step foot on our planet again.”


Deathbird parried yet another lunge by Adora. She held her left hand to her  side, trying to slow the flow of blood from the wound she had already received, and glanced  out the window of the small chamber, to the fight going on outside. Gladiator and  Optax were holding their own against Nova and Firestar, but just seconds ago a third,  brightly glowing figure, had entered the fray. A stinging slash to her shoulder brought the  Shi’Ar Majestrix’s attention back to the fight at hand, and she renewed her assault  on the rebellious Queen. Somehow, things were not going according to plan.


“So, what is it you do again? You shoot nothingness from your eyes? That  helps” Firestar flew circles around the free-floating, nearly human  looking Shi’Ar guardsman. She was avoiding cutting lose on him until she could more fully  gauge his powers. She hoped this taunting tactic would lure some information out of  her mysterious foe.

Optax didn’t even hesitate, releasing a pulse of gray light from his visor  as Angelica completed her third loop, just barely avoiding the strange beam. “Silence.  It gets me... silence...”

Not far away, Nova and Gladiator had engaged in a high-powered boxing match,  the titanic strength of the two landing blows that would cripple mountains. But  still, each pushed on. “Red, is that Dagger coming up over there? Since when could she  fly?!”

“Must be a side-effect of absorbing Adora’s Nova-Force, I guess...” Firestar  glanced aside, just for a moment, to see what Rich had been talking about. That  opening was all that her assailant needed.

The gray light flared once, and the full measure of the blast struck  Angelica. The brilliant glow of her microwave energies ceased. The indicator lights on her suit’s  life support systems ceased. Her radio signal ceased. And Optax’s body flared a brilliant  amber color, as he unleashed the sum total of all energy from Angelica’s now still form  at Nova.

“ANGEL!” Richard Rider counted the red-headed mutant among his dearest  friends. He was not about to see her die. Grabbing Gladiator by the cape, he spun the  blue-skinned alien around, placing him immediately between himself and Optax’s oncoming  energy release. The impact of said beam on the guardsman was spectacular, and it  seemed to be enough to incapacitate him. For now.

Flying at the phenomenal speeds that had earned him the nickname “human  rocket”, Nova raced Firestar back to Xandar, hoping he was not to late to keep her from  suffocating.

And Optax turned his attention to the newcomer, the brilliantly glowing  beacon of light that had launched from Xandar and provided the distraction Optax had needed.  The New Warrior known as Dagger.

The white energy which formed the magnificent halo around Tandy was allowing  her to not only breathe in space, but also fly at impressive speeds. Already, she  could feel the enhancements to her own powers that the Nova-Force had given her. She knew  she had it within her to beat this guardsman.

“You look.. new. Your power is different than any other I have seen. I shall  enjoy.. nullifying you...” Again, Optax’s eyes released their harsh barrage. And  rather than leap out of the way, combining the graceful agility she had honed for years and  the near-cosmic flight afforded her by the power within her, Dagger simply opened herself,  let her light flow outward, not pushing away the pulse, but instead embracing it.  Absorbing it.

“What? That’s not possible! My energies can NOT be absorbed by corpsmen!  That is why I am here...” Optax engaged a small thrusting device built into his boots,  realizing that the advantage he had was lost.

Despite all that had changed within her, Tandy knew that her greatest power  was still with her, slightly stronger, but otherwise unchanged. With a violent throwing  motion, Tandy Bowen unleashed a pair of blazing light knives, watching as the comets of  radiance collided with the guardsman, and propelled him into the side of the Shi’Ar  vessel, knocking him unconscious.

Grabbing his limp form, Dagger returned to the surface of Xandar, even as  the mighty imperial cruiser released it’s docking clamp and began to enter escape  trajectory.

It seemed as though Adora had won.


They spent the next three days helping Adora’s forces drive the few  remaining clusters of Shi’Ar troops out of Xandarian space. While the victory was temporary at  best, it was still a victory. But it had not come without a price.

Rich stood at the side of Adora, as she looked upon the burial chamber which  contained the First Centurion.. the only Xandarian who had not recovered from the  plague once Dagger’s modified matrix had been introduced to the World-Mind. Adora had  lost her beloved husband. More importantly, Xandar had lost it’s general.

“Rich, I have something to ask of you. I do not order you to do this. But I  do beg you to consider. Until we re-organize the government, and replenish the ranks of  the NovaCorps.. Xandar is vulnerable to the Shi’Ar counter strike.” Adora looked  deep into Nova’s eyes, her tone bordering upon pleading.

“What are you saying Adora? You want me to give you back my powers? I came  all this way to avoid giving this up, and now you’re trying to GUILT me into  returning them?”

“No, Richard.. I am asking you to stay on Xandar and help us prepare for the  coming war.”

---End Section 1: Star Fall

---Interlude 1: Father’s Sins

Sirens flared as New York’s Code Blue police agency packed Heidi Franklin,  James Sharp, and Dwight Hubbard into an armored detention van. The trio, all that  remained of the villains-turned-heroes-turned-villains-again Psionex, had voluntarily  turned themselves in to Police, citing a need to pay for their crimes. While the police  psychologists were baffled, the DA had no problem accepting their confessions. It was nice to  see everything all tied up in a nice, neat package, for once.

And as the doors closed on the van, and it drove away from the Cheetah Club,  Donyell Taylor, the former New Warrior most frequently known as Bandit, fired a  swingline to a neighboring building from his rooftop vantage point, heading into the heart  of Manhattan. He had a few questions for.. his benefactor.


The concealed entranceway Bandit used to enter the plush offices of Edenfall  Enterprises opened, and the young superhuman found himself face to face with his  benefactor for the first time in months. But somehow, he had to know what was going on, with  Sil, Mathemanic, Psionex, everything.

“Sir, I know you said only to come and see you in emergencies, but.. what’s  gone on these past few days, I can’t think of anything more urgent.” Bandit collapsed into  an office chair, trying to see into the shadows, to make out a more definite form of  the man who had asked to be referred by the strange title “Viper’s Whisper”.

The man replied, his voice thick, heavy, sounding almost alien to Bandit,  but at the same time, soothing. “Now my boy, we’ve known each other for a long time now.  Why, when we first met, back in Chicago, you hadn’t even learned the truth about your  family. Look at all I have done for you. All the... help... I have given you. Help  finding your brother. Help with everything. Don’t tell me that you’ve failed me... that would make  me very unhappy...”

Bandit suddenly felt overwhelmingly guilty, deeply saddened that he could  betray this man, who meant so much to him. But then, almost like a burst of insight, he  realized that these feelings.. were not his own.

“We lost contact with you, Psionex and me and Sil, shortly after the bombing  run on the Stock Exchange. Since then, I guess.. for some reason, Mathy was messing  with all of our heads. Well, we finally broke out of it, and.. now Sil’s gone. And Psionex,  they turned themselves into the police today! You promised, when I brought Sil to you..  you promised you could make her stay with me forever. I... can’t live without her.”

Viper’s Whisper, a name he had earned during a trip to Israel many months  ago, slowly strummed his fingers on the mahogany desk before him. “Leave me, Bandit.  Take Cloak and fetch the next person on the list, and take them to the farmhouse. I’ll  deal with Silhouette.” As he spoke, the mysterious man used his phenomenal powers,  pushing against Bandit’s mind, seeking to bend it to his will. Again, as it had mere  moments before, it seemed to defy him, but he renewed his assault, and his subtle  manipulations once more took hold.

Bandit stood and walked out the door, silent, glad that things would work  out. Things always worked out when the Master was involved.

As the door swung closed, the man secluded in shadow closed his eyes, and  taped into the mind of his other servant, Cloak. He pushed into the mind, swimming in it’s  despair, noting to use that later, and ducked into the darkforce dimension. Once  there, he created a construct he had grown most fond of, a pair of eyes, seemingly made of  liquid shadow, which served as communications and spying apertures. His shadow eyes  flickered a few times, seeing a some faces familiar to his servants, and finally coming to  rest on the sleeping form of Silhouette Chord. She lay in a dark room, somewhere far  from New York. Her mind, already touched by Viper’s Whisper’s power, called to her,  and he saw that the veils of confusion he had placed within her still held.

As he closed his shadow eyes and returned his attention to the room around  him, he contemplated his scheming. Soon, those who had cost him so much would pay,  pay in ways they could only imagine. And it didn’t matter if they found Silhouette  or not. She belonged to him. And the search.. the search was buying him time to gather  the last few sinners he needed...

Psionex had outgrown their usefulness. They had been a liability, and he had  taken care of them, in a way that would never lead anyone back to him. He only hoped that  Bandit and Cloak did not prove to be equally troublesome.

---End Interlude 1: Father’s Sins

---Section 2: Shadow Past

“You can speak to the prisoner for only a brief time Mr. Taylor. He’s been  acting up lately.” The guard spoke to Dwayne Taylor with the deferential tone that  often accompanied the speech of the common man to the rich.

“Has he been using his powers?”

“No sir, so far, he’s kept his promise to be a normal prisoner. We don’t  think he wants to escape, but he’s been starting little fights for weeks now. He’s bad for  morale.”

“Well, this won’t take long. If I can just have about 3 minutes alone with  him?”

“Sure thing sir.” And the guard slipped out the door, as the prisoner in  question sat down at the chair on the other side of the reinforced glass window.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Dwayne asked, tentatively. The figure on the  other side simply nodded.

“I need you to do me a favor.” Another nod.

“I’m going to get this receiver planted in your cell tonight. When it beeps,  I want you to seal off access for as long as you can. Do you understand me?” Another nod.

“Help me with this and you can name your price.”

A smile.


The two men who rode in the private helicopter owned by the Taylor  Foundation had a very difficult history. They were blood brothers, both sworn to a life  fighting crime, and then, the nervousness of one cost them both the health of one they held  dear. From that moment on, Dwayne Taylor and Midnight’s Fire had been bitter enemies, and  rivals unrelenting. But now, after hearing what Fire had to say, about a horribly  confused and hurt Silhouette, Dwayne had to get to the bottom of this.

Sprocket called into the back seat, where the two young men sat, glaring at  each other. “You aint killed the little @#$% yet, have you Dwayne? I really wanna watch  you beat his head in, so don’t get in a hurry...”

Dwayne diverted his eyes from Fire just long enough to give his pilot and  friend a reprimanding look. “Just get us to Madripoor, Sprock.”

“Don’t look at me that way, boy, or I’ll drop your haughty little ass off  right here.” Sprocket gave the helicopter a sharp dip, causing a look of panic to race  across the faces of both her passengers.

Laughing, Amelia Barnhardt continued on her course, happy to be getting  involved in the super-heroics of Dwayne’s life once more. She had missed this job.


Her head hurt. Whenever she tried to focus her thoughts, Silhouette Chord  found her mind brushing against an intangible, invisible barrier. She was so confused. She  had memories of two distinct individuals. One was her, the other was.. something else. What  made her head hurt was, without being able to concentrate on her memories, she was losing  track of which set of them was her own.


As the chopper set down on the heli-pad of the newly opened Taylor  Foundation Madripoor Offices, an aging oriental man approached the disembarking form of  Dwayne Taylor.

“Masahiko!” Dwayne exclaimed as he saw, for the first time in months, the  world-famous martial artist he had been training under during his first few weeks away  from the Warriors. He bowed formally, and Masahiko did likewise, then they exchanged  a handshake. “I’m so glad you could be here. When we go back, which, with any  luck, will be soon, I have a student back in New York that’s just dying to meet you.”

“My sister, Taylor. We are here to help my sister. Not to catch up with old  friends.” Midnight’s Fire extricated himself from the helicopter, and walked up beside  Dwayne.

Masahiko bowed at Fire and said, simply, “You move with grace like the cat.”  Fire made no bow, nor reply. Instead, he cocked his ear to the sky, as if listening  for something.

Suddenly, Masahiko lunged, sending a powerful kick at Fire’s head. His  superhuman reflexes kicking in, Midnight’s Fire spun out of the way, and as he prepared  to land a kick on Masahiko, found his opponent vanished. He turned back, towards Dwayne,  only to find the small Japanese man there, and he watched, in a detached, surreal way, as  the man struck a powerful blow to his groin.

“Respect your elders, or you will find that your grace becomes most mule  like, and your voice.. like that of a small boy.” Masahiko bowed once more, and walked  inside the building. Suppressing a laugh, Dwayne offered his hand to Fire, who merely  swatted it away.

“We have much to do.”


She was all around him. Her smell brushed across his nose whenever the wind  shifted. His beautiful daughter, struck down so long ago. He had taken her power for his  own, and left her alone. When he had finally been able to return, she was gone. He had  followed her energy trail so far, to here, Madripoor. His beautiful daughter was dead,  but if anyone knew that death was simply an obstacle to overcome, it was Diego Caseas.


“But I left her here! I don’t know where she would have gone! She was in no  condition to go out alone...” Fire pounded his fist against the wall of the small  apartment he and Sil had been staying in. She was no where to be found, her belongings still in her  closet. And most peculiarly, her braces were leaning against the wall.

“I’d say she was taken by someone. I don’t see signs of struggle, but, you  and I both know, she can’t have left here alone without these...” Dwayne held the  braces in his hand, feeling the smooth metal that served as a constant reminder of how he had  failed her in the past.

Suddenly, flickering just outside his vision, Dwayne saw a pair of eyes,  made of a dripping, fluid darkness. As he turned to gaze upon them, his mind set to  ringing. He felt the dull throbbing in his mind, the throbbing that had been a part of him  ever since Tai clouded his mind all those years ago. And then, the eyes seemed to blink  away, moving at rapid speeds away form the apartment.

Fire looked at Dwayne, concern evident on his face. “I think that whatever  they were looking for isn’t here... and I think you should get some of that armor of  yours on.”


He had come every hour on the hour for the last day. Every time, he simply  placed his hand on her forehead, and whispered words she could not understand. And when  he left, the veil in her mind was a bit weaker, but the memories that were not hers..  were stronger. Or was she wrong? Were those her memories returning, and those that were the  other person’s fading? She was Silhouette Caseas, of course the memories of hers  were strengthening. Why would this man who felt so familiar be trying to  extinguish her mind? She was Maria Chord. of course her memories were strengthening. Wait.. what  was her name?


“I am so out of practice with this stuff...” Dwayne adjusted straps on the  suit of armor he had brought with him, as another crash came from within the small bar near  the docks that Fire had insisted they come to. The armor he wore was nearly identical to  his first armor, and it had literally been years since Dwayne had used this suit. He was  suddenly even more sure that his decision to get out of the hero game was the right one.

In an amazing burst of speed, Fire returned to the street, and he brought  with him a very familiar face. Dressed in heavy brown kevlar, and wearing chains and massive  claws, Night Thrasher gazed upon Smiling Tiger for the first time in months. “What did we  need him for again?”

“The Tiger here can track my sister’s scent. He may not be happy to be  working with you again, but he knows better than to anger me.”

And with that, the trio who had once composed half of the mysterious Folding  Circle began a chase across the criminal capital of the world. Smiling Tiger  latched on to Sil’s scent easily, and, with great effort, Dwayne was able to keep up with the  two superhumans. And the trail led to a place lost amid the ruins of the slums.  The reek of human waste permeated the air, and both Fire and the Tiger, with their  enhanced senses, reeled from the assault. Dwayne thanked Chord for his suggestion of putting  air filters in the Night Thrasher helmet, and kicked in the door to the building Tiger had  indicated.

“Sil! Sil, are you in here?” The infrared sights in the helmet kicked in,  but Dwayne could make out very little within the small building. Then, a voice which he had  hoped to never hear again replied to his query.

“No. Silhouette is not here. Silhouette is never going to be anywhere again.  But perhaps you would like to meet my daughter, Maria Caseas.”

A swirling tide of black energy swept over Dwayne, Fire, and Tiger, washing  away any semblance of consciousness.


“Ah yes, you are awake. My circle, it seems, has once more begun to fold.”  Diego Caseas, the former leader of the Folding Circle, paced the length of the small room,  in front of his three captives, who were held suspended in mid-air by tendrils of darkforce.  The otherdimensional energy, a source of power for Cloak and Silhouette, was  also the source of many New Warriors problems over the years, particularly during the  incident with the being known as Darkling.

While Dwayne had not been a part of that situation, he had heard stories.  The fact that Left Hand had as much control over the Darkforce as he did was frightening  enough. But the knowledge that he was also an accomplished mystic was more than enough  to strike terror into the assembled captives.

“What have you done with my sister, madman!” Fire struggled against his  bonds, to no avail.

“As I said before, boy, your sister is no more. But my daughter is dying to  meet you.”

Diego clapped his hands, and from the side room entered a figure which broke  Dwayne’s heart. Sil entered, walking on her own legs, wrapped in a thin black mist.  She wore a golden torque around her neck, and she looked strikingly similar to...

“Asylum! Then, is the story true...? But.... this makes no sense...”


The janitorial staff of Edenfall Enterprises was efficient, but sometimes,  the tiny little slips of paper that made up the memos often sent out by the CEO fell between the  desk and the wall. And, if one were to read these scraps, one might find one that read  something like this.

“Mr. Caseas: I have looked into your inquiries about suitable super-human  hosts. The number of female darkforce manipulators is limited, but I believe there is a  young woman in Madripoor who will fill your needs nicely. Your powers should enable you  to overtake her easily, and she has a somewhat personal connection to your own past.  Best of luck in your endeavors, and I assure you, she is already quite... confused. And that  I have done at no extra charge. We hope for your continued patronage. --Whisper”


“Robbie didn’t kill your daughter!” Dwayne contorted in agony as, yet again,  the Left Hand blasted him with his energies. Already both Fire and Tiger had lost  consciousness, reduced to gibbering fools by “Asylum’s” misty shroud. But Dwayne’s mind was protected, somehow, and that left him to the tender mercies of Diego. “We  scatter her, she reforms! And dammit, before today, NOBODY knew who Asylum really was!  Genetech never gave us a profile on her real identity..”

“That is not acceptable, Night Thrasher. You cost me something that was dear  to me, and now I have taken what is dear to you.. and used it to replace my loss. And  now.. my use for you has ended. Perhaps you would like to be sent to the Pit, where you  can join Tai for all eternity!” The Left Hand motioned strangely with his hand, and a  swirling vortex opened above Dwayne’s head.

“Tai isn’t dead?” Terror turned the blood coursing through Night Thrasher’s  veins to ice. He didn’t have a chance against Tai.. not now.. not like this.

“She’s as dead as I am... but I am more clever. She can’t escape the Pit,  the void formed by the collapsing Well of All Things. Neither could I, for quite some time.  Until I felt the Darkforce flood into this world. When that portal opened, I simply..  followed. Now, I don’t want Tai here, with me. But I am happy to send you to her. When you  see her, tell her what lovely things I have done to her granddaughter...”

Dwayne Taylor began to float upward, into the portal. He had little choice,  as he bit down on the small device in his mouth. The transmitter flared to life, and  broadcast a quick signal to a prison in New York...


Henrique Manuel Gallante heard the signal go off, and as he was asked, he  reached out with his powers, sealing all access points between the Darkforce dimension  and Earth. For a few minutes, all darkforce-based super beings would be rendered..  powerless.


“What is this? How...” The bonds which imprisoned Dwayne, Fire, and Tiger  dissolved, even as the portal sealed and the energy which perpetually boiled around  Diego’s left hand ceased to be.

“I had actually set up this plan to keep Sil from running. But.. things just  didn’t work to your advantage, did they, Caseas?” Dwayne brought his escrim stick down hard  across Left Hand’s head, causing him to collapse.

“FATHER!!” Asylum/Silhouette lunged at Dwayne, her misty form unchecked by  the darkforce failure.

Dwayne caught her, and the pair rolled to the floor, wrestling. Fire and  Tiger watched, but it was hard to see what was happening. The black mists generated by the  Asylum personality in Sil’s mind obscured the combatants from view, and Fire cursed  his own weakness for not being able to withstand the mind-altering cloud long enough  to help free his sister.

Finally, after minutes that seemed to last for hours, Dwayne realized what  he had to do to bring Sil’s personality back to the fore.

“Sil.. I know you are in there. You have to fight this.. fight it for me.  Fight it for your brother, and Chord..” The look in her eyes did not waver. Only hate burned  in her heart.

As he rolled her over, pinning her beneath his considerable frame, Dwayne  Taylor made a sacrifice unlike any he had ever made before. “Sil, you have to come back..  for... Bandit.”

“Dwayne? Is that you....?” and once more, the eyes were those of the woman  Dwayne loved more than life itself. Tears streamed down his face, but they were not  tears of joy.

“Yeah Sil, it’s me. Come on, let’s get you home.. and this time, you are  going to get the help you need...”

---End Section 2: Shadow Past

---Interlude 2: Mother’s Sins

She ran her fingers through her long dark hair once more, while she waited.  Dana Cannon had been waiting for thirty minutes, but her psychologist was late. This was  a new one today. She had liked Dr. Carter. Too bad he hadn’t liked her.

Finally, the young woman saw the door into the office open, and in entered a  woman of middle years, with short hair, dressed in a business suit.

“Dana, I’m going to be your new doctor. My name is Helen. Now.. I know you’ve  done this all before, but I have to ask you a few questions to get acquainted  with you, OK?”

“Sure thing Helen. Say... how is Dr. Carter doing? Did.. did he say why he  wouldn’t be seeing me any more?”

Looking up abruptly, the doctor said, with a catch in her voice... “Dr.  Carter killed himself last week. Tuesday night.”

“Oh. Then.. does that mean... that I was...” Dana began to get worked up, a  few tears streaming down her plump face. She had freckles and wore a heavy turtleneck,  and looked so sad, sitting there. Helen got up, and sat in the chair next to her.

“Yes, Dana, you were the last one to see Dr. Carter. But don’t you think  anything of that, this was NOT your fault...”

Tears openly streaming down her face, Dana turned to Helen, and whispered  softly, “Can I go? I really don’t think I can do this today...”

“Well... yes, that’s fine. Go on home. But remember Dana, this was not your  fault, and I don’t want you to think anything like that! You have a good night, OK?”

“Thanks Dr. Helen. I’ll see you later. Good night.”


Helen Smith had been a teen psychologist for years, and the profile she was  looking at, on her newest patient, was nothing she hadn’t seen before.

Dana Cannon was diagnosed with a mental disorder that caused her to seek  solace from her mental problems in food. While she had been working to overcome this  problem, she was still under doctor’s orders to seek therapy. She was a relatively  healthy 19 year old, just starting college at ESU, working as an intern on the set of Secret  Hospital, and a part time baby sitter for Jim and Margaret Power. She was diagnosed with chronic  low self-esteem, and had frequent headaches. That wasn’t so bad. This girl was  one of the lucky ones. She had grown up in an abusive home, but an uncle had set her up  with other family members and was helping to put her through college. She had people  who cared about her. She was one of the lucky ones. She’d be fine.

Helen Smith looked at the pictures of her three young daughters, on her  desk, and suddenly, thinking back to Amy, she realized, that Dana would not be fine.  She would never be better, she was destined to lead a miserable life. And it wasn’t  for lack of trying. It was because the psychologists who worked with her were not good enough.  Helen was not good enough. Helen was a failure, a disgrace.

Touching each picture, Grace, her 11 year old... Jean, her 9 year old... and  little Sue, who would be 4 tomorrow... Helen realized, as a single tear slipped free of her  eye... she realized what a miserable failure she was. She glanced out the window, at  the 10 stories below her.

And she opened the window.

And as she took that step, all she could think of was how completely  inadequate she was.

And in the morning, little Sue’s birthday present was a phone call from the  NYPD, alerting the family of the horrible events of the night before.

---End Interlude 2: Mother’s Sins

---Section 3: Renewal

From the Journal of Michiko Musashi.

--I started writing this journal as an assignment for a journalism class,  but, well, since starting today it is including all of my Turbo experiences, it probably  wouldn’t be such a good idea to use it in class. But so much is happening right now, I have to  write it down. It’s times when I feel this way that I know I have taken the right major,  the right calling. I really do love journalism.

Well, today was crazy. I was helping Rina and Robbie move more of their  stuff into Four Freedoms Plaza, when suddenly Trey ran in and told us that Mathy had started  acting strange. When isn’t Mathy acting strange? But he was gibbering about losing  control. We tried to calm him down, but I don’t think we did much good. Finally he left,  saying that he was going to hide with the Thinker, he was muttering something about not  wanting to be here for the final battle. I really wish we all understood him better. But,  it’s not like we had any right to hold him, he had saved our lives after all. Or so he says.

Oh! I almost forgot! Dwayne went to Madripoor with Midnight’s Fire today,  and somehow, Vance ended up with a mild concussion! When Angel gets back from  space, she’s gonna have Dwayne’s head.

--Well, it’s been about a week since I last had time to write. Between  midterms and a flying trip to Paris to help Darkhawk out with some weirdness with some  creatures called The Ruined, (Just me and him! I never noticed it before, but Chris is a  really nice guy... but anyways....) I am surprised I even bothered to write again. But today  was full of introspection, so I thought I’d come bother you again, my little journal.

Went and visited Sil and Laura in the hospital today. The doctors say all of  the Xandarian junk in Laura’s system is finally purged, and they released her today. She  was happy to go, but upset with herself, for being used against Rich. She’s a real sweet  girl, I hope Rider doesn’t screw things up between him and her too badly. That is, if he ever  gets back from space. We’re starting to get worried.

And Sil... Dwayne hasn’t really left the hospital since they put her in.  There’s a whole team of shrinks trying to figure out the extent of the damage Left Hand’s  mucking about did to her. And the weird thing is, my visor picks up traces of two separate  mind altering events. It’s amazing the things this visor sees. Mike would have loved to  know how sophisticated the suit is getting.

I miss you Mike. The Warriors aren’t the same without you.

--Well, don’t get used to it or anything, but here I am, writing in two days  in a row. Alex came back today. With Friday, banged up, but alive. What worries me is that  Alex came back alone. No Angel, or Rich, or Carlton, or Tandy. Vance is near  breakdown. He’s been petitioning the Avengers to give him a quinjet to head for Xandar. Luckily,  Iron Man seems to have headed that off. Angel told me once that Vance had gotten  really protective recently, but this is ridiculous.

I’m sure they’re all right. Oh! Alex wants to stay with the team, and, since  we haven’t really GOT a team right now, nobody told him no. But I figured, the way he  was acting when we asked him for help with Firelord, that, well.. guess I thought he  hated us.

--It’s been two weeks since I last wrote, and we’ve received no  communication from our space lost teammates. Speedy finally found Neils (his cat. Don’t look at me  like that. This cat bounces.. and, well.. I guess that does sound stupid.), or rather, some  kid who saw Robbie’s add on the internet found him. In Colorado. He crashed into the  offices that this kid’s dad runs or something. Some comic book review magazine or something.  The Comic Reader? I dunno. I’m just telling you about it because, well... it  seems like something you’d like to know.

And Nita came back today. You’ll never believe this, but she looks normal  again! I mean, I didn’t have a problem with her Kymaera look, but now, wow! She’s even more  beautiful than before. And her powers changed too, it’s strange. She’s a bit stronger,  and now she can turn invisible! She also makes acid from her hands, and has better  control over her electrical reflection powers. I was worried about Carl and Tandy and Angel  and Rich, so, I bet you’ll laugh at me, but I took notes about Nita’s powers so that when  Carlton gets back he can update that New Warriors computer game he made.

--Another week, but this time, great news! The space-goers have returned!  Not only that, but Dwayne has finally got the major reconstruction on the Crash Pad done!  So much is going on right now! You’d love to be here. Dagger, well.. wow. Somehow she  managed to absorb a part of a nova-force (whatever that is.. I think it’s what gives  Nova his powers) and it’s given her this gorgeous morphing costume like Rich had,  only its white and gold, and doesn’t have that dorky helmet. She’s modified it to be closer  to her original, and it’s just... great. Speaking of which, I found some more of  your armor designs, and I think I am going to try and change the Turbo suit again. Wish  me luck.

Some bad news. Rich stayed in space. He’ll be back, as soon as he can, and  he sent word that he’ll miss us all, but I can’t help but feel abandoned. He was there  for me when you.. well.. anyways. On the brighter side, the ship the Xandarians gave to the  guys, it’s not so much a starship as a big hoverpod with a stardrive, so Carlton thinks we can  modify it and get it to work as a sort of transport. That’ll be great, what with us not  having a vehicle since Thrash left and took Sprocket with him. (or so everyone tells me. I  was never really around Amelia, but she seems really cool.)

Speaking of teams.. we still don’t have much of one. Dwayne and Trey have  been off doing.. something, for weeks now. Rage and Speedy and Rina are here at the  Plaza all of the time, me, I’m at class. Vance and Angel are back to their lives, and  Nita is overseeing the construction at the Pad, just to have something to do, I think.

Tandy went out to find Cloak. This is just a guess, but between you and me,  I don’t think he’s gonna take her changes very well. She can fly now! She can absorb  energy like Rich used to.. no energy pulses or strength, but she still has her healing light  and light knives.. I guess it looks to me like she doesn’t NEED Cloak anymore. Not the way I need  you. I’ll talk again soon.

--Well. It’s been 4 weeks. I guess I don’t really have an excuse for myself,  you know me well enough to see through one if I tried. But in these four weeks, things  have changed so much.

Well, first things first. We have a base again! The Crash Pad is finished,  and Dwayne put in tons of new equipment, mostly in the gym and in the computer/lab, for  Carlton. We still aren’t X-Men or Avengers here, but Dwayne said, when we first walked in,  that he had some new ideas for the New Warriors, and well, man.. I can’t get my hand to  write this fast enough. I miss having you right here to listen to me babble, you know.

OK. Between the new Pad and the Warjet (Carlton named it, blame him, not  me... ), our equipment needs are pretty much filled. That leaves a roster, doesn’t it.  Well, yours truly made the cut (but it should be you, not me...), along with Nita (she plans  on leading, and I think she has a lot better knack for it that any of the rest of us...) and  Speedball, but since they are the only founders still willing and able to be active, I guess they  are assumed to be in.

Also in is Thrasher. You remember me writing about Trey, right? Well, all  that time he spent with Dwayne was also time spent with some ninja-karate guy named  Masahito, who taught Trey a lot more martial arts discipline than he had before. I don’t  mean kung fu moves so much as I mean mental discipline. Trey still has a hell of a  temper, but he’s also able to work with the team now. I blame part of that on Nova being gone. But  Thrasher is in, wearing a lighter version of the armor, more martial artist than Iron  Man wannabe. I like it, and to be honest, I am starting to like Trey too. Just as a friend!  Don’t get jealous Mr. Jeffries!

Speaking of armor designs... I did use one of yours to revamp the suit  again. Still black (it looks better with my hair), this suit has more streamlined turbines, but  they have more fine motor control. With concentration, I can almost pull off a semblance of  telekinesis! Sure, I’m no Vance, but you were right about the fan control changes you  suggested! I also added some more scanning gear to the visor. It helps make up for Rich’s  absence and Trey’s new armor’s lack of a CPU.

Finishing out the team are Dagger (I told you about her new powers earlier,  well, she’s getting better with them, its really exciting! And I guess she never did  find Cloak...) and Alex Power. Surprised by the last one? You aren’t the only one. Personally,  I think that they all agreed to it as a way to repay him for what they did to Friday. But  Carlton.. I think Carlton is using that adage about keeping friends close and enemies  closer. He doesn’t trust Alex much. Can’t say as that I blame him, but.. I’ll never  understand men. That’s why I had you.. to translate for me...

Since school is out for the summer, Rage is with us too, and man, is he  changed. He’s as strong as ever, but now he doesn’t get mad! He’s really mellow, it’s almost  as if all of the anger and wrath has been bled out of him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not  complaining, and I love to see Robbie and him together, but it’s weird.

So Nita, me, Robbie, Dagger, Alex, Trey, and Rage. Not bad. When Sil gets  out of the hospital she might rejoin too, but.. we don’t want to push her. Things have  been rough on her. We still haven’t got a clue about the first mind-control signal I  detected. So maybe it’s better that Sil’s still in the hospital.

Oh! Before I go, Dwayne had something neat to say. I recorded his speech  (practicing for the big time...) and copied it here for you...

“For the last year, the Warriors have been a loose knit family, not a team.  Weirdness with Psionex and a single incident of interstellar conflict not withstanding, as  a team, you guys haven’t been doing much protecting the common man at all since you reformed.  Well, don’t think I’m criticizing you. I wasn’t here, so you can’t be helped for  your mistakes. Well, now I’m back. Sort of. I’m going to lead this team, financially, and  administratively. I’ll be on the combadge with you when you go into a situation, and I’ll try  my best to give you the benefit of my knowledge. Just like the rest of your support staff,  Carlton and Rina, will. But my days in the field are over. I’ll help you find wrongs to right,  and I promise, as per Nita’s request, the mission statement of our little family here has  changed.”

“No more fighting muggers and drug dealers. Well, no more focusing on them.  From now on, we fight whatever fight we feel needs fighting. Every one of us, active,  inactive, watch the news. Read the paper. And when you find something that the Warriors can  do to make a difference, even if its not earth shaking, but saving one person in a   country on the other side of the world, it’s Warriors business. We may not be the setup the  Avengers are, but that’s an ADVANTAGE, not a hindrance. From now on, the Warriors fight the  kinds of crime that need fighting. Anywhere. Welcome to the first day of our new  mission folks. Now, about that family thing.. let’s get some dinner. Public speaking takes  a lot out of me!”

It’s more like the superhero setup you always wanted to be part of Mike. Now  more than ever. Mike...

I know you can’t hear me. But sometimes when I’m writing, I forget that  you’re gone, and I can feel you breathing down the back of my neck, looking at my every  word.

So these words.. they’ve been for you.

---End Section 3: Renewal

---Epilogue: Original Sins

Dana Cannon looked at the newspaper headline again. And once again, she felt  miserable. She sat in the small apartment that she lived in, alone, and read the  article again. Dr. Smith had killed herself the night before.. that made two doctors in a row that  had killed themselves after seeing Dana. And the one before that, Dr. Jamisol, had been institutionalized for severe depression. Amy seemed to leave a trail of  destruction wherever she went. Uncle David had tried to get her a better life, and look  what he got for his trouble, a worthless niece who was fat and ugly and was so worthless  that everyone around her felt even more worthless.

She knew better than this, but Dana couldn’t help it. She opened the freezer  and took out the ice cream. And she ate.

That’s when the temperature in the room dropped, and the lights flickered.  And then, a man with a cut off glove, he stepped out of a man who was more cape than  man. He spoke in a measured, oily voice that obviously did not belong to this body.  Somehow, Dana could feel the presence of something dribbling across her mind.

“Dana Cannon, you are a glutton, you are one who has been raised to believe  that you are worthless and because of that, you have turned to any means possible to make  yourself feel better. What you don’t know, is that your misery has tainted a mighty  gift within you, and because of this.. you ruin the lives of all those around you. You are a  Psiphon, one who destroys the brightest emotions of those around her. And it is this  reason which has caused me to seek you out. Come with me, Dana. Be my Psiphon.”

“No.. you don’t want me. There are better people than me... there are  stronger people. Go away.. leave me alone!” Dana panicked, and in her despair, latent empathic  power welled up, and the gloved figure was driven back, into the billowing folds of the  one he called his steed.

“Perhaps you are right, girl. Perhaps I don’t want you to come with me...”

Dana fled out of her apartment, running for the Power family’s brownstone,  where she would baby-sit for Jack and Katie Power.

And within his office, Viper’s Whisper finished his thought...

“Perhaps you can do more damage right where you are.”

---End Epilogue: Original Sins


To Be Continued...


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