Current as of: New Warriors Volume 2, issue 7


-Issue 1- -Issue 2- -Issue 3- -Issue 4- -Issue 5- -Issue 6- -Issue 7-

Edge 2
Hand Size 4

Calling: World Domination

Strength 14X
Agility 8D (Piloting)
Intellect 6C (Energy Control, Spacecraft)
Willpower 5D (Leadership)

*Body Armor +6
*Energy Blast 18 (explosion)
*Flight 18
*Life Support 15 (suspended animation)

Edge 2
Hand Size 4

Calling: Idealist

Strength 10X
Agility 10X
Intellect 9B (Genetics, Medicine, Super Physiology)
Willpower 9D (Leadership)

*Energy Blast 13
*Regeneration 12
*Imitation 10
*Enhanced Senses (DNA/Genetic Scan Vision) 15

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Soldier

Strength 5X
Agility 5D (Marksmanship)
Intellect 5X
Willpower 5X

*Lightning Speed 10
*Equipment: Guns +3

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Soldier

Strength 15X
Agility 5X
Intellect 5X
Willpower 5X

*Equipment: Guns +3

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Soldier

Strength 5X
Agility 5X
Intellect 5X
Willpower 5X

*Fire Control 10
*Equipment: Guns +3

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Soldier

Strength 5X
Agility 5D (Piloting)
Intellect 5X
Willpower 5X

*Cold Control 10

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Soldier

Strength 5X
Agility 5X
Intellect 5X
Willpower 5X

*Energy Blast (Heat, Optical) 12

Hi-Tech Gangs (B2D, Lobo's Boyz)
Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Thrill-Seeker, Demolisher, Protector

Strength 3C (Brawling, Knives)

Agility 3D (Marksmanship or Artillery)
Intellect 2X
Willpower 4X

May each have one or more of the following:

*Equipment: Guns +4
*Equipment: Blaster Rifle 13 (Energy Blast)
*Equipment: Blast Grenade 17 (Energy Blast-Explosion)
*Equipment: Laser Rocket Launcher 25 (Energy Blast-Explosion, Limits (Infrequent, Unpredictable))

Firestrike (Dalton Beck)
Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Repentant

Strength 6X(10X)
Agility 6C (Marksmanship, Martial Arts)
Intellect 5X
Willpower 5D (Law Enforcement)

*Equipment: Battlesuit 12 (Ability Boost (strength) 10, Armor +2, Fire Control, Flight)

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 6X
Agility 5D(10D) (Aerial Combat)
Intellect 4X
Willpower 4X

*Equipment: Battlesuit 10 (Ability Boost (agility), Armor +2, Wings, Claws +3)

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Demolisher

Strength 7X
Agility 5D (Demolitions)
Intellect 4X
Willpower 4X

*Equipment: Battlesuit 13 (Armor +2, Stun Blast, Sonic Control (resistance to noise, sonic vibration), Earthquake-tremors)

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 8X
Agility 6D (Archery)
Intellect 4X
Willpower 4X

*Equipment: Armor +2
*Equipment: Bow +4 (or Energy Blast 12 (explosion))

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 6D(12D) (spears)
Agility 6X
Intellect 4D (Oceanography)
Willpower 4X

*Equipment: Battlesuit 12 (Ability Boost (strength), Water Breathing, Flight)
*Equipment: Harpoon Spear +3

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Demolisher

Strength 6D(16D) (Brawling)
Agility 4X
Intellect 4X
Willpower 4X

*Equipment: Battlesuit 16 (Armor +6, Ability Boost (Strength))

Biohazard (Fletcher Traynor)
Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Vengance (New Warriors)
Hindrance: Monstrous

Strength 17X
Agility 4X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 4X

*Corrosion 16 (Limit: Constant)(Stunt: Corrosive Missile(may Blowout))

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 3X
Agility 3X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X

*Gravity Control 10

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 3X
Agility 3X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X

*Energy Blast (fire) 10

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 3X
Agility 3X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X

*Stun Blast 10 (from eyes)

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 3X
Agility 3X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X

*Energy Blast (electrical) 10
*Claws +2

Edge 1
Hand Size 3

Calling: Greed

Strength 7X
Agility 6X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X

*Leaping 10
*Body Armor +3
*Teeth +3

Edge 0
Hand Size 2

Calling: Soldier

Strength 4X
Agility 3X
Intellect 1X
Willpower 1X

*INVULNERABILITY to Mental Control (No defense against emotion control)
*Equipment: Stick +2

No new villains for issue 7. Updates were made to this issue's recurring villains, Heavy Mettle (Firestrike, Riot, Warbow, Stronghold, Baracuda, and Blackwing). All are listed above, and accessible through the issue 4 link at the top of the page

Issue 8, on sale 3/8/00!

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All Stats on this page are based on observations made by Jeremy Schwennen about the Marvel Comic "THE NEW WARRIORS". For more information, contact the author of the page or to find out more about the New Warriors, try or join the New Warriors mailing list at .