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What is SETI?

The SETI (Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence) Project is a scientific program. The world's largest radio telescope scans the sky. It takes the radio siginals it scans and sends the data to SETI. SETI then analyzes the signals in an attempt to find an extraterresstial signal.

What does it have to do with the Omega Agency?

Although the Omega Agency has no contact with or knowledge (despite what you might see on the internet) of visitors. However, we do belive they exist. We also feel that it would be tremendously befical to society if freindly contact was made.

Where do I come in?

You can go to the SETI@home homepage and download the SETI@home program.

How does it work?

After the program is installed it will download a data chunk from SETI. Your computer will then analyze the data. After analysis your computer sends the analysis back to SETI. Over 3 million other people worldwide use this program.

The program is only active when your screensaver turns on. This way the analysis does not take up proccessign power while you work. You only need to be online when SETI@home sends and recives the data chunks.

After you install the program don't forget to register with our group.

SETI@home Homepage
The Omega Agency Group