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Paige's Info

Again... I don't wanna' take credit for whats on this page because I got it from Rednud's Page dedicated to Paige Haley


Paige Haley

Birthdate: May 10, 1966 (true taurus, hard head soft heart)
Status: Married to Michelle for over 4 years
Color: Black
Food: Sushi
Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas - I've known this ... why did I not put it before?
He was born and raised in Northern California. He moved to L.A. in his early 20s and was always back and forth between
L.A. and San Fransisco.
He says he loves to perform all songs, "I suppose if I had to choose, it'd be Fetisha. It's probably my favorite song on the album."
Favorite part of touring is: "Being able to finally experience what I've always dreamed about."
Closest to which member of the band: "Jay, because I've known him for 14 years. We've been through everything together.
No matter what, we'll always be stuck together!"
He does a great Cartman impression!

Before Orgy: Has a degree in audio engineering He cuts his own hair!

Thanx Michelle!!! Oh yeah... like Paige, I'm a Taurus too!