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Welcome to Owl Works, a PR Company which was founded on the premise that creativity and being in service to others, are talents worth promoting.

The combined efforts of Alberto Perea, Pleasant Wright & Debra Tenney create a triad of energy and talents which focus on promoting positive, sustainable projects which are environment enhancing and enriching.

Alberto with his business acuity and the knowlege garnered developing his Environmental Pecan Fire Logs...

Pleasant with her Breath of the Llano Clay Sculptures and artist’s eye...

Debra with her writing and computer skills...
have combined their talents to bring you Owl Works, a Public Relations Company which promotes

Public Servants.

The Art


Pleasant Wright

OWL MAGIC, scuplture by Pleasant Wright -photo by Debra Tenney

Introducing the exciting, functional sculptures of Pleasant Wright. These unique, sculptured pieces have a variety of uses (candle holders, storage jars, light fixtures, bowls, incense holders, ect.) or stand on their own as works of art. Ms. Wright digs and processes her own clay from the mountains of Central New Mexico above her 2 3/4 acre ranchito, located on the Llano (the desert) south of Albuquerque. These remarkable sculptures are one of a kind, using a hand sculpted process developed by Ms. Wright.

Breath of the Llano Homepage


Pecan Shell Fire Logs

Perea Farms - photo by Debra Tenney

Environmental awareness and sustainability are the driving forces behind the concept of Alberto Perea’s pecan shell fire logs.

Mr Perea is the founder of Perea Farms, a company which offers a firelog made of recycled pecan by-products and recycled newspapers. The pecan shell firelogs are 99% recycled material.

Perea Farms Homepage


the writing

Debra Tenney.

Ms Tenney's writing appears regularly in an online publication, Perspectives, and her poetry can be viewed on various poetry sites on the web. Her writing has appeared in newspapers and publications around New Mexico and in Texas and Arizona. Her Poem Desert Summer has appeared in: Scribendi - A Forum for Collegiate Art and Literature. The United Nations World Wide Water Day web site and Croatian Waters Magazine

Rio Grand River - photo by Debra Tenney


Beyond the razors’ edge
when midnight blue melts
umber rose
into pastel shades
of awakening,

i see myself
reflected among
Salt Cedar and Willow,
a kindred spirit,
lost between
twilight covenant, and
where the water meets the sky.

River foam,
i dance
yesterday and tomorrow,
swept up in ebbs and eddies,
a songbird seeking voice
verse swept away
tangled in the deception of
riptide murmurs

I am there
like arroyo beds
after a rainstorm,
full of landscape,
reforming myself
to shape new meaning.

Fingerprints the Poetry of Debra Tenney





Green Party Candidate
for Vice President of the United States
Winona LaDuke

Winona Laduke's Page

Marvin H Gladstone - New Mexico Green Party Candidate for Court of Appeals.

Marvin Gladstone's GP Appeals Court Candidacy Page

Allen F Cooper - New Mexico Green Party Candidate for State Representative.

Allen Cooper's GP State Rep. Candidacy Page

Richard A Winecoff - New Mexico Green Party Candidate for State Representative.

Richard A. Winecoff's GP State Rep. Candidacy Page