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About Me

icq# 22481608

Some of you may already know me as evilnat in yahoo clubs (rarely in the chatrooms but hey, you never know). But my real name is Natalie. If you go to my Yahoo profile, there is another link to my other more personal site. To view my profile on Yahoo! click here.

This is my second site - the first one having pretty much the same content but not being as good visually also a lot more cumbersome because of my lack of abitlity with html. This time I have done my reading and have spent a lot longer working on (and off) line trying to make it a lot easier for everyone to view. It's been a while since I have worked on it, so you'll have to excuse any mistakes or pics that wont load properly...

I live in South Australia. There isn't much to do in your spare time here so its not surprising that I spend a lot of time at home on the internet. I am 25 years old (almost 26).

I cant really think of too much to tell you about me. I have black hair and am average height and I have a dog called Buffy. I like listening to music and going to see bands (not that anyone good ever comes here). I love Incubus and I think Brandon is killer!

I used to study visual arts at Adelaide Central School of Art but I havent been there for a few years now coz my parents (who used to pay my tuition) one day they suddenly decided they didnt want to anymore, so I never completed all of it. (They told me I had to get a job if I wanted to study there.) I continued to study photography for 6 months longer (at night) but found it crap to go to class after working all day, so I dropped that too. Now I take photos when I get the chance but need to go back to my art school to use the dark room. As far as my sculpture goes, I havent done any of that in ages - its kinda hard to get around to it when you have nowhere to work (I need my own studio!!).

I'd show you some pics if I had any that weren't so old......

As far as the future goes, I am not sure where I will be in 5 years. I'd like to say I'll have a better job and I'll be happy and all that, but you never know what's going to happen do you? My dream is to be a rock photographer and tour with bands taking photos..... I dont think that's going to happen in the near future.


This page and all it's content is © Natalie MacKellar - Last edited on 11th March, 2003