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Never Be Broken

By: BEk- cHAn : Mimi and Yamato sat silently across from each other. Mimi was uncomfortable, not used to long silences. While Yamato was used to it, and just stared at the flames, thinking about what had happened that day, wondering how he got paired with Mimi. But Tai was right, although he hated to admit it. Mimi wasn't fit at all to travel by herself, and since Tai and Sora wanted to go together. (they had been doing that more and more often, that you had to wonder why they kept on trying to keep their relationship a secret. The only one they were hiding it from was TK.) Izzy and Joe were working on something in the computer, and TK wanted to spend sometime without his big brother protecting him, which Yamato could handle perfectly. TK was getting a little bit annoying anyway. Just as long as he knew TK was safe, he was fine. "Well, I think I'm going to go to sleep now." Mimi said in her usual perky tone, breaking Yamato from his staring spell. "Huh? Oh, I guess I'll go too, then." Yamato said, shaking his head out of his thoughts. "Night." Mimi said, then curled into her sleeping bag, and watched Yamato put and the fire and get into his own. Mimi smiled softly, and tried to get to sleep, thinking of her family. She must've dozed off for maybe an hour or so, but she didn't remember falling asleep, just waking up to a groan a few feet beside her, where Yamato was. She froze in her bag. There was the groan again. It sounded ... panicked. Almost scared. "Yamato!" She hissed between clenched teeth. "Yamato!" She took a deep breath and pulled out her flashlight to see what was making the sound. She was a little more then surprised when she saw the source of the noise. It was Yamato! He was tossing and turning in his bag, his face was twisted in pain. She groaned. "Great. He's having a nightmare." She said, at first she had thought it was TK, he looked so ... young and almost innocent. If he hadn't been having a nightmare, she would've giggled. She sighed instead, turned off the light and tried to get back to sleep, but the groans turned to whimpers, and pretty soon he was calling out names! "Kaasan! Kaasan-Tousan, don't! Don't hit her! Tousan! Wha-No! Leave TK alone!" He almost yelled. Mimi sat up and crawled over to his bag to wake him. She put her hands on his arm and shook, but he reacted as if she had burned him, and didn't wake up! He was getting frantic now. She remembered something her mother had done for her when she was having nightmares. She sighed, laid down beside Yamato, and wrapped her arms around him. He calmed down a bit, but was still tossing. She sighed again and sang him a calming lullaby: "Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes. And save these questions for another day. I think I know what you've been asking me. I think you know what I've been trying to say. I promise that I would never leave you. And you should always know Where ever you may go no matter where you are I'll never be far away. Good night my angel, now it's time to sleep And still so many things I want to say Remember all the songs you sang for me. When we went sailing on an emerald bay And like a boat out on the ocean I'm rocking you to sleep. The water is dark and deep inside this ancient hut You'll always be a part of me. Good night my angel, now it's time to dream And dream how wonderful your life will be Someday your child may cry and if you sing this lullaby Then in your heart there will always be part of me Someday we'll all be gone but the lullaby go on and on They never die" She knew it was kind of romantic sounding, but he was asleep anyway. She yawned, and looked at his now peaceful face. "So kawaii." She thought, then mentally slapped herself. This is MATT we're thinking about here. She shrugged, deciding she was tired, and rested her head on his shoulder, and soon she was asleep. Yamato looked up at the towering image of his father. "Tousan ... Please, don't!" He said weakly. He hated doing this. He hated begging, he hated being weak. And most of all, he hated it when his father got drunk. He hated his FATHER when he got drunk. His father reached back, and was about to smack him when ... he changed targets! He was aiming for TK! "No! Tousan! PLEASE!!" But there was nothing he could do! His father reached back to hit TK, and automatically, he jumped in the way. His father started hitting him instead. And hitting him, over and over and over!! Suddenly, he was safe. He was pulled away from the harmful hands of his father, and someone was holding him safe in their arms. He smiled, letting himself get wrapped in the warmness and listen to the strange tune that drifted into his subconscious. Soon, he was in a deep sleep. Mimi woke up, feeling the sun shinning on her face. This was perfect. If only the arms around her waist would pull tighter... She snapped her eyes open, and saw Yamato's blond hair. She almost panicked, but when she remembered what happened last night ... She lifted up his hands gently and slowly left his warm embrace. She crawled over to her own bag and sat there, trying to push down the feeling that she felt whenever she looked over at his sleeping face. She almost jumped when he started to stir. Soon, she was looking into his still groggy blue eyes. He blinked a few times, and their eyes locked. Something passed in-between the two that made them blush and look away a few seconds later. They didn't know it, but something started growing then. Something that would grow into something powerful and beautiful, something that could never be broken. I have no idea who owns the song Goodnight My Angle, (Lullaby) I'm not making any money off of this, and I'm NOT taking credit for it. If you know who it belongs to, could you please send it too me? my addy is: send me anything!!

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