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Bring it all back

My fic is a song fic. The song is by S CLUB 7. If you don't like the S CLUB 7 and I don't know anyone that doesn't than don't read it... ONE MORE THING it's about the Digidestends having a Digi party and when Matt sees Mimi he became nicer to her. Was it the looks? or was it that she was a good friend to him before?. Read the story and find out. ************************** Title: Bring it All Back- A Song Fic Author:Jo (Bring it all back now) Don't stop, never give up Hold your head high and reach the top Let the world see what you have got Bring it all back to you *~ All the Digidestends are in the park having fun... and Tai stuffing his mouth ~* Hold on to what you try to be, your individuality When the world is on your shoulders Just smile and let it go If people try to put you down, Just walk on by don't turn around You only have to answer to yourself *~ Matt went to get some food and saw the last piece of cake on the table. It was a big piece and he thought he couldn't finish it but he took it anyway. Mimi also saw the piece of cake and was also going to take it. Then when they (Mimi and Matt) got near the cake they noticed each other. Matt offered the cake to Mimi but she refuses. Then Mimi tells Matt to cut the piece in half since the piece was so big. Then Mimi gives Matt the knife and cuts the piece of cake in half. Then Mimi tells Matt " since you care about the park so much and I usually litter I'll bring it all back to you so you can throw it out for me ". Matt agrees. Don't you know it's true what they say In life it ain't easy But your time is coming around So don't you stop tryin' *~ After they finish eating Matt turned on the portable stereo and put in a CD ( S CLUB 7 ^-^ ). Everybody started dancing... except Matt. Mimi was dancing and saw Matt. She went over to him took his hands and walked him over where she was dancing before and showed him how to dance. IN MIMI"S HEAD come on Matt let them see what you have got ~* CHORUS Don't stop, never give up Hold your head high and reach the top Let the world see what you have got Bring it all back to you Dream of falling in love Anything you've been thinking of When the world seems to get to tough Bring it all back to you Na, na, na, na, na, na, na ( Three times) ~* After the dancing they all did their own thing. TK and Kari went farther down the park, Izzy typed away on his computer, Joe read a book, Sora was waiting for Tai to stop eating and Matt and Mimi started talking about their lives. Then it started to rain. Everybody packed up and left. Mimi was soaking so Matt gave his jacket for her to use. Everybody went to Sora's house to continue the party. *~ Try not to worry 'bout a thing Enjoy the good times life can bring Keep it all inside you, gotta let your feeling show Imagination is the key, cos you are your own destiny Never should be lonely, when time is on your side ~* They all chilled out at Sora's house for a while then they headed home. "Mimi need a ride home?" asked Matt "Sure" answered Mimi. When they arrived in front of Mimi's apartment Mimi aked Matt if he wanted to go inside. Matt said he was kinda tired and he drove home. Before he left, Mimi said to him Matt, never feel lonely. If you do, give me a call so you have someone to talk to. *~ Don't you know it's ture what they say Things are sent to try you But your times is coming around So don't you stop trying REPEAT CHORUS AND NA, NA, NA PART ~* When Matt got home he was thinking... "why was I so nice to Mimi?. She was such a pain when we were in the Digiworld now she Isn't? I wonder... Do I have a crush on MIMI?! *~ Don't you know it's true what they say Things happen for a reason But your times coming around So don't you stop trying REPEAT CHORUS THATS IT! read part two coming soon... and it's still a song fic!.

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