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Carnival:page 2

"And now you guys are an item, right?" Mimi asked. Matt have been wanting to ask the same question. "So Matt..." Tai said, trying to change the subject. "Uh-uh, you must answer her question. There's no way out of it." Matt interrupted. "Okay, we are and what the problem with that?" Sora replied. "Finally! I mean, nothing." Mimi said. "Yea, and you and Matt are together too, So we wouldn't be talking!" Tai confronted. "Calm down, Tai. You guys are our best friends, we're just happy for you." Matt said. Mimi giggled. Then, her gaze turned to the horizon. It was the most breath-taking view. The sky was rosy pink. The mountains were completely black because of the angle of the light. They were all focusing on the amazing view. It seemed like heaven.... When all of them got off the Ferris wheel. There were reporters. They took pictures of Matt and asked many questions. Finally, they all left for another immediate story. Then a man, who was in charge of the carnival decided to take his picture and hang it up on the Hall of Fame. The pucture turned out to be perfect. Matt had his arms around Mimi's shoulder and they both looked so peaceful and innocent, like angels. The next day, right on the front page of the local paper, "Teenage Boy Saves Girlfriend and Over Twenty More". They had the picture from the Hall of Fame. Everything was perfect........ simply heavenly.