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Hooters is the first place to find a chick

one day mimi was working at hooters with her sisters.kiki didnt find a guy yet but she would with her big jugs.kimi already found jo(yuck).mimi and kiki were sitting around and waiting for someone new to show up.Matt came in.The Izzy and Sora came in together holding hands.Tai walked in byhiself.they had a karioke machine but mimi,kiki,kimi,were pretty great singeers.they made up a song called its gonna be me (its from N'snc if you like them).Tai was sittin their lookin at kiki the whole intire time.kiki stoped singing and went to take Tai's order. "I will have spice chickens um.......a little of some rice with a little dab of soy sauce on the top and thats it"said tai.tai was staring at kiki's you know whatunder the shirt. mimi went to Matt."may i have one cheeze burger,chicken on a fence post......and thats it"said matt. "psssssst..........psssssssssssssst.....Tai!Taiii!!!!!!.I hav a question do you like kiki or is it just mimi? "well......i do because she is sort of cute.she is so kind she is like the worlds greatest everythin."said Tai. It was already 40 minutes.they were soppposed to give the order ten minutes ago.but they saw a big blast fire. "mimi!!!!!!!!!............?????????????"said matt. "kiki!!!!!!!................????????"said Tai. "my sisters!!!!!!!?said kimi"jo grabs her "i wont risk you getting hurt"said jo. Tai and Matt run in they look for them.Tai saw kiki fall on the floor.Tai picked her up and ran out.Matt couldn't see mimi.he saw mimi about almost one second to get burnt.he jumps and grabs her gets her out of the fire. Kiki woke up she was so sad about mimi.she hugged tai and started crying.Matt CPR on mimi woke up. Mimi said"matt will you be my boyfriend cause you risk you life to save me?" "sure i will!"said matt, matt carried her to the hospital.kiki was so happy now that mimi got back.kiki sort of broke her arm but still Tai wanted to carry her to the hospital.kiki and mimi quit their job but kimi stayed.they never would work in a kitchen again The End

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