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In Which The Crests are United

Part 1: Tai Kameya sighed as he walked. Being the leader was tough sometimes. Especially since he only partially knew where he was going, and everyone was following him, the leader. And all thinking that he knew PERFECTLY well what he was doing, didn't give any suggestions. Not even the Digimon! Tai sighed again. "Well, whats wrong with YOU?"A voice said behind him. Tai turned his head. It was Matt. Tai frowned at him. "None of your buisness nest-head,"Tai said hautily, refuring to Matt's hair. (Which Tai secretly wished his was more like, instead of this big brown mop on his own head). "Geez. Don't have to get all pigheaded about it, jerk,"Matt commented. Tai turned around and thus an argument started. "Hey you two! Don't start a fight!"Agumon said. "At least I don't think I'm god's gift to women!"Tai shouted at Matt, ignoring Agumon. "Matt, please don't!"Mimi shouted. Matt felt himself blush. But being the rebel he was, he wasn't going to be stopped by a girl, even a girl he had a HUGE crush on. "YAH? Well you seem to have a bit of jealousy in your voice!"Matt said back. "Personally I think they're both goodlooking, don't you Sora?"Mimi asked Sora giggling. Palmon sweatdropped. "At the moment they both seem to be equel in stupididy...OKAY YOU TWO! BREAK IT UP!"Sora said, breaking up a fight. Like she usually does. "He started it!"Tai said. Matt made a face at him. "Oh stop being so childish Tai!"Sora said to him with annoyance in her voice. Everyone was taken aback by this. Usually Sora refused to speak harshly to anyone. Tai looked the most suprised. "Geez Sora, i'm sorry,"Tai said sheepishly. Sora sighed, and went back to talk with Mimi. Tai looked at the ground. "Aaawww, is your little heart broken?"Matt said, like he was talking to a child. THAT was too much. "SHUT UP!!!"Tai jumped on Matt, and the two got into a serious fight. "BREAK IT UP YOU TWO!"Izzy shouted, without success. Joe made a squeeking noise, and TK hid behind Sora's legs. "WOULD YOU BOTH STOP ACTING SO CHILDISH!!??"Sora shouted. The two boys looked up at her. Sora smiled. "YAH!"Biyomon and Gabumon said in unison. "Please?"She said. Tai's heart promtply melted, and he got off Matt. "Listen you two, I know we're all tense about Myotismon and everything, and the eigth child, but we have to keep working together. Okay? "Sora smiled again. "Okay,"Tai said wiping some blood away form his nose. Matt nodded, and he rubbed a bruise he had recieved on his arm. "Well said Sora,"Joe smiled. "Sora's the greatest!"TK said. Sora smiled at the child. "YAY SORA!"Biyomon said proudly. "Speaking of Myotismon, and the eigth child, how are we gonna get back to our world to find them?"Izzy asked. "YOU'RE the leader!"Matt said bitterly. "Shut up Matt!"Tai shot back. The two growled again. Everyone just sighed. "This is gonna be a LOOOONNNGGG day,"Sora said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I was right. It HAS been a loooonnnnggg day,"Sora said outloud by the campfire that night. Matt and Tai had argued the whole way. Both had gone to bed early. They were exhausted. They got into another fist fight and it tired them both off. The Digimon had fallen asleep aswell. "You're right about that! And to top it all off, I broke a nail!"Mimi complained. "I'm going to bed. My head hurts,"Joe commented. TK was in bed aswell. Matt made him go asleep. "Izzy, do you have any information on how to get back to our own world?"Sora asked the small guy. "I was thinking....perhapes if we all said something we REALLY missed about our world, and then held our digivices out...that might work,"Mimi said logically. Sora and Izzy gaped at her. "Wow! She was!"Izzy said, grinning. "Plamon told me all that! I was supposed to rememebr something else...but I forgot! Teehee!"Mimi said cutly, Sora and Tai sighed. "Scratch that,"Izzy murmered. "I'm going to bed, come on Mimi, you look tired to,"Sora said. Mimi nodded, and yawned. The two girls walked off. "Hhhmmmm, Mimi may be right,"Izzy said. He thought for a moment. then nodded. He finally let sleep take him over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Do you think this will really work Sora?"Biyomon asked Sora curiously. Sora smiled at her. "Ofcourse Biyomon!"Sora smiled at the little bird Digimon. "Okay! Everyone ready?"Tai asked. Everyone nodded. Tai started. "I miss when our soccor team would beat another opponent, and the way my family always cheered for me,"Tai said. And when I scored that winning gole once and Sora hugged me..and kissed me on the cheek.....Tai thought. ~~~~FLASHBACK~~~~ "And here comes SORA!!, and she she passes to Tai, he shoots..NO WAIT! THAT WAS A TRICK TO THE OTHER TEAM!!..AND...AND HE SCORES!!!! TAI HAS SCORED THE WINNING GOLE FOR THE LEOPORDS!!8 TO 7!" The announcer (Erik, a friend of Tai's who also has a crush on Sora) shouted. Tai felt so proud of himself. Izzy ran up to congratulate him. "And the beautiful Sora on our team comes to congratulate Tai!"Erik shouted. Tai felts some arms fling across his neck and a happy girls shouts of delight on how he won the game. Sora then kissed his cheek. Tai blushed as he hugged her back. Erik scowled. "TAI YOU WOMANIZER!"Erik shouted. The crowd laughed. ~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~ "I miss how whenever our school had a talent show, I would actually dress up for once and sing, and have everyone clap for me, especially my Mama,"Sora said. And when I dressed up..Tai said I looked so....beautiful. ~~~~FLASHBACK~~~~ Sora beamed. All the guys and girls were admiring her, because she looked so pretty. Ofcourse Sora was a tomboy, but it's nice for people to admire you once in awhile. "Hey, like, where's Tai? He's like, the only guy who like, hasn't complemented on your beautiful appearence!"Monique said with annoyance. Monique was nice, but she was a bit of a vally girl. "I'll go find him!"Mitsuko said! Mitsuko was one of Sora's friends. "Mitsuko, you don't have to-"Sora sighed, whats the use? Two minuts later, Mitsuko was dragging a persistent Tai behind her to Sora. Mitsuko plopped Tai in front of Sora. Everyone was silent as Tai looked over Sora. Sora blushed when he went to her legs to her chest, and she glared at him for warning to get his eyes off, and he stopped to look at her face. He stepped forword abit. The guys watch intensly, and the girls held their breath. Tai smiled nervously, and put his hands on Sora's shoulders. Sora looked at him with suprise. "Wow...Sora.."Tai said, everyone breathed some air in, and held their breath. After a long time Tai said something. "Wow...."Tai said again. Everyone was now turning blue. "You look so...beautiful,"Tai stated. Everyone's mouths dropped open. Sora blushed the blushiest blush you ever saw, and looked at the ground. "T-thanks..."Sora said. "KISS HER TAI!"Mitsuko, Monique and the rest of the girls shouted. Sora cursed at them in her mind, for Tai then blushed and waved a little goodbye and left. ~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~ Tai and Sora smiled at the memorys. Everyone else stated everything they missed, and the digivices started to glow. "HANG ON TIGHT EVERYONE! IT'S WORKING! HERE WE GO!!"Tai shouted as rocks were lifting off the ground. "SWELL!! BUT HANG ONTO WHAT???"Mimi shouted. They all teleported. Only ONE problem though. The Digimon weren't teleported with them. ~~~~EARTH~~~~ Tai groaned. He had landed on his butt. He rubbed his backside in pain. "Agumon? Hey Agumon?"Tai said. He looked over to see all his friends in a cricle staring at him. He stood up and ran over to them. "Hey, where're Agumon, and the other Digimon guys?"Tai asked. "They didn't get teleported with us!"Matt said. "But they sent me a message on my computer!"Izzy said, typing on his labtop. Since they were back on Earth, it worked again. "How would that?"Tai asked sweatdropping. "It isn't like an e-mail, it's a signal. They said that they'll find another way to get here. They say that they found out be teleported HERE with us is impossible, but teleporting back is easy! They sent a holograph"Izzy said. "So they're okay?"TK asked intentidly. "Yup. They said they'll send me a holographic message as soon as they get here,"Izzy said. Sora and Mimi smiled and laughed happily. Joe's teeth chattered in fear. "What if we need their help?"He asked cowordly. "Then we're gonna have to run,"Matt said at him bitterly. Joe coword back. "Then, lets go see our parents!"Tai exclaimed. "I'm with YOU!"Sora smiled. Thus they ran off. Now all they needed was transpertation of some sort. "How are we gonna get a ride?"Mimi whined as they sat on the side walk. "HEY! HEY LADY! LOOK AT ME!! I'M ADORABLE AND CUTE!"Izzy had shouted at a car. She smiled at him, but still drove on. "HEY! YO BABE! HOW ABOUT YOU GIVING US A RIDE?"Matt had shouted. The girl winked at him, but still drove. Mimi laughed. "Just a minor set-back Mimi!"Matt blushed and laughed nervously. "HEY! HEY HEY HEY! YO! HEY BABY! "Tai shouted, the girl blew him a kiss....but drove on. All the guys tried, without success. "C'mon Tai, let me and Mimi try,"Sora begged. "No way! What if some guy like, kidnaped you or something?"Tai said back at her. "YAH! Ever think about THAT girls?"Matt added. "It's our duty to protect you as the strong men on campus!"Tai said! Matt nodded. Sora and Mimi rolled their eyes. Just then, a familier dirty old van stopped in front of them. The door on the passanger side opened, and running around from the other side was Yoshi, an old friend of Tai's who had a crush on Sora. He and Tai weren't friends anymore. Yoshi and his brother were into bad things, like cutting school, swearing at teachers, and smoking. "Hey Sora! How you doin'?"Yoshi said. "Nice of you to notice me Yoshi,"Tai said. "Hey Tai, Izzy, haven't seen you guys for awhile. So Sora, how's your beautiful self doing?"Yoshi smiled at her. "Well, uh-"Sora blushed. "We-need-a-ride,"Tai said dangerously. "I'm not gonna give a jerk like YOU a ride you womanizer, but i'll give Sora and this OTHER cute girl a ride,"Yoshi winked at Mimi and Sora. Matt and Tai glared dangeriously at Yoshi. "Please Yoshi, give the guys a ride to!"Sora begged. "Yah! Pretty please?"MImi begged. Yoshi sighed. "Yah yah sure. YO BRO! WE'RE GIVING SORA AND HER FRIENDS A RIDE!"Yoshi shouted at the car. The window rolled down to reveal a goodlooking teenage boy. "You mean the Sora you talk to much about? Yah, sure,"He smiled. Sora and Mimi cheered, as they guys were taken into the van with the girls. They were all seated. "Okay, you perverts back there, this is a warning. No talking. Only I, Yoshi, Sora and this Mimi girl are aloud to talk. Got it? Don't speak unless spoken to you lechers,"the older brother said. Tai and the others nodded, staring daggers and Yoshi and his brother. "Okay then. Yoshi, we got some cute girls here, eh?"his brother said. Mimi and Sora looked extremely uncomfortable. "Where to baby-dolls? By the way, my names Koshiu,"he said, he stared at Mimi and Sora's chest area. "Um....well.."Mimi stuttered, for once at a loss for words. Sora and Mimi seemed a little scared now. Yoshi just laughed. The guys were getting pissed off at the treatment these guys were giving the girls. "Don't know? Good thing we picked you up, some BAD guys could have picked you up, eh Yoshi?"Koshiu said, Yoshi laughed perversly. They drove on in silence, with Tai and the guys looking protectivly at Sora and Mimi. Eventually, when the silence was broken by Koshiu, he went to far. "Since you two don't know where to go, maybe you could come to Yoshi and I's apartment eh?"Koshiu said. "Apartment??'Sora and Mimi exclaimed. "Yah, me and Koushiu got kicked out of the house, mom found our cigerettes,"Yoshi said. "WHAT??!!"Mimi shouted. Tai and Matt were held back from attaking Yoshi and Koshiu. "So anyway, how about it girls? My brother would show you, the best time of your lives. You just have to be easy babes, you got the body's for it-"Koshiu was cut off by Tai. "CUT IT OUT!! YOU WENT TO FAR! LEAVE SORA AND MIMI ALONE!"Tai shouted. "YOU JERKS BETTER LET US OUT RIGHT NOW, AND LEAVE THE GIRLS ALONE OR ELSE!!"Matt screamed, Izzy was now being held back from punching Yoshi, and Matt was swearing at Yoshi. Koshiu seemed to realize they were outnumbered, and pulled over. Tai and the gang quickly got out of the car. Not before Yoshi grabbed Sora and Mimi around the waist however. Mimi kicked him (where it hurts) and Sora promplty punched him across the jaw. Yoshi cursed at them, as he and his brother Koshiu drove off. "Sora....Mimi...are you two okay?"Joe asked. Mimi and Sora were breathing heavily. Tai and Matt stepped forword. "THAT WAS SO SCARY!!!"Mimi sobbed and grabbed onto a suprised Matt. Matt blushed as his arms circled around her waist as she cried into his chest. "I WANNA GO HOME! THAT WAS SCARY! I WANT MY MAMA AND MY STUFFED CAT!!"Sora cried after her, crying into Tai's chest. Tai held her. The guys comforted them. They were lost. What do they do now? END OF PART 1

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