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A Digimon Story:The Dance

By: Miz Bubbles : Matt stared at him self in the mirror for about the sixteenth time. "Oh come ooooon Matt! The stupid dance will be OVER by the time we get there!!" Tai said dramatically as he plopped over on Matt's bed. "Just give me a minute..." he said grabbing his comb and slowly brushing back his hair. Tai suddenly gasped. "We're late!!! Maaaaatt!!! Punctality is everything!!!!" Matt sighed. "You're just thinking about Sora." he said flatly. Tai turned red. "Hey!!!" he stomped up to Matt and was about to hit him when Matt put his hand in front of him stopping him. "Please, no fighting now. We are wearing tuxes." "Oh. Riiiight. But can we GO now!!!!" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MEANWHILE.... "Mimi..." Sora began extremely fustrated. "I have been waiting for you for about an HOUR!!!!! give me a BREAK!!!!" Mimi peeked her head out of the bathroom door. She smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry...I just can't decide...Rose petal, blush, or salmon?" Sora stared blankly. "WHO CARES!!! They're all a bunch of pink lipsticks!!!" "I know...ok you tell me. Which goes best with this dress." she said slowly getting out of the bathroom. The pink pearl dress reached the floor and draped on the floor and outlined her slimmish figure. It was spaghetti strapped and tight on the top, but as it reached her waist it began to flow out loosly. "Wow, pretty." said Sora feeling very lowly dressed compared to her friend. Her dress was dark green and had slits on one side. "So?" asked Mimi. "huh?? So what??" "Which color?!?!?" asked Mimi angrily. "uuuh....the first one." Sora said pointing to one of the lipsticks in Mimi's hands. "Now let's GO please?!??!?!" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TIME PASSES... Tai stood with Matt at the dance in a corner of the Great Hall of the Chiba Park Hotel, a few miles from their school. This is where the High School had their homecomming dances. Tai had a red flower pinned to him and Matt had a pink one (pink...Mimi...get it ^_^). Tai spotted Sora across the room. They smiled at eachother but made no other apparent moves. Matt noticed this and stared back at them. He noticed a very pretty girl next to her looking nervously around. "Hey, who's that girl with Sora?" Tai gasped. "You really don't recognize her?" "Nope. Why? Do I know her?" "YES!!!! That's Mimi!!! She doesn't go to this school though." "MIMI!!!!! Pink dress, cowboy hat, girl power Mimi??" Tai grinned at his friends' surprised reaction. "Yes, that's the one and only Mimi." He noticed his friend was continuously staring at her. "Yo! Earth to Matt!". Then he slyly grinned. "Oooh...i sense a crush thing going on here..." "Yeah, so do I. You and Sora." "No man! I'm talking about YOU!!!" "Me?!?! No way...with WHO!?!?" "Mimi! Come're practically drooling over her!" "WHAT!!! I am NOT drooling!! And i DON'T like her...she just...changed. That's all." Tai chuckled softly and looked back at his friend. "Come on...ask her to daaaance." he said in a little sing-song voice. "NO!!! I told you!! I DON'T like her!!!!" "Riiiight. Fine. Whatever you saaay." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MEANWHILE..... Sora smiled back at Tai. 'He's so sweet' she thought. Mimi nudged her and interrupted her thoughts. "That's Matt isn't it?" "Oh yeah." She said not giving it a second thought. She then turned to the buffet. Oooh, chocolate dumplings. Yum!!!!. she said silently. She turned to her friend to say something when she noticed that she was staring straight Matt. "Uuuh...Miiiiimiiii...what are you doooooiiiing???" said Sora staring at her funny. Mimi snapped out of her trance. "Uh...nothing! How about you!!" "Nothing huh? I don't think staring at Matt is considered nothing!" "I wasn't staring at him! I was...uh...looking at the buffet! Yeah! It sure looks good!" Sora looked at her blankly. "Uh..yeah...just one problem. The buffet is..that way" She said pointing the other direction. "Come on Mimi. Go over there!! Talk to him!!" said Sora pushing her in his direction. "Ack! What are you doing!!! I don't want to talk to him!" "Why? Are you shyyyy? That's okay! I think he's a little shy too." Mimi turned red, half from her anger and half because she was blushing. "Sora!! Listen, okay!! I DO NOT like Matt, if that's what you're implying! Now let's go to the buffet!!" she said demandingly. Sora could not refuse the offer. Seeing Sora head over there, Tai dragged his reluctant friend over. Mimi looked down at the tart. The last one. It looked sooo good, and yet she was on a diet. Should she?? Shouldn't She? she asked herself several times." Yes, she should. She reached out for it and just as she touched it another hand tried to grab it as well. "Matt?!?" "Huh?" he said glancing up. "Mimi??" She smiled at him. 'He's got real pretty eyes' she thought to herself. 'And his it's as cute and cool as before. He seems so calm, so smooth.' She woke herself from these day dreams and ralized he was giving the tart to her. " thanks. You can have it. I'm on a diet anyway!" "A diet? You look great. You don't need a diet. Here, take it." She blushed at the compliment, and took the tart. He smiled as she took a delicate bite out of it. "So, what's been going on with you?" She was surprised to hear his question. She began to answer and forgot she had a tart in her mouth. "Affluw uffugus bwiffith..". She blushed and quickly swallowed it and began speaking. "Things have been great really. I miss my friends though." she said slowly looking down. She still went to the school but she had all different classes and barely saw them. That's why she liked these dances. He smiled. "You've changed alot. I didn't even recognize you." She looked back up at him. "So have you, Matt." They stood in silence for a long time. "So, how is TK?" "TK's fine. And your family?" "Great..just...uh..great.". She faltered a little. She knew Matt disliked talking about families. She noticed he was un comfortable and immediately changed the subject. "Look at Tai and Sora over there. Who would've ever thought." "He's liked her for like...forever!" "I know..same with her. I think they're a cute couple. How 'bout you?" He smiled. "Yeah...cute...real cute." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Matt stood watching Tai and Sora dance. It was almost time to announce the homecomming King and Queen. The music suddenly stopped and the lights began to shine a little. A tiny lady walked up to the podium. Ladies and gentlemen, this year's homecoming King is...Matt Yamato! (ok peepz. i've never been to one so i don't know how this goes, but here's my guess) Mimi smiled as he walked up there stunned and surprised. "Wait-a-go Matt!!" Tai yelled from the crowd. Mimi felt a pang of jealousy. 'Darn lucky Queen. damn." "And the Queen...Mimi Tachikawa!!" 'Dang lucky Mimi....HEY!!! THAT'S ME!!!!'. She gasped and stared at the stage where Matt sat in the little chair. She walked up there and sat down next to him. She saw Sora in the crowd give her a peace sign. She smiled. They then crowned the homecomming King and Queen with fake paper things and then the lady began to announce a few other things. Then the music to the last dance began (I knew i loved you). "Okay," said Matt getting up. "Here goes nothing." he said to her "What??" "Yeah, we are supposed to dance know, tradition??" He held out this hand and got a silly grin on his face. "May i have this dance, my Queen?" She blushed and held out her hand. "Yes my king, you may." They walked down to the dance floor. He put his hands on her waist and she put hers around his neck and they slowly began to dance. He pulled her closer and she lay her head on his shoulder. She sighed happily. She sniffed. ' Wow, that smells good.' She sniffed one more time and he laughed. "That tickles. What're you doing?" She blushed. "Nothing!" He smiled at her and held her close. 'She's so pretty and so cute!' he said chuckling to himself a little. He looked up and saw Tai dancing with Sora. Tai gave his a thumbs up and Matt returned it with a similar gesture. He then smiled and began to concentrate on his dance. The dance ended all too soon for the two and they slowly (and reluctantly) parted. He smiled at her. She leaned closer to him and gave him a quick kiss. They stared at eachother for a moment and he smiled. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and winked at her before he left to find Tai. He found Tai in a corner with a little lipstick mark on his cheek. Matt laughed and led his friend out the door. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TIME PASSES... TK entered his brothers room where he found his brother laying out his tux on his bed and humming a weird song (I Knew I Loved You). "So, was your dance?" He smiled and looked out into space as he answered the question with a funny tone, " In Izzy's words, it was 'prodigeous!' " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Miz Bubbles