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Dream and Revelations:Page 2

The razor sharp claws on his fingers ripped into her skin. "Help me," she heard herself call faintly as the darkness crept over her. Then all was black. Mimi’s terrified eyes opened within a split-second of the end of the dream. Her hands were all clammy, her hair plastered to the back of her neck, and she could feel the sweat beads on her forehead and the tears in her eyes. Why, she thought, sobbing quietly to herself, why do I have to keep having these stupid nightmares! I cannot get rid of them, no matter how hard I try to think of Matt, my friends, and my family! They just keep coming back. She got up, carefully stepping over the cat that lay on the floor next to her bed and made her way down the hall into the living room, where the balcony was. She stepped out into the cool spring air and sighed. It was so nice out. No cars, few lights, just peace and quiet everywhere. She stretched out on the lounge chair and gazed out over the city. And despite her efforts to avoid going to sleep again, she was soon breathing rhythmically and deeply as the sun made it’s way into the dawn sky. Part 3 : "Hurry up Mimi! We’re going to be late!!!" yelled Sora from across the hallway at school. Mimi shoved some last necessities into her already overloaded backpack. "Just gotta get my English book," she called over her shoulder. She tried in vain to stuff it in among her other notebooks and textbooks, but it would not fit. In her haste she closed her locker door and threw her English book at Sora. Then she turned around. "Please try to get this in there!" she said hurriedly. Sora pried and pulled and finally stuck the book in and zipped up the bulging pocket with some difficulty. At last, they were set to go. They jogged out the door past many other students who were also anxious to get home for the weekend. Waving to some of their other friends as they passed, they soon found themselves at the subway station. "Tai isn’t going to be too happy if we are too late!" Sora said over her shoulder as they boarded the train destined for the other side of the city. For some reason he is very intent on getting together tonight, she thought. Oh well, a couple minutes won’t kill him. "Hey Sora, isn’t this our stop?" asked Mimi curiously as the doors opened for the tenth time on the busy track. Sora nodded and they exited the train. They walked briskly up the street to Matt’s apartment building, where he lived with his dad. Poor Matt, thought Mimi, I feel so bad for him sometimes. He has to be separated from his mother and his brother. I don’t know how I would cope without both my parents. Sora knocked on the door fiercely when they found themselves on the seventh floor. Matt, a little shocked at the intensity of the taps, rushed to the door and swung it open. "In a hurry to see Tai, Sora?" he asked, a semi-disgusted look on his face. "Sorry, I just thought we were late!" she apologized. "Well actually you beat Tai. He is probably still on his way. Come on in," he invited. Sora stepped in without another thought, but Mimi walked in slowly. She had not been in Matt’s apartment since ages ago. "You like it?" he asked her as they entered the modernly furnished living room where Sora was sitting in a large armchair. "It’s cool,’ she remarked, "I haven’t been here in so long." "Well hopefully you’ll be coming over a lot now,’ he teased. He grabbed her playfully by the waist and twirled her around to face him. She giggled at the suggestion, then was about to plant a kiss on his lips, but a muffled giggle came from the chair. "Eh hum." Sora cleared her throat sarcastically, then remarked, "Don’t make me hose you two down!" Matt and Mimi both laughed, and the sat down on the couch together. Then all of a sudden the sound of banging at the front door made Matt roll his eyes. "Here’s our favorite eccentric now," he joked as he went and opened the door for a very impatient Tai. He burst in and all at once started talking. "You know Matt, we should go over to the mall later and make sure that our surprise for the girls is ready to go for tomorrow, you know it isn’t that easy to find a…llimmerseene dease trays, hayy!" Matt had placed his hand over Tai’s mouth as soon as he could. "You idiot, they’re already here!" he said in an angry whisper. Tai’s eyes widened and he pulled Matt’s hand off his mouth. "Maybe they didn’t hear?" he asked, a sheepish grin on his face. "Nooooo, we heard nothing, right Mimi," sighed Sora sarcastically. "Nah, would you mind running that last part by us again?" she giggled. Soon both girls were laughing hysterically, with Matt and Tai looking on displeasingly. "Seriously," Sora croaked, gasping for breath, "We really only heard the part about going to the mall to make sure our surprise was ready. Nothing after that." "Well you might as well know, Mr. Bright over here already ruined it anyways," said Matt, glaring at Tai. "Hey, you should have warned me they were in here the minute I got in the door!" "Well, excuse me, I would have if I were ever able to get a word in!" "Oh yeah, well…" Sora interrupted Tai before he said anything too rotten. "Come on guys, lighten up." "Yeah," agreed Mimi, "and don’t tell us what it is. We promise we will act very surprised at the Prom tomorrow. Oh I can’t believe its tomorrow!" "Fine," said Tai and Matt together. They all sat down and chatted for awhile, then headed outdoors and down the block back to the subway station. "So where are we going to eat?" asked Matt, his stomach growling. "I’m starving too,’ complained Mimi. "Here we go, she never lets up does she." "Watch it!" said Matt defensively. Mimi stuck her tongue out at Tai and turned her nose up in the air. "Okay, I’m sorry," pouted Tai, "but that’s all she used to do in the Digiworld! How about pizza? We’ll be eating fancy stuff tomorrow, anyways." "That’s true," interjected Sora, "Besides I could go for a couple of Hawaiian style slices." "Yuck! Loaded is better," said Matt. "Plain pepperoni is fine for me!" stated Mimi. "Gotta love those anchovies!" laughed Tai, rubbing his stomach and licking his lips. "Ewwwwww!" said Sora and Mimi simultaneously. Matt crinkled up his nose. "I’ll have to go with them on that one." They all chuckled. After dinner the group headed to the movies. They decided, after some argument, that they would see Scream 3, to Mimi’s dismay. Great, she thought as they seated themselves in the second to last row, another nightmare to add to my current list. "This is going to be good!" said Tai as they rearranged themselves so Mimi and Sora were in the middle, with Matt on Mimi’s side, and Tai on Sora’s. "Yippee," said Mimi. "Oh come on Mimi, you and I saw the first two," Sora laughed. "Yeah, well that was at your house, with all the lights on, with your mom home! Not in a dark creepy theater with a bunch of weirdoes that like this kind of stuff!" "Ugh, thanks a lot Mimi!" Tai said unimpressed. Who wouldn’t like a chance to scare themselves half to death so they could cuddle with their dates, Tai asked himself. I’m sure glad that she’s not with me. "Don’t worry, I’ll protect you!" Matt said, placing his arm around Mimi’s shoulders. "Well that’s a relief!" she said, smiling happily. "Shh—the movies on!" Tai said, practically yelling. He leaned back in his seat and placed his arm around Sora’s shoulders. Sora rolled her eyes at Mimi, who had trouble keeping from laughing, and then settled back in her seat and laid her head on Tai’s shoulder. It wasn’t even a half an hour into the movie when Mimi declared that she couldn’t watch anymore. Her head was conveniently buried in Matt’s chest; her eyes screwed shut. Matt did not seem to care; he played with her ponytail and continued to watch. "Mimi, come on," said Sora, "it’s not that bad!" "Worse that the other two!" squealed Mimi defensively, "Besides, Gail looks really bad in this one. She needs a makeover or something." "Shhhhhhh!" About ten people surrounding them turned and glared. "You’re ruining the movie Mimi," commented Tai, "If you can’t take it, leave." "Fine," she said, an ugly tone in her voice. She rose and climbed gingerly over Matt’s legs and went up the aisle to the double doors to exit the theater. Matt got up and followed her outside. "Grrrr, boy he irritates me sometimes," she said grouchily when Matt came up to her, "Don’t leave on my account, I can wait out here until it’s over." "Nah, I’d rather be with you," he said suavely as he drew her into his arms, "Besides, I’d rather watch it at home too. Less noise and screaming and kids talking." "Did I ruin our date?" she asked quietly. It was, after all, their first. "Of course not! Hey, I bet the other movie starts soon—do you want to watch that one instead?" "Uh huh! That’s the one I really wanted to see!" They returned to the theater Matt’s arm around her waist. It was almost ten-o-clock when Matt and Mimi left the theatre and joined Sora and Tai outside. "We wondered where you went," said Sora as they started their walk back to the subway. "We saw The Beach! It was pretty good," said Mimi smiling. "Yeah, better than that bloodfest," agreed Matt. Tai smirked at him. "Well we liked it, you know the killer is really…" "Shut up Tai," said Sora, "I’m sure Matt and Mimi want to see it sometime." When they got to the station they decided since it was late, the guys should take the girls home. They parted ways when Matt and Mimi got off at her stop. As they walked the block in the cool night air, Matt could feel something was wrong. Since they had left the movies, Mimi had not said a single word. "Are you scared?" he questioned as he took her hand in his. She shivered, but did not say anything. He decided to let her choose when to speak, and soon she did. "It’s not that I’m scared of the movie, but I am scared." He stopped her. "Why?" he asked gently. "Oh, because of those stupid dreams I’ve been having on and off. I’m afraid to go to sleep," she blurted out. She could again feel the tears forming in her eyes. "They just won’t go away!" she yelled, now sobbing, "They won’t leave me alone!" She flung herself in Matt’s arms and cried hard into his chest. "Shhh," he said, half concerned for her, half trying to comfort her. He stroked her hair as her small body heaved up and down with her sobs. This is serious, he thought. These dreams must be terrible if they make her this upset. "Maybe if you tell me about them you will feel better," he said. He pulled her over to a bench outside a small shop and sat her down next to him. She fervently tried to stop the tears, but they flowed all through her description. "The worst one is when…is when I am running, running hard…and I run so fast I feel like I’m going to die…and then he gets me…he grabs me by the waist… and I can feel it Matt, I can feel his claws ripping through my skin… " "He? He who? Who is chasing you Mimi?" asked Matt nervously, all the while rubbing her back, trying to get her to calm down. "I don’t know!!!" she cried out desperately. " I can always see someone in the distance, someone I know…but their eyes are so cold, so heartless. And then I faint! I always faint before I wake up, so for a minute everything is just so black…nothingness everywhere…and then I wake up and I am sweating awful… and I am usually balling my eyes out!" she finished tearfully. She rubbed her eyes fiercely, but Matt grabbed her wrists and held them tightly. "Are you sure you don’t know who is chasing you?" he questioned, drawing her hands away from her face. "I don’t know," she said quietly, "I just don’t know." She looked up into Matt’s beautiful blue eyes, filled with concern and tenderness. "Can you take me home?" she asked. Matt nodded. He helped her up and guided her the rest of the way to her apartment. When they reached the doorstep Matt hugged her tightly, gave her a quick kiss, and then turned to go. He felt her hand on his arm, and he turned back. "Please don’t tell anyone about this," she cautioned, "I don’t want to talk about it again, especially in front of everyone." Matt hugged her again and whispered in her ear, "You can always trust me." Mimi’s eyes welled up with fresh tears. "Thank you," she whispered back. Then she climbed the stairs and disappeared behind the door. Matt rode the rest of the way on the subway alone. When he got home, his dad asked him plenty of embarrassing questions before finally allowing him to go to bed. When he lay down to sleep though, he could not close his eyes knowing that something was very wrong with Mimi. Why would she have these dreams so frequently if they did not mean something, he asked himself. Who could be chasing her? Why would someone do that to her? All Matt knew was that if she could, she would have to try and finish the dream without waking up, or she may never know who the stalker is and why he is after her. With this last thought, Matt drifted off into fitful sleep plagued by his own nightmares. When Mimi entered her house she tried the best to conceal her puffy eyes and flushed face, but her mother noticed right away and assumed the worst. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Mimi, what did he do?" she asked, a terrified look in her eyes, her hands on Mimi’s shoulders. "No mom, he would never do anything like that," Mimi stated defiantly, "I just had a crying spell, that’s all." "Did he break up with you?" "No! He helped me, okay?" She shook her mother’s hands off. "Does this have anything to do with those dreams you have been having?" her mother asked warily. "What?" Mimi turned around to face her. "Your father and I have been hearing you talk in your sleep lately. Sometimes we even here you scream. One night it was so bad we tried to wake you up, but you kept kicking and throwing your arms in the air, yelling ‘"Help me! Please, someone help me!"’ and other things like that. Your face was covered with sweat, your hair was plastered to your neck and your back, and your eyes were closed so tightly that the tears were streaming down your cheeks. We thought you would kill yourself you were thrashing around so! Finally, your father shook you so hard you snapped out of it. You sat straight up in bed, looked us both right in the eye, and in a second you were off in dreamland again, snoring peacefully. We didn’t know what to make of it!" As Mimi listened to what her mother was telling her, she remembered that very night. That was the night she had almost finished the dream. "…you should never eat chocolate before you go to bed. I have told you that a thousand times, but I know you would not have nightmares that badly normally! Mimi? Mimi, honey, are you okay?" Her mother’s persistent voice cut into her thoughts. "I’m okay Mom," she assured her, "but I’m really tired. I’ll remember about the chocolate, but now I’d better go to sleep, the Prom’s tomorrow you know." Mimi walked away from her mother in a trance-like state. She shook her head and decided that it was about time that she went to bed herself. When Mimi entered her room, she immediately jumped into bed and forced herself to remember what had happened after she had heard Matt call out her name in the dream. Then the visions flooded into her mind. Part 4 : Mimi was at Sora’s house, making last minute adjustments to her dress. They were both lucky that they had picked out dresses in the right sizes, since they were the last one’s left. Mimi hustled over to Sora, who was having trouble zipping it up in the back. "Here, let me help you," she offered, sliding the zipper up the last inch. Then at Sora’s request she tied the lacing in the back into a pretty bow. "You look great!" she said, complementing her friend. Sora’s dress really did her petite figure justice, more so than other things Mimi had seen her wear. "Tai is going to faint when he sees you," she giggled, "I just hope Matt likes mine. He wasn’t too crazy about the fact he had to get his tux to match!" Mimi twirled around in the princess dress, lost for a moment in her own world. "Well, we only have a half an hour left, and we have to do our makeup," Sora sighed. She was not big on it, but since it was the prom, she decided a little would not hurt. They had already been to the salon downtown an hour ago. Sora had her hair soaked with so much hairspray that she thought she would die because of the fumes, but the look was worth it. Instead of her regular tame tresses, the stylist had pinned it awkwardly with several of the tiny flower clips Sora had provided, and then she had added some well-needed volume to the sides and back. Mimi’s hair, on the other hand, looked stunning as usual. She had urged the stylist to put it up in a high, loose ponytail, leaving two long strands to frame her face, and then curl the ends of her ponytail to give it some pizzazz. In no time, Sora looked in the mirror, ready to be horrified by what she saw, but she gasped instead. Mimi had gone incredibly light on her makeup, with just a touch of this and that. In her gratitude, Sora did the same for her, promising her that too much makeup would take the attention off her beautiful dress. Mimi knew this was true, and she knew that Matt did not like it when she wore a lot—he said it covered up her natural beauty. They were totally primped and pampered by the time that the boys had warned them to be ready. They slipped on their heels, grabbed their purses, and rushed into the living room to wait for their dates. "Oh you girls look so lovely!" cried Sora’s mom as they entered the living room. Mimi’s parents had stayed to see what the finished product looked like. "Oh darling you look magnificent!" exclaimed Mimi’s mother right after Sora’s; "oh you both look stunning!" "What I wouldn’t give to be Matt or Tai right now," joked Mimi’s father, winking at them. Mimi took a playful bat at her dad with her purse. "We have to get tons and tons of pictures," stated Sora’s mom. She and Mimi’s mother both had their cameras handy, and Mimi’s father even had the camcorder. "Oh boy," said Sora; overwhelmed by all the attention. Mimi, however, seemed to thrive in it. Soon after they had made their entrances in the living room, the doorbell chimed. Sora’s mother quickly trotted over and opened the door wide, showing two anxious male faces. "Come on in you two, Sora and Mimi are ready." The boys looked a little distressed when they saw Mimi’s dad with the video camera, but when their eyes hit the girls; their expressions turned to complete amazement. "Wow," they both stated in unison. Then they grinned nervously as parents surrounded them to rearrange them for a photo or two (more like ten!). After some adjustments, they snapped the pictures. They all were grateful when they were ushered out the door and down the hall to the elevator. "Now have a great time!" called Mimi’s father, "just be back by midnight!" "Call us if you need anything!" yelled Sora’s mom after them. They all waved and Mimi blew a kiss to her dad as the elevator doors shut. "Whew," said Tai, "that was some welcoming committee!" "Yeah, but it was worth it," laughed Matt as he gazed at the girls. Sora and Mimi both blushed uncontrollably. "Well, are you ready for your surprise?" Tai asked. The girls shook their heads yes as they left the building. Two pairs of hands covered their eyes as they were led down the steps and around the corner. When they had reached their destination, revealed before them was a large black limousine. "Oh my goodness," gasped Sora, her hand over her mouth. "You like it?" asked Tai, proud of their accomplishment. "It was the last one on the lot!" Matt exclaimed as he and Tai led the girls to it. The driver nodded to them as they hopped inside the roomy interior. "This must have cost a pretty penny," remarked Mimi as they settled in on the black leather seats so the two couples faced each other. "We pooled our money," assured Tai, who leaned back with his arms folded behind his head, "This is the life, right Sora?" "I guess," Sora said, a little uncomfortably. She felt out of place with all this glamour. Mimi caught her distressed look. "Well I sure agree," she said, smiling widely, "We’ll be the envy of the whole school!" The ride lasted only about a half an hour, and the limousine halted in front of a lavish hotel. Matt gave the driver a tip, and then they were off to the ballroom where the dance half was being held. Before they entered the room, Matt and Tai gave Sora and Mimi their corsages, both which matched their counterpart’s dresses well. Declaring that she wanted a second to take in it all, Sora bade Tai to walk around and say hello to everyone. He hooked her arm through his, and they were off. Matt and Mimi found a table off to the side of the dance floor where they could see all the action. As soon as they sat down, however, Mimi turned to him and exclaimed. "I think I know who was after me in my dream." Matt looked at Mimi, astonished at her statement. "You finished it?" he asked, eager to know the cause of her breakdown the night before. "Well, no," she started, "but I think I know just the same." "Who?" Matt asked her gently. He took her hand and held it in both of his. Mimi was about to utter a reply when all of a sudden Tai and Sora came whirling by on the dance floor. Sora was almost in hysterics as they whizzed around to the intense beat of the music. "Come on Mimi, get Matt to dance!" Tai called as they passed again. "I promise I will tell you later," she said, "but right now, lets forget it and try to have some fun!" Matt saw the need in her eyes, so he agreed, the terrible question still unanswered. All at once, they were mimicking Tai and Sora, and soon the two couples had the dance floor all to themselves. The beat changed, though, and soon Mimi and Matt found themselves swaying slowly together as a slow melody echoed through the ballroom. Sadly, the dance only lasted a few minutes, and after it came another song with a wild beat. They broke out of the dreamlike state and rejoined Tai and Sora in moving to the fast-paced tempo. Before long two hours of dancing had passed, even though it had seemed to the teens as only a few minutes. Truly exhausted from their attempts to outdo each other, the couples sat back down at the table Mimi and Matt had occupied earlier. "Wow!" said Sora as she took a sip of the water she had requested for herself, "I never knew you could dance so well Tai." "Gee, thanks!" Tai shot back, laughing. "Well I never knew Matt could dance at all," he teased. "Me neither," laughed Matt. Mimi smiled. "Yeah, we were really moving!" she exclaimed as she too drank a mouthful of her water, "I’m completely worn out!" "Me too," Sora remarked, "I think we should take a trip to the powder room!" Mimi nodded in agreement. They skirted the dance floor and wound their way down a long hall before they stopped in a large bathroom. "This has turned out to be some night," announced Sora as she reapplied what little makeup she had lost from their dancing endeavors. "Uh huh, it’s been really nice. They were so sweet to rent a limousine and all that," answered Mimi, who was playing with her hair, trying to put runaway strands back where they belonged. "So is Matt’s father picking you two up at midnight?" Sora asked curiously. "Yeah, it was too bad that they could only afford being dropped off in a limousine, not both ways. But it’s okay, I haven’t really met his dad face to face yet. You have a ride, right?" "Yes, Tai promised Kari his mother would bring her when she came to get us so she could see us all decked out!" "Cool!" After they were finished powdering their noses, or so to speak, they headed back to the table. When they returned, all attention was turned to the middle of the dance floor, where a chaperone was going to announce the Prom King and Queen, and the Prince and Princess. Mimi was certain that she had been nominated for Princess, and she knew Sora was a shoe-in for Queen. She just hoped they would not be stuck with two royal pains in the butts instead of their dates. The chaperone cleared her throat and tapped the microphone. "It’s time to announce the royal court. We will start with the Prince and Princess. Can I have a drum roll please?" she asked the live band. They obliged, and she again cleared her throat. "This year’s Prince and Princess are Yamato Ishida and Mimi Tachikawa!" she shouted into the mike. Everyone clapped over enthusiastically. Mimi did not seemed at all stunned as she and Matt made their way to the middle of the floor to each receive a single rose and a fake jeweled crown. Matt did not look very pleased when the chaperone turned and kissed him on the cheek. People in the crowd snickered, but then turned their attention back to the announcer. "And now for the monarchs! This year’s King and Queen are Taichi Kamiya and Sora ___________!" Someone in the audience smirked, "it figures!" Sora and Tai joined their companions in the middle of the floor, and suddenly some sappy sounding music came on in the background. Two cheerleaders came from the stage where the band was carrying two long robes, a bouquet of roses, a scepter, and two fancy plastic crowns. They swung the robes over the two’s shoulders, perched the crowns on their heads, and then handed Sora the bouquet and Tai the scepter. Both of the cheerleaders kissed Tai before exiting the circle that had gathered. When Tai started to blush, Sora glared at him grouchily. In return, he leaned over and kissed her, which turned her distressed expression instantly into a smile. "Both couples please remain on the floor for the spotlight dance." A slow, popular ballad by some well-known crooner began to wend its way from the band to the lone couples on the dance floor. Matt found himself staring deep into Mimi’s clear hazel eyes once more. Their gaze

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