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Dream and Revelations:Page 3

locked, and they appeared to others in a strange trance. Nevertheless, neither of them cared, they were far away from the circle surrounding them on the floor. All they could here was the softly playing music; nothing else mattered, as long as they were together. Another hour of dancing and another of mingling spent the rest of their time. Midnight came all too soon, and Matt and Mimi ended up waiting outside with Tai and Sora as they waited for Tai’s mother and Matt’s dad. "Did everyone have a good time?" asked Matt proudly. "I sure did," giggled Mimi as she leaned in to give him a quick kiss. "Me too," said Sora, doing the same to Tai. "We’re glad," said Tai satisfactorily, "Next time we get to pick the big event though." "Here we go," sighed Sora, "please not a monster truck rally or anything like that!" "Why not?" asked Matt, a very serious look on his face. Mimi and Sora both looked at him, confused at his remark. Then his uptight face dissolved into a grin. "Oh come on, I don’t actually like them, guys! I was just trying to be funny!" "Well you weren’t," said Tai frankly, "Besides, we should get to do whatever we want—you two dragged us to this." "And all that coming from Mr. Dance Maniac over here!" giggled Mimi, "I’d bet you ten bucks you’d want to go to a dance club or something!" "Please no!" yelled Sora, a sarcastically disturbed look on her face. A beep from a nearby automobile interrupted their colorful conversation. Kari leapt out the minute her mother stopped, and she ran up to Sora. "Oh wow, you both look really cool!" she shouted as she hugged Sora. Then she held her back at an arm length and examined the dress and its wearer. "I love it!" she cried, "That is going to be my prom dress when I’m old enough to go with T.K., I mean…" Kari stopped herself a bit too late. Matt and Tai grinned at each other. They all knew very well that at the dance last week her and T.K. had officially started "going out" as most people referred to it. Kari then moved over to Mimi and had a fit over her dress as well. "You look like a person from 18th century Europe!" "Huh?" Mimi asked. History had never been her best subject. "You look great!" Kari said in return. "Thank you!" she said happily. Kari gave her a hug too, then did the same for both Tai and Matt. "Kids, we’d better get home. Do you need a ride Matt? Mimi?" called Tai’s mother from the car. "Nah, my dad is coming to get us right about…now," he said, after checking his watch, "He’s not late that often." "Okay," she called back. "Well see you guys later," shouted Tai as he and Sora climbed into the car. Sora waved, and Matt and Mimi waved back as they watched the car disappear down the dark street. Shortly, however, it became apparent that this was one of the times that Matt’s dad was not punctual. "Matt, I don’t want to wait in this alley anymore, it’s too creepy!" Mimi shuddered and moved closer to him. "Okay," he said, "Do you mind walking a couple blocks? Maybe we will run across him on his way here. If not we can take the subway to your house and I’ll call him on his car phone." "That sounds okay," she confirmed. They began to walk slowly down the street in the direction Tai’s mother had gone when she left. Matt knew the subway station was just five or six blocks over from the hotel, so they took their time, hoping that they would spot his dad. As they continued walking Mimi reached down and took off her high heel shoes. Her feet were killing her after all the dancing they had done. She took a few steps, realized that it was even more painful without shoes, and opted to put them back on. Before she could attempt to do so, however, Matt swept her up into his arms, holding her baby style. "It’s okay," he said, as she was about to protest, "You looked like a damsel in distress, so I decided to rescue you!" She slid her arms delicately around his neck and kissed him softly. Matt stopped in his tracks and zealously kissed her back. They stood there for quite a while, lost in their own world, when suddenly Matt could here distinct footsteps tapping quietly along the sidewalk behind them. A feeling of fear overcame him. "Matt, I…" Mimi whispered. "Mimi," he murmured between her lips touching his, "stop for a second." She looked at him, puzzled, but then she saw what he had been afraid of. Standing behind them was Matt’s father. Matt saw Mimi’s shocked look and immediately swung his head around. Staring at the intimate scene was Matt’s dad, his arms crossed, a very perturbed look on his face. "Hi dad," Matt said, slowly letting Mimi down from his arms. She timidly took a few steps sideways away from him. "Are you two ready?" Matt’s dad asked, sounding very annoyed. The two followed him demurely to the car waiting at the end of the block. They rode to Mimi’s apartment in complete silence. When they reached their destination Matt’s dad told Mimi, it was nice to see her again and congratulations on getting to be princess. Mimi just nodded her thanks and with a panicked look to Matt, she stepped out of the car. She waved goodbye as the car turned and headed for the next street. The minute Mimi was out of the car and on the sidewalk, Matt knew there was a long-winded lecture in his future. As he predicted, not far from Mimi’s house, his dad started in. "I guess you had quite a lip lock on her, didn’t you Matt." "Dad, it’s no big deal, we were just…" "No big deal?" he said sarcastically, "It is a big deal! You two were having a make out session right in the middle of the street!" Matt just stared out of the car window at the buildings passing by. "Matt," his father said in the gentlest tone he could muster, "I just want you to be careful with this Mimi person. She’s not the only fish in the sea." Matt glared at his dad. "That’s not what I meant!" he said forcefully. Matt turned to face him, a look of misunderstanding in his eyes. "I meant…I meant that I don’t want you to hurt her, or vice versa. You both are very young, and you shouldn’t feel like you need to make a serious commitment yet!" "You think we did more than dance, don’t you?" asked Matt disgustedly. "Yes," he replied. He had stopped the car next to their apartment building. "Come on, dad! How stupid do you think I am!" "I don’t monitor every thought that goes through your head! How am I supposed to know what you are thinking?" Matt turned his head at this question. He felt betrayed. He knew very well what most teenage boys had on their minds, but he would never do anything like that, especially to Mimi. He cared about her so much. "Well?" his dad asked patiently. He already knew the answer however. The look in Matt’s eyes told him that he was angry. "Dad, you and I both know I would never do anything like that, no matter what thoughts happen to run through my head. I don’t want to lose her, not when I waited so long in the first place." "Son, I’m glad you feel that way," Matt’s dad said, thoroughly relieved, "After all, you are only seventeen. I should have trusted you though." Matt nodded his head in agreement and they both got out of the car. As they walked to the entryway, Matt’s father put a protective arm around his son’s shoulders. And, for one of those precious few moments, Matt let the arm remain there. Part 5 : Mimi’s gaze wandered anxiously around the park that early morning. Matt had called her and woken her, urging her to meet him in the park: he had to get something off his chest. Mimi had a terrible feeling that he was going to tell her that he didn’t want to go out with her anymore. As she sat on the cool iron bench in front of a small pond, she wondered how she would manage to keep from bursting into tears when Matt told her. Already the pain in her heart had swelled tremendously. And to add to all the grief, she had added a few minutes to the dream that had been haunting her. After the monster had grabbed her, he had squeezed her until she felt she was going to pop, claws tearing her silky skin into bloody shreds. She kept calling to the person, calling her heart out, screaming in pain. Nevertheless, the black eyes just kept staring at her, not moving, just staring with a cruel look at the horrific scene. A hand landed on her shoulder at that moment, causing her to jump ten feet in the air. "Mimi, are you okay?" Matt asked. He sat down beside her. She just nodded, mumbled something about making a little more noise next time, and turned away. Matt looked at her, and then decided it was now or never. "Mimi, I really have to tell you some things, okay?" he asked apprehensively. She again nodded her head, without looking him in the eyes. Oh, please just get it over with, she thought. I should have known it was not meant to be. "Mimi, I…" he stopped to see her as if daydreaming, a blank look on her face. Frustrated that she was not listening to him pour his heart out, his temper flared. He balled up his fists at his sides, and looked fiercely at the tall, thin girl sitting awkwardly next to him. "Look at me please!" he shouted, drawing some strange looks from people walking by. Mimi turned to him quickly, her eyes clouded with unspent tears. Now it was the time for her to lose her temper. "Mimi, I am really sorry to have to say this, but…" "But what Matt?" she snarled at him, her eyes wild with fury and despair. All of a sudden, she had gone into a rage. She was on her feet, standing directly in front of him. Trying to be intimidating, her thin frame trembled. "You want to break up with me don’t you!" she yelled, drawing some more unwanted attention from the Sunday crowd. "What?" Matt asked loudly, "Why would I do that?" "Because of what happened with your dad! I knew it, I cry my heart out to you, I…" "Keep your voice down!" he exclaimed, "and sit down! Please?" He said the last part in a pleading whisper, but she turned up her nose, and was about to walk away. He took her arm and pulled her back onto the bench, a little too roughly. She looked at him, surprised at his violent grip. Scared that he was hurting her, he immediately released his hand. She now had a slightly frightened look on her face. "Calm down," he said gently, "I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?" She rubbed her arm where he had gripped it, but in defiance shook her head no. The tears were present in her eyes once again. "I just don’t think we need a hundred people knowing what my dad told me last night." "Huh?" she asked, now a confused look replacing the shocked one of before. "I said my dad said some stuff to me last night. He told me that he was glad you and I have such a good relationship." "Really?" she said quietly, the unwelcome tears welling up in her eyes. He took her hands in his gently, and she could almost see tears in his eyes as well. "Yeah," he whispered, "he did. He said I was lucky that I had such a sweet, beautiful girl. Are you sure you’re okay?" She nodded in satisfaction. He chuckled softly, then looked up, and noticed she had a small smile on her face too. "Oh Matt, I’m so glad your dad doesn’t hate me!" She wiped her eyes and smiled more widely. "Yeah, me too! Let’s try to be a normal teenage couple, okay?" he asked. "What exactly is normal, anyways?" she replied curiously. "I’m guessing someone like Tai and Sora." "Are you kidding," she laughed, "they are as abnormal as it gets!" Matt laughed. "That’s true. I suppose now that it’s over with you want to eat, right?" he asked. Mimi nodded. "We can ride over to my house and I’ll make you breakfast. How’s that sound?" he asked sweetly. "Real good," she said rubbing her empty stomach, "As long as eggs are not on the menu!" They got up, and read each other’s minds. They embraced quickly, feeling even closer than before. A passionate kiss followed, and then they were off to Matt’s apartment for breakfast. Later that morning Tai and Sora had a soccer game, the last one of the season. If they won, they would advance to the playoffs. Mimi, always little miss cheerleader, suggested the idea to Matt, and after returning to her house for awhile, she met him at the subway station. He had already run into Tai and Sora on their way to the game. "Hey, wait up," she called as she rushed to catch up with them as they boarded the train. They all grabbed seats as close together as possible, but decided to postpone a conversation to avoid yelling over people’s heads, shoulders, and arms. Once they had picked their way through the crowd and met up again at the field, Tai and Sora began to look around nervously. Sora pulled at her shirt, a bright red with a cool green dragon emblem on the front. "Wow, look at all these people. A bet there are almost 500!" she exclaimed. Tai seemed not really to care; he, like Mimi, tended to flourish when under the spotlight. "Jeez, we’d better go get a seat Mimi," Matt commented as they watched the bleachers begin to fill fast. "You can sit right behind the team," Tai promised, as they led them to the bench where many of the players were lacing up their cleats and pulling up their socks. "Just don’t sit too close," warned Sora, "Our coach kind of yells a lot!" They both nodded and chose to sit three rows back, where they could see the field clearly. Soon Tai and Sora were out on the grass, shooting several balls at the net on the opposite side of the field. Both were very goods passers, and they often scored many goals by working together and faking out the goalie. Their team’s goalie, however, was as good at saving as they were scoring; she skillfully blocked almost every shot they took. Then they saw the other team enter the area. "There must be a separate girls team," Mimi stated as she and Matt turned their attention from the home team to the visitors. "Yeah," Matt replied, "Then we definitely have an advantage." He knew Sora and the goalie, although they were girls, were a vital asset to the team. Soon the game was underway, the Dragons leading the Blizzards five to nothing. Sora and Tai proved that teamwork was essential. The boy’s team, however, did not seem to grasp it. There was one major show off who kept shooting, but nothing was getting past the goalie today. With about two minutes left in the game, the Dragons had scored another three goals, and the Blizzards still had not managed to do anything with their score. Matt and Mimi had cheered Tai and Sora on the entire game, and now both’s voices were worn to a whisper. The final minute was fast paced. Tai made his way up the field, dribbling expertly. Sora circled on the outskirts of the square, waiting for the pass she knew was coming. Right when the buzzer was about to sound, Tai lobbed it in the air to Sora, who, doing a classic head butt, sent the ball whizzing into the goal a final time. Mimi and Matt both jumped up, shouting. The rest of the team ran onto the field, and hoisted Tai, Sora, and the goalie into the air. After a tremendous amount of yelling and laughing, the three were set down. The goalie ran into her boyfriend’s out stretched arms (he was also on the team), and Sora and Tai exchanged a hasty kiss before running over to Matt and Mimi, who were waiting patiently. "That was great!" Mimi said hoarsely. Matt nodded. "I think we yelled more than your coach! I have never seen you guys’ blow a team away like that!" "I know!" Tai yelled, still very hyped up from their easy victory, "We are on to the semi-finals!" Sora looked at him lovingly as he did an idiotic dance around the three others. "What a nut!" Mimi laughed as they watched Tai circle them. Suddenly noticing that mostly everyone’s eyes were on him, he sheepishly stopped in his tracks and stepped back to Sora’s side, whistling like he had no idea what had just happened. Sora looked like she would pop, she was trying to contain her laughter so painfully. Tai just suggested they leave quietly to avoid more spectators, and all nodded in agreement. They practically tiptoed their way down the street away from the crowds. As they wandered around the vicinity for awhile, Sora and Mimi decided that they wanted to head home; Sora to tell her mother of their win, Mimi to see her dad, who had been asleep when she had left this morning and at work when she came back. That left Tai and Matt. Although they had never gotten along that great, they still often told each other stuff they would never admit to anyone else. They decided that they would walk to the park and just hang out for awhile. When they reached the spot that they often met in groups on summer days to just laze around and do nothing, they ended up having one long-winded conversation. "So did Sora have fun at the prom?" asked Matt curiously. "Yeah, she said it was great us all being there together, just having a good time. I hear you two had quite an experience on the way home," Tai said slyly. Matt glared at him dangerously. "Ugh, you are telling me! I thought my dad was going to kill me when he saw me standing there making out with Mimi!" "Is she a good kisser?" Tai asked. Matt shot him another dirty look. "Well, yeah. How’s Sora?" Matt said teasingly. This time is was he who received the scowl. "Fine." "Just fine?" said Matt, his eyebrow arched. "Okay, great! But don’t you ever say anything to her or I’ll kill you for your dad." "Deal," sighed Matt. He leaned back in the soft grass where they were sitting, knowing Tai would keep his promise if he ever happened to slip. "Hey, do you know those dreams that Mimi mentioned to us when we were at my house a couple weeks ago?" questioned Tai. "Yeah…" Matt answered slowly. He had promised Mimi he would not tell. "Did she ever say anything else about them?" "Well, sorta, but she made me swear I wouldn’t tell anyone about them. She was pretty much having a nervous breakdown." "Really?" Tai answered, sounding truly concerned. He shook his head. "Why do you want to know." "I just thought maybe I could give her this book I rented from the library. Its called 1001 Dreams Interpreted. It really is interesting. I took it out for my psychology class." "Hey, can we go get it now?" Matt asked quickly, "She tried to tell me what happened again last night but we got interrupted." "Sure, let’s go," Tai jumped up, eager for a challenge. Matt rose and followed Tai eagerly to the subway again, hoping that maybe Mimi’s nightmare problems would be solved once and for all. Later that evening the telephone rang busily as Mimi’s mother bustled around, dusting the furniture. She reached across the table and hastily picked it up, still sweeping the feather duster along the shelf in front of her. "Hello?" she answered cheerfully. "Hello Mrs. Tachikawa. This is Matt. Is Mimi there?" "I’m sorry hon, she and her father went out for dinner and to a movie, they probably won’t be back until later. Can I take a message?" "Umm, well just tell her that we’re going to have another study group tomorrow, probably around seven. Do you think she’ll be able to come?" "Of course dear, I’m sure her schedule is not overloaded. Is that all?" "Uh, no. Tell her that this may be the solution to her problem. Thanks Mrs. Tachikawa. Goodbye." "Goodbye." Mimi’s mother hung up the telephone, then jotted down the message on a small scrap of paper thoughtfully. "What problems?" she asked herself outloud as she returned the feather duster to the closet. She sat down on the couch nearby and decided that whatever the problem was, it must be something serious, or Matt would not have sounded so concerned. "Oh well," she commented outloud to herself, "I’m sure whatever it is she will tell me about it sometime." She sighed, and reached for the remote. Turning the channel to a comedy she watched regularly, she soon pushed the message to the back of her mind and focused her attention on the television. About an hour later, Mimi and her father slipped quietly into the apartment. As soon as they had entered, they both laughed to hear Mimi’s mother snoring softly from the next room. Her father tiptoed quietly in to check on her, while Mimi took off her light spring jacket. As she laid it on the nearest kitchen chair, she saw the small piece of paper with the message scribbled on it. She read it, taking a few seconds to comprehend it’s meaning, then realized what Matt had been trying to say without giving away too much to her mother. Oh, boy, I can’t wait to hear this, she thought. Sighing, she crumpled up the note, and tossed it in the garbage. Mimi made her way to her room, pulling out the elastic from her long ponytail and letting her soft hair fall in a stream onto her back. As she entered the doorway she saw that her mother had straightened up her closet and her drawers, both were closed unlike usual (she was always leaving her drawers open with various articles of clothing cascading out). Stepping once more over the cat that lazily stretched itself out beside her bed, she undressed and put on her pajamas, then climbed under the cozy comforter. Her father called goodnight to her from the hallway, and she answered happily. The day had been so eventful, and although it had begun a near tragedy, it had ended peacefully. She curled up on her side, resting her head on the pillow and pulling her knees up towards her chest. As she drifted off into dreamland, she actually begged the nightmare that had plagued her to return. Because she knew, this time, no matter what, she was going to finish it, for good. Part 6 : Sora looked around the tar outside of the high school. It was milling about with students from Grades 9-12, though most stayed in their own little cliques or sections. For instance, Tai, Sora, Mimi, and Matt often met on the other side of the expanse under one of the few trees on the property. Suddenly her mission was postponed when she spotted Izzy and Joe walking towards her. Sora was still searching the crowd somewhat as Joe and Izzy sauntered up to her side. "Hey Sora. Who are you looking for?" asked Izzy as he followed her gaze to the students. She shook her head. "Oh, just Mimi. I never thought she’d be this late!" "Well, that’s Mimi for you," Joe added sarcastically, "She hasn’t changed much, has she?" "Not except the fact that Matt and her finally hooked up, huh?" Izzy laughed, rolling his eyes. "I don’t know about the rest of you but I was sure wondering what was taking them so long," commented Joe. He reached to push up his glasses, but stopped himself when he remembered he had contacts now, making him appear much older. "Tai and I thought the same thing when we heard," said Sora. Suddenly her eyes fixed on a familiar figure in the swarm. Mimi, wearing a trademark long pink skirt and a black tank top, sidled up to the group. "Hello guys," she remarked cutely. She wondered why Sora looked so distressed as she neared them. "Mimi!" Sora yelled when she was close enough to get whiplash from the shout, "Why are you so late. Matt called your house and told your mother to take a message." "Yeah, I got the message," she said happily as she proceeded to recite it, "Matt called. Said they were having a study group @ 7:00 PM tomorrow. Said he thinks your problems are solved." Mimi smiled at her memory and Sora rolled her eyes. "Well Matt neglected to tell your mother that we were going to meet quickly before school in case we had to inform you what exactly he was talking about." "Sounds complicated," said Izzy, "But you have a Trigonometry class to prep for, and I need to talk to the Algebra teacher, right Joe?" Joe mumbled something and they took off, neither caring to have to listen to Mimi’s problems. They had had enough of that before. "So where are Matt and Tai? And why is this so urgent?" Mimi asked. Sora rolled her eyes again. "I told them to be here at 7:50, and they are nowhere to be…" "Hi Sora!" Tai laughed as he and Matt entered the schoolyard from behind the girls. "Finally," Sora said disgustedly. Tai made a sarcastically hurt face, and Sora punched him in the arm before turning to Matt. "You apparently did not inform Mimi’s mother correctly, because she had no idea information about this meeting today." "Sorry," said Matt, his eyebrows arched. "Why are you so bent out of shape about this Sora?" Mimi questioned curiously. "Because I just like to stick to a schedule, okay?" she snapped, then, as if just now realizing her grouchy attitude, she turned all smiles. "I’m just worried about you, okay?" she said calmly in her normal tone of voice. Tai sighed and hoped to himself she wouldn’t have mood swings like this all day. "So what’s up? Why are my problems solved?" asked Mimi for the third time, getting a little angry that no one was answering her. "We figured out what your dream means!" Matt said excitedly, "With the help of Tai’s book of course!" "You told them? After you promised not to?" "Well, just so we could help you!" Matt assured. He winked at her, as if to tell her he had not fully described what had happened the night she had broken down. She sighed in relief as Tai began to act all professional. "You see, it’s just a matter of…" Tai started. Mimi interrupted him. "Oh, that’s good, but I finished…" Unexpectedly the bell sounded. Now they had only five minutes to get their books and head to class. "We’ll tell you later Mimi," Matt said hastily as he gave her a quick peck on the lips and moved off towards the building. "Yeah Mimi, don’t forget!" Tai called as he dragged Sora towards the double doors. "But…Grrr," she growled, running to catch up. Oh well, she thought, I’ll just tell them later. It was later, but Mimi still had not gotten a word in edgewise as the conversation waned and waxed from one subject to another.

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