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Dreams and Revelations:Page 4

Most of the art class they had to discuss the final, the answers they had put down, and why they had answered that way. Therefore, she decided that maybe lunch would be a good time to mention it. Lunch was a total disaster, of course. Tai and Matt got into this big long argument over which band was the best, Mimi had not even heard of either before. As lunch ended, she tried to pull Matt aside and tell him, but like before he just kissed her, mumbled something about tonight at seven, and ran off to his next class. Mimi was not exactly thrilled with the way she was practically being ignored. Then she concluded that she would be able to say more at their meeting tonight, and so postponed her news until then. Sora’s apartment door was open as Mimi wandered down the hall to it. Inside she could here loud music of the hard rock variety, and instantly she knew Tai was there, and Sora’s mother was down at the flower shop. She stepped in a closed the door behind her. Suddenly the doorbell rang, making her jump. Looking through the peephole she spotted Matt looking inquisitively at the door that had been shut in his face. "I’m sorry," she laughed as she let him in, "I didn’t hear you come up behind me." "Well you weren’t supposed to, I was trying to sneak up on you!" he said, smiling. They found their way into the dim living room, but could not see Tai and Sora. Mimi perched delicately on the couch when she felt something move beneath her. "What the?" she said a little nervously. She jumped up instantly; knocking into Matt and sending him back into a nearby chair. The squirming couch was too much for Mimi, who quickly flicked on a light. Sora looked up at her groggily. She had been on the couch asleep. Tai sat nearby, his eyes shut, also in the middle of a catnap. "Geez, you guys are late," she moaned as she sat up. She hit Tai in the arm, and he blinked a few times before focusing on the three faces staring at him curiously. "It’s about time," he growled, stretching his arms into the air, then straightening up where he sat in a large arm chair, "We thought you two were abducted or something." Matt rolled his eyes. "Well now that we’re all here, I have to tell you something before anything else happens," Mimi stated once they had all seated themselves around the living room and turned on a few lights. "Please Mimi, let us go first!" exclaimed Tai, "We really outdid ourselves this time!" He looked like he meant it. "Yeah, please Mimi?" asked Matt, making puppy dog eyes. Matt, of course, knew Mimi had a weakness for his big, deep blue eyes. Mimi, of course, gave up. "Fine, do it your way." She crossed her legs, preparing herself. This is probably going to be way of base, she thought. She had never been more right in her entire life. "You see," Tai started up again with his psychologist’s voice, "Dreams aren’t always about what you see. They are often have quite different meanings. Just because you dream about getting married, doesn’t mean you are gonna get married, it means…" "Get to the point," Sora interrupted, knowing Tai was just trying to impress everyone with his newfound knowledge. "Okay, Mimi, you dreamt about running from some big ugly monster, right?" "Uh huh," Mimi nodded her head, trying not to discourage them too much. They after all, had put a lot of thought into it, or so Tai had said. Then again, Tai never put much thought into anything… "Well, you were running from something more than a monster. It probably symbolizes something, we aren’t just sure what yet." "Keep going," Mimi said. "And you were running towards a boy, someone familiar, yet he had really weird eyes. Are you following?" Tai asked, looking at her intently. "Yeah," Mimi answered, practically about to burst with laughter. "Well I personally think that the boy was a symbol of something you want and you can’t have, like for instance me," he said cockily. Mimi looked skeptical. Matt coughed suddenly, and Sora immediately stuck her hands on her hips. Tai looked around the room, knew he was outnumbered, and decided it was Sora’s turn for an analysis. "But probably I’m completely wrong anyways, Sora, why don’t you tell her your idea?" He nervously sat down and pretended to not pay attention to what Sora was saying. Jeez, tough crowd, he thought. "I think that the boy is something are afraid of, and you need to face the fear, whatever it is." Sora sat back down, and shrugged, "Just my idea." "What about you Matt?" Mimi asked him curiously. He looked her straight in the eye and answered truthfully. "To be honest, I don’t know. I never took psychology. I just hope whatever it is that’s bothering you, that maybe it will go away eventually if you figure it out." He smiled. "That is the best answer I have heard so far," she remarked. The others stared at her. "I tried and tried to tell you this morning," she sighed, shaking her head. "Tried to tell us what?" asked Matt thoughtfully. "That I did it. I finished the dream!" "You what?!" Tai asked, "You mean we went through all this for nothing!" "I never asked you for advice anyways!" she said laughing. Tai crossed his arms and turned away sulking. "Well excuse us for trying to help!" he exclaimed, a pouty look on his face. "It’s not that I didn’t appreciate you trying, it’s just that you both were pretty far off," she replied, shaking her head, "It had nothing to do with facing a fear or something I wanted that I couldn’t have." "Really?" Matt asked, "then you figured out the meaning?" "Uh huh. Now do I have center stage or am I going to have to gag you three so I can talk?" The others shook their heads and got ready to listen. "Okay, here goes. You were right about a couple things Tai. Yes I was running from something, and yes the boy with the hard eyes was familiar. I figured out who it was." "Who?" pondered Matt. "It was you!" she exclaimed. "But I would never let you get hurt like that." "I know, but then I figured out why your eyes were screwed up. It symbolizes before I knew you liked me." "Huh?" asked Sora, for once the one that was totally lost. "You see, as the dream continued, as I was being torn apart, finally I said one thing to the boy and the ice that had surrounded his eyes seemed to melt. They melted right into a pair of bright blue eyes, and at once, I recognized the boy as Matt." "Then what happened?" asked Matt. "Then you ran and saved me from the monster. And all at once I woke up, and I was so happy." Mimi smiled dreamily at the thought of Matt rescuing her. "Cause you know they won’t be back?" asked Sora. "Right, thanks to the talk we had yesterday in the park Matt." "Really?" "Yes. That was the reason I was able to finish the dream." "You still don’t know what the monster stood for though," said Tai, doubtful that Mimi had figured this out all by herself. "Yeah I do," she retorted, "The monster was the secret. The secret that I liked Matt a lot. For along time I had been running from it, and all of a sudden, I knew I could not run anymore. That’s when I kissed him," she said giggling. "So why didn’t they stop then?" Matt wondered. "Because even though my secret was out, I still wasn’t sure of our relationship. Then yesterday, it all came together. I am 100% positive that’s what made the dreams end." Mimi smiled satisfactorily. She and Matt immediately reached for the others hand. "Well I’m sure glad that’s over with. Now you two can really go back to normal," Tai said, still pouting over what Mimi had said. "I have a feeling nothing is ever going to be normal again," Sora whispered as they watched Matt and Mimi, who were just sitting there, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. "You can say that again," said Tai, smirking. He grabbed Sora and pulled her in for a kiss. And that was that. After Mimi had finally gotten to say what she had wanted to, their wasn’t much more conversation until they decided it was time to break things up and head home. Matt and Mimi decided to walk to her house, it was such a nice night. It was warm out, but a cool breeze chilled the air just enough for Matt to have an excuse to keep his arm around Mimi’s shoulders. As they walked along leisurely, they noticed it had started to sprinkle. As the drizzle turned to a downpour, Matt scooped Mimi up in his arms and took off in a sprint, searching for the nearest tree, laughing all the way. Soon they were stranded under a tall sycamore, their clothes drenched and their hair hanging in wet ribbons. "Well this is just peachy, now isn’t it," Matt commented, a suave smile on his face. "It’s fine with me. Even if we are stranded, I’m glad it’s with you," she replied. "You know there is still one thing that doesn’t make any sense," he stated, turning to look out at the torrents of rain rushing from the sky. "And what’s that?" "What you said to me that could be so powerful that my heart melted," he turned back to look at her, now noticing some tenseness in her eyes. "I…" she started. All of a sudden, she turned her head, and he could see tears forming in her eyes. "What is it?" he asked, sliding over to sit directly in front of her. He took her head in his hands, and turned her to face him, looking straight into her cloudy hazel eyes. "I told you I loved you!" she choked, her eyes closing violently, causing the tears to flow even harder. She could feel two lips gently brushing her eyelids, kissing away the tears. She reopened her eyes to see Matt’s, full to the brim with affection. "I love you too," he whispered. At that exact moment her eyes widened, and then she burst out with fresh tears. "Oh Matt!" she whispered. Then they embraced fiercely, knowing that this scene was going to be one of the most important and well-remembered events of a lifetime. They stayed that way for a long time, just holding on to one another, just being together. Soon the rain turned back into mild drizzle, and knowing it was late they got up from their sanctuary and started to leave. As they walked, they smiled to themselves, his arm around her shoulder again. From that moment on the world was perfect in their eyes because they had each other. Matt felt that this was the beginning of something wonderful, them finally being together. And Mimi knew, as long as Matt remained by her side, she would never have to face the horrible dreams and revelations ever again. THE END Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon: Digital Monsters, they are the property of Saban, Toei Animation, and Fox Kids. The only part I take credit for is the plot, which is my own.