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No new picture. But check out the Comic picture. Thanks ^-^(note:send pictures as a .gif .jpg or .bmp file)

Mimato FanArt

~*~*~By, Haruko~*~*~
Matt hugging Mimi from behind
Matt protecting Mimi
Matt and Mimi in an aly alone
~*~*~By, Mi-chan~*~*~
Matt holding Mimi
~*~*~By, Hunter~*~*~
Matt and Mimi hugging
~*~*~By,Gordon McCormick~*~*~
Matt with his arm around Mimi
Matt and Mimi wedding
~*~*~By,Smooth JAZZ~*~*~
Matt and Mimi
Matt, a proud boyfriend
Princess Mimi and Prince Matt
~*~*~Rina Cat~*~*~
Romatic dolls
Matt and Mimi Forever

Check this out. A Digimon ComicBook cover NOT a fanart. Look Closely at Matt and Mimi ^_^

Comic Picture

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