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A match maker in the graveyard

one day kiki(mimi's middle sister,and Tai diceded to play matchmaker in the grave yard . they didnt want to tell mimi or matt.all their going to do is make them fall in love in the grave yard."you guys where areu goin to tonight?"said jo.they are the same ages as the one a bout hooters story)."well jo if you want to come you better not tell were gonna go to the grave yard,and you better not tell anyone!"said kiki.Jo ran off screamin his head offlike an anoying pig at the lake near highschool."watcha doin guys?"said Matt."oh matt u want to come with us to night,were goin to the graveyard to do stuff!"said Tai."were playing i mean were tellin scary stories!"said kiki."well i guess i could i am free to night,"said matt.kiki had to leave but tai gave her a hikky on her neck before she lefted. kiki ran to mimi."mimi want to come with me,tai,and matt?"said kiki."if its with u guys i will go and where r u goin!"said mimi."oh the grave yard were gonna tell scarry stories!"said kiki happy if she would come."well okay what time?oh wait you always plan things at 1:00 in the morning!"said mimi."o yeah mimi you gotta where black!"said kiki."alright!"said mimi.kiki ran to tai."she is comin!"said kiki."yes said tai at 1:00.i will knock at your window. ****************************************************** knock knock knock "Tai it is Kiki and Mimi at the window!"said Kari. "can u let them in kari!"said tai.tai got ready to they went matt had been by the grave yard for thirty minutes.they opend the gate."look its old dan tuckers house!it has been their for ages and he is still alive!"said kiki.mimi got scared.they all sat on mimi and kiki's real moms grave."why is the floor rumbling?"said Tai.the floor blew up."damn it that hurt!"they all said together."mimi who do you like?"asked Matt."well um i well um i dont know and i wont tell!"said mimi."well kiki told me u liked me and i like you toooooo!!!!!!"said matt."the hole point was to set u 2 up!"said kiki.they all went home.but tai gave kiki a hikki on her arm on the way back.MAtt sat their french kissing mimi the hole intire time.Izzy and Sora drove by with their s 2000 car and sora saw tai hanging around kiki.mimi fell asleep in Matts arms.matt carried her to mimi's house.opened her window and put her in her bed.Tai just set her down kissed very gently on her lips.Matt just kissed on h! er forehead and left with tai to back home. The End

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