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The Island of Fate

"Matt, get down here right away. Your friend is here." Yamato Ishida. A 16 year old boy that has everything. Friends, family, everything but it seems to him he’s missing something. Deep inside his soul. Something is calling him but he just don’t know. "I’ll be down in a bit mom!" he said with excitement. It was a five year reunion he was going to with his next door neighbor Joe. They all promised they meet up again after they left the digiworld. Finally, after all these years I will get to see some of my old friends. Like Tai, Sora, Izzy, Kari, and Mimi!!! Matt thought to himself about all of the good times. He and Joe have been in touch for all five years but have not talked that much. T.K. lives with his brother Matt so theirs no problem for him to get a ride to the reunion. "Matt, hurry. How many times do I have to tell you not to make people wait. I swear you act just like your dad but he still is the sweetest thing." She then realized that she missed him. He’s not dead or nothing he’s just out of town for a few days. "Commiiinnnggggg!!!" !!!Cerplop.!!! "T.K., you left your skates on the stairs!!" Matt shouted as he tried to get up. Gees I wonder what everyone will look like? Will all eight of us be their? Will they remember me that well? What will happen? Matt was thinking away when he realized there’s only ten minutes left before the reunion. " Hey Joe!! Lets go!!" Matt grabbed his coat and was on his way when he almost forgot T.K. "T.K.!! Get your little cabuse down here. We are suppose to be their in ten minutes!!" T.K. came running down as fast as he could and had the biggest smile on his face that cheered Matt up. Knowing his little brother was happy. ~~~~~~~~~ " So Matt, Were are we meeting everyone?" Joe asked curiously as the car they were driving kept killing on them. " the place where we all met." Matt said as he was driving frustratedly down to the camp. The place they all first met together. As Matt got out of the car he stretched and Started running to the campsite. "Come on you two or we’ll be late!" Matt screamed at them as he was trying to catch his breath. "You’re already late Matt." Matt looked up and it was Tai "Tai!!! It’s really you!!! I haven’t seen you for so long." Matt was Trying to see what was so different about him besides the fact that he’s gotten taller. As Matt realized what was different his moth dropped in shock and said "You......You got your HAIR cut man!" As Tai was laughing he said "And you didn’t. You still got that same ol’ spiky head of hair." "Matt!!! Is that you?" Matt turned around and it was Sora. Sora Has not changed that much but she still is the loving one. Matt was thinking when he heard Joe and T.K. running toward them. "Tai! Sora! How have you been?. Where’s everyone else?" Joe was having such a hard time breathing since he was running as fast as he could. T.K. even beat him. Tai was explaining why they he and Sora were together. " And so I decided to ask her out and now its been three years now." Tai went on and asked Matt " Hey Matt, do you have a girl yet?" Matt started blushing and got a little huffy. "So what if I don’t. I just have not been ready yet." Matt went on as he heard other peoples’ voices. " Matt, Joe, T.K how have you been?" Matt realizes it’s Tai’s little sister Kari. She was trying to find her little Yellow bag she always carries around these days. " Hey, It’s little Kari. How have you been?" Joe said as he finally was starting to sound normal again. " Oh, I’ve been just fine. Everything here is so weird. I’m glad I got to come here to the reunion since I didn’t meet you all here." Kari had this gleam in her I that made her seem happy to be their. As everyone was talking Matt heard yet to more people coming their way. " Izzy! And Mimi! You guys made it. I’m so happy to see you." Tai shouted as the whole group was running toward them. "Hey, Sorry I’m late but I went to the gas station an Izzy was their and we were talking on how great the reunion was going to be. Then I was driving and Izzy’s car that he was driving got tolled away and I thought everyone just has to be their for this so I decide to give him a ride here." Mimi went on and on and Matt interrupted. " Mimi, same ol’ Mimi. Everyone is the same but different if you know what I mean. Seeing you all here tonight brings back those good old memories. I miss the digiworld. Here it is so boring." Matt was saying and after that Tai got a little to harsh and said "Maybe because you don’t have a girl to add some excitement in your life." Tai said it with a little bit of a smirk. Matt got angry and was about to say something when Mimi interrupted. " So that’s a bad thing if you don’t have a partner? Then I am guilty as charged right along with Matt." The whole group was starring and T.K., Kari, and Joe came up and said "Me Too!" Tai in disbelief just stayed quiet and finally said sorry. Matt was stunned that Mimi said that. Mimi, a pretty girl like that and nice may I add does not have a partner? This kind of weird. He was thinking to himself. Everyone was quiet until Tai jumped up. " I have a great Idea! Lets go to America. To Hawaii. We’ll take a plane and stay their for a week to get caught up on what has been happening in our lives." Everyone, even Matt agreed to this. They all were planing this when suddenly a storm came so they decided to meet at the plane station the next night at 9:00 . They all went home to get some rest. ~~~~ Wow has Matt grown. He still is a little cute too. It’s funny how we both don’t have a partner. I wish I could go out with him but that is only in my dreams. Ohhhhh......I wish something would happen were we would get together but it would never happen because he doesn’t like me in that way. In fact, what am I saying , I never liked him in that way before? Only as a friend. Its only stuck in my head because we were on that subject. I have to stop thinking so much. As she laid there she did her nightly prayer and went to sleep. Mimi, actually said something nice a way. A girl stick up for me? Why ? Tai is lucky that he has someone he can take care of. To hold and say everything will be all right. Matt went on until he fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~ "Hey man, you finally made it. Are you ready to go to a place where all your dreams come true?" Tai asked eagerly so Matt would answer. "I wish." he huffed softy under his breath. Matt was walking and stopped. He told the group he was thirsty. " Matt? Look for Mimi will ya?" "No problem." He wasn’t really going to go on a hunt or anything but just if he saw her he would tell her were the group is. As Matt was walking he turned a sharp corner he bumped into someone. He was picking up the luggage this person dropped and saying " I am so sorry I wasn’t paying attention." As the other person bent over to pick the luggage up the person said " No....I..I’m sorry. I was in a hurry to find a group of friends and....." Suddenly Matt froze and looked up and it was Mimi! "Mimi, I’m even more sorry now. I’m so sor..r...ry" When he was talking Mimi realized it was Matt and they hooked eyes and were just starring when Matt snapped out of it and helped her pick up the things and they were on there way. As Matt was walking he couldn’t help staring at her. "Mimi....I want to thank you for ...well......kinda saying something to Tai last night. It really made him realize how rude he was being." " NO problem. Any time you need my help I’ll be there for ya. What are childhood friends for? Right?" As they saw Tai and the rest they ran to them. "Hey Matt, Where is the drinks?" " I ...a....Forgot." Matt said as he looked at Mimi and blushed but luckily she didn’t see. Come on man! Snap out of it. I don’t even like her in that kind of way. She’s just a friend. That’s it. Just a friend. They all aboard the plane and it took off with each digidestind on it. "Waiter, can you get me some Kleenex. I think I’m allergic to this plane." Joe managed to say before he sneezed. "So....Izzy, how have you been?" Questioned Matt as he was checking his hair. "Well....I’ve been Prodigious!! Great!! I was excepted to one of the best collages around and I’m only 15. How have you been?" " Oh....Great I guess. Say are you going out with anyone?" Matt asked "Why? You want to go out with me?" he said laughing at his own joke. "NO. I was just wondering. Making conversation." "Yeah, I actually am but she couldn’t come along. Her name is Kayla. She is the best thing that ever happened to me." Izzy was saying while pulling a picture of her out from his wallet. "Isn’t she just adorable?" Izzy seemed really happy. "Yeah, she’s is." Matt sounded a little depressed and he remembered he had to call his mom so he asked Izzy if he would excuse him for a moment. "Go ahead Matt. I’ll be right here when you get back!!" " Yeah, Whatever." Matt said under his breath. He was walking toward the new phone booth that was just built and he ran into Mimi. " It’s funny how we always run into each other these days isn’t it?" She said with a big smile. Matt seemed charmed by it like he was under a spell. " Oh, yeah.......It is funny really." He seemed to be blushing when he said that. "Well, I’ll just use the phone here and........" Mimi went on when Matt interrupted. "No No NO......Sorry Mimi but I have to call my mom. I got here first and I promised to call." "Matt, I promised that I would call home so I have to use it. Give it to me!" "Stop acting like a spoiled brat. That’s all you do is complain. You haven’t changed a bit." Matt went on. Gees, I forgot how annoying she was!! Mimi then got bright red and started screaming at him. "I’m spoiled? I’m a brat? Hey look Mr. Ishida, you’re no prince charming your self." "Well I’m more charming then you are Miss. Tachikawa. And probably always will be so just go sit back down and read your little prissy magazine and everyone will be Happy!" As they were fighting screaming at each other the plane made this funny noise and it moved funny. Mimi asked with fright in her voice. "Is that suppose to happen?" " I don’t no. Is it?" asked Matt. He went to the phone and Mimi hung it up. "I don’t think so!!" "Excuse me all passengers, Please don’t be scared but WERE GOING TO CRASH!!!" Matt and Mimi didn’t hear this because they were in a booth yelling at each other. " Please everyone, Get on your life jacket we’re going to jump. We have a better chance of living if we do that." Everyone was panicking. "Weres Matt and Mimi. Someone find them" Tai screamed. He actually sounded scared for once. "Matt, were are you we have to goo!!" T.K. screamed as the plane was going down. "We don’t have time to look around we have to go. NOW!!!!" Sora screamed as she was pulling them away. "Mimi, Where are you!!" Izzy asked while Joe was helping. "I can’t find them!" Joe said trying to put on his jacket at the same time. "Come on we have to go" Kari screamed as they were coming there way. Tai, Sora, T.K.., Izzy, Joe, and Kari all jumped in the water. "Matt, What have you gotten yourself into." Tai said in a sad voice ~~~~~~~ "Now we’re going to die Mimi because you didn’t let me make a simple call!!" Matt seamed so mad while Mimi was practically crying. "Look Matt, Sorry but all I wanted was a simple little call but all I want now is to live and everyone must of jumped off while we were in here screaming at each other. Look Just help me find a Life jacket. O.K.?" "Fine." Matt said with anger in his voice. They both happened to look in the same spot and there was one left! Oh great, I have to die for a brat!!! Matt seemed sad and was "Here Mimi, if any of us live I want it to be you! Just put it on and jump O.K.?!!!" "No, I won’t. If I jump out I won’t even be able to find anyone so I might as well die with the plane." My, why won’t she jump? "AHHHHHHHHH...........WERE CRASHING!! "Mimi said with her voice sounding like she was ready to cry. "It’ll be O.K. Mimi, Just come here and hold on tight to this. I heard if you hold on to this part of the plane we might have a slight of a chance to live!!!" Mimi Grabbed on to that part of the plane. As it went down Mimi grabbed Matt tight. Matt then looked nervous and slowly put his arm around Mimi. "Everything will be all right." For a second there, he forgot about the fight and the plane and was so comfortable and mimi looked up and smiled. Then BOOM!!!!!!! ~~~~ "Matt, Wake up. Please!!" Mimi went on as she was crying her eyes out. "Mimi, MIMI, I’m......We’re Alive!!!!!!!" He went on. "What is this place?" Matt went on as he was looking around. " I don’t think it’s a place were we are familiar with. I think it is a....." Matt interrupted Mimi "Island. A deserted Island. and were all alone." "Oh great, out of all the people I get stuck with YOU!!" Mimi said as she was thinking. Mr. Know-it-all has been trapped with me! Oh.. aint I Lucky......NOT. "Well, I guess we have to make the best of things and start making a little house for us." Matt was looking around trying to find large palm leafs. "No way am I going to get dirty in my brand new, one of a kind, pink dress.!! You can build it yourself!" "Well thats fine with me but if I build it myself, you wont have a place to stay." Matt said calmly in a snickering voice. "Fine, but if I get hurt in any way......" Matt then said " Mimi, relax. I thought you would be us to this after the Digiworld?" "Well, I guess your write. I will look over their while you look over here. Deal?" "Deal." So they went their separate directions. Wow! This place is amazing. It’s like being in Paradise with Matt. Matt. Why did it have to be Matt. So He’s cute and all but what is all this with me and him always ending up together. I do think he is a pain though. I guess I'm lucky I landed with him then anyone else. Ahhh....He looks sooo dreamy, what am I saying. Were just friends and that's it!!! Mimi continued to look for things. Man, out of all the times I thought this would be great to be reunited with my friends this had to happen. Well, at least I’m not stuck with Tai. We would probably kill each other. Mimi is a whole new story. She is so beautiful. Did I just say that. What is wrong with me? I don't like her like that. Besides, I'm sure she don't like me that way. I don't know why she's mad to be stuck with me though? After that plane incident I would think she would be more grateful to be alive...........and with me. "Matt!! HELP!!!" Mimi screamed as Matt heard her and went running toward her. "Mimi, I’m coming!!" Matt was running as fast as he could and stopped as he noticed it was a wild bore. "Matt, Please help me!" Mimi looked really scared. Matt looked at her and said hold on. He ran to the crash site and pick up a pipe from the plane. "Mimi stand back!" As Matt said that Mimi noticed how strong Matt was. Matt swung the pipe at the bore and it ran away. "Are you o.k.?" Matt asked "Oh Matt, you came to my rescue and made the bore run away. I didn’t think you cared!" Mimi sounded sarcastic but at the same time terrified. "Oh Mimi, stop fooling around. And yes I do care. Besides, if you were to die, who would help me with all my things?" Matt then realized what he said and it didn't sound to nice. "Is that all I'm good for is work? Huh?" She seemed very steamed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Lets just work on our house before it gets dark. O.K.?" "Fine and THAT'S O.K." She still seemed very mad. Matt then started to laugh. "You look so cute when you're mad!!" He said it sarcastically as Mimi hit him. "Oh...cut it out and let's go work on the house before I decide to kill myself. You...out of all the people." Matt just started laughing again as they were walking to their area where their house goes. ~~~~~~ "Mimi, could you hand me that last palm tree leaf over there. I’m just about done." "Sure thing Matt!" She said. They haven’t fought in a while since Matt saved her. Mimi handed Matt the palm leaf and as Matt was adding the finishing touch. "Look Mimi, It’s all done. We did a great job didn’t we?" Mimi started blushing and replied yes we did. They went inside their house. "I am sorry about the plane thing and calling you a brat." Matt said it sincere enough but then Mimi said "What about spoiled?" Matt that he had to say sorry to that to our she might have a hissy fit. She then went to bed. After all, she was working all day. Matt was watching her sleep thinking to himself. Man oh man has today been a long day. And I had to spend it with Mimi. Oh Mimi. Why do you hate me? Matt got up to look outside. He sat down leaning against the tree. He stared at the stars and thought they were beautiful. He then pulled out his harmonica he carries everywhere and started playing. Mimi woke up at the sound of it. She stayed up to listen to it. Wow, He is good at it. I’m so glad I have a friend here with me. She got up and went outside to were Matt was. She sat down next to him and was silent for a while just listening. "Mimi, you should get back in there and get your sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow." Matt said as he put his harmonica away. "Matt, are we friends?" Mimi said with a twinkle in her eye from the stars above. "Yeah Mimi, We are. Sometimes it may not seem like it but we are. And we have to be for sure. We are on this Island. Alone." Matt said. Mimi then asked another question. "Will we be friends forever?" Yeah. We will." Matt looked down at her and smiled. Then Mimi placed her head on Matt's shoulder and fell asleep. Matt carried her in the house and placed her softly in her area. Matt then fell asleep in his. ~~~~~~~~~ "Matt, wake up. Time to look for breakfast." Mimi seemed cheerful that morning. "I’m tired though." he said as he was realized he had to look for food. " Fine, I’m up I’m up." They were searching and they found bananas, oranges, pineapple, and a bunch of other great stuff. They even went fishing and they were just sitting there when Mimi talked. As they were eating in the middle of their houses Mimi said something. "Matt, I miss the others. Like Tai and Sora. And even Joe." "Why do you miss Tai. All he does is care about himself!" Matt shouted. He seemed made at that. "Well, well well, were not jealous now are we?" Mimi was laughing this time. "No, of course not. Tai's never their for us though!" "Oh Matt, yes he is you just don't know it." "Maybe for you he was but what about the time me and him got into the fight. He wanted to keep fighting!" Matt sounded madder then before and he was getting up when Mimi stood up. "You’ve got it all wrong. He wanted to stop fighting. Don’t you remember? He was your friend. Can’t you just be nice or say something nice about someone for once?!!" She was really serious. Man am I a jerk. Tai wanted to fight and I do say good things about him. In a very rare moment. He looked at Mimi "Sorry Mimi." "Thats fine." she as she went in her area. That night they were quiet. Mimi Went out side to look out at the stars. Matt came out and then he saw Mimi and was going back in but she stopped him. "Where are you going Mr. Ishida?" Matt sat down with her. Mimi spoke to him. "You know Matt, you’ve changed since I last saw you. That five years ago when the battle was over, I went to see you and say bye because I new I wouldn’t see you much but you had left." " soon as we get of this Island, well say goodbye. O.K.?" "Matt, arn’t those stars so beautiful tonight." she asked looking into his eyes. "Yes they are." Matt replied. Man she is so sweet. This seems like a perfect opportunity to kiss her. Were alone, its just the stars out shining light and her. But I can’t. She’s just a friend. Matt looks so sweet just sitting their. I can't believe it!! My wish came true. I didn't really want it to happen though. O.K. so I like him. He's a hottie and so nice. Just then Matt looked in the sky and pointed out to Mimi that their is a falling star. They both made a wish. Then Mimi asked a question. "Matt, do you hate me? If you do just tell me because sometimes you’re really nice and other times your.....well.....not as nice." Mimi asked as if she would be afraid to hear what he would say. "What gave you that idea. I’m not a jerk am I? I always try to be nice to you. you a lot and" Matt was getting very nervous and he was blushing while sweating in fear. Oh my god, I do like her! Mimi looked rather flattered. "I would never try to be mean to you. In fact, If it came down to it, I would risk my life for you." "Matt, that’s one of the sweetest things I’ve heard in a long time. You would really risk your life for me?" Mimi said. Matt looked embarrassed. "I guess if it came down to that." He was just starring in her eyes and she too in his. Matt was leaning closer and closer to Mimi. Then he backed away. "I'll see you in the morning O.K.? Night." Matt walked slowly to the hut. Mimi was just starring at him walking away. Almost. She thought. Almost. "Hey Mimi wake up!!" Mimi woke up and Matt didn’t seem that happy. "Whats wrong?" she asked as she looked at his frightened eyes. "This might sound a little weird but, we have company and their not good either. Mimi, there pirates." Matt sounded serious so she moved out quickly with him. They were running trying to get as far away from the site as they could but luck has it they ran write into them. "Well, Well, Well, What do we got here. A young pair of lads that just happen to be in me way. Ching Chang and Chang Ching, Grab them!" This pirate seemed like he had a plan for those two love birds. "Let go you creeps. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MIMI!!!!!!" Matt was wiggling and trying to get out but then he got hit on the head. "MATT!!!!!! How could you do that?!!" Mimi was practically crying for him. He was unconscious and she just wanted to hear his voice again. "Relax little, pretty, lady. He will only be out for a couple of hours but if I hear you talk again it will be for life. For the both of you." The Pirate seemed pleased at what he had done. Mimi looked frightened but so mad. If there was only something I could do but I’m helpless. If I talk again Matt and me will be dead. Ohhhhh.......Someone come and help. Please. I want to live. I want Matt to live. Poor Matt. He was just telling them to let go of me. I wish right now the whole gang was here. Or My and Matts digimon. If only. Mimi started crying. Not a loud one but tears streaming down her face. She just looked at Matt and wished he would wake up. She seemed like she really cared about him. "Come on, We have to get back to the ship before this one wakes up." The head pirate told Chang-Ching to take Matt. Ching-Chang was to take Mimi. So they were off to the ship. ~~~~~~~~~ "Wha.....wer......Were am I?" Matt finally woke up and saw he was tied to a rope and Mimi was right next to him sleeping. Man, she looks as if someone died or something. How do I get out this. Let me see. Dad taught me and T.K. how to escape from ropes but I should’ve paid more attention. It was something like put this hand here and this one here... As Matt was trying to get loose a Pirate came in. It was the Leader pirate. " are finally awake. It usually takes most people at most a .......a....Three hours but you slept for seven. I guess you must not be very strong. According to my calculation, only the weak sleep long and don’t live long after that. You must be a weak one." The pirate got a big smile and started laughing. "I’m so sorry I forgot to introduce my self. The Names. Jake!" The pirate saw the fear in Matts eyes. Oh my god. Caption Jake was the worst pirate to rule the seas a couple of years ago but, I thought he was dead?!!! "Matt, your awake!!!!!!" Mimi had just woke up and would have gave him a big hug but was all tied up. "I’m so glad your awake. These dudes were going to feed us to there pet but us out of it." Mimi said it in a beneficial way. "How? "Matt asked as he got a smile on his face as if he knew what it was. "I........well........screamed and kicked and........they thought I was so adorable so they did nothing." Mimi seemed as if she saved both there lives. "You sure have a way with people Mimi. You sure are something." Matt was still trying to escape from the rope. "Now is not the time for this though. We need to get out and I just escape." He finally got free. "Say Hello to Yamato. "Matt quickly untied Mimi’s rope and they were off. They were running trying to find a exit. "Matt, that’s it over there!" Mimi whispered in Matts ear. Matt then ran to the door. "Its Locked!!" He looked as if he just saw a ghost. "Mimi, there coming! This way hurry!" As they ran they saw a hallway filled with tons of doors. "This isn’t a ship! This is more like A ship. Those really big ones." Matt said as he was trying to find a open door. "Their all Locked!!!" Matt then got a Idea. "Mimi, come here." Mimi then ran to Matt. "We will climb up this ladder to the top floor. Then we will slowly get in the water. After that. we swim to shore. Mimi then was Mad! "Matt, I’m sick of running. Sure that’s what I did before but It doesn’t work that way." Mimi went on as if it were the end of the world. "I’m fighting till the end. I can’t run away all the time. Thanks for making me relies that!" Matt seemed puzzled. "How did I help you figure it out not to run no more?" "Because I was running away from you at first. I didn’t want to believe that I......" Come one say it. "That I fell for you. I wanted to be friends but not like this. You where so nice to me and protected me and cared for me. It made me relies what am I hiding? How I feel for you? All I want to do is stay with you and for you to hold me and comfort me. Is that so wrong?" Mimi really meant it. Matt relies at that moment he didn’t like her. He loved her. "Are you saying you care for me?" Matt said "Yes, I am. I am sorry if you don't like me in that way but..." Then Matt interrupted. "Mimi, I'm not mad! I never knew that you felt that way. To tell the truth I was running away too. I liked you to but just as a friend but your loving and caring and so, so, sweet. I just relies that........that......." Come on Matt she needs to hear this. "I love you. and I know that we just reunited a couple of days ago but it feels I’ve known you for all those years that we never even talked to each other." Matt seemed happy to get that out but Mimi seemed happier then she has ever felt. Matt figured out what he was missing. Love. Sure his parents loved him as a son and his friends loved him as friends but he needed a passionate love. A Mimi love. "I love you to so much!!!" and they were about to kiss. They were getting closer and closer and.... "There they are get them!!" The pirates found them "Run!!!!" They were running to the ladder . "Come on!! We need to get up there and find something to fight with!" Matt said as they were running. This ladder was a huge ladder. "Mimi, you go first!! If any of us get caught, it should be me. GO!!!!" Mimi went up the ladder. Matt was looking around for a weapon and didn't find one. "Matt, Hurry up!!" Mimi was practically screaming. Just then the men backed away and he saw Jake running toward him with a sword. " You will die you worthless piece of S*^&!!!" He said. Matt got very angry. Is that "all am is a piece of S*^&. Now your going to get it!!" Matt sounded steamed put didn’t relies he said it out loud. "Now I’M going to get it. Oh boy are you in for a surprise." "Not if I can help it!!" Matt said with that angry gleam in his eyes. Jake was running toward him then Matt saw a piece of wood sticking out of the ship. He pulled it out and just as Jake came forward, Matt took that stick and stabbed him in the leg. "OWWWW!!!! YOU LITTLE B@#$%^&. YOU WILL PAY!!" Jake sounded very angry. Matt quickly ran to the ladder and started to climb. "Matt, You didn’t get hurt!" cheered Mimi as she was helping him up. "I Had know idea that you were so strong. You could of been Killed!!!" "Well......" Matt blushed "it was nothing really." He was proud. Matt got up and they ran outside. They were almost to the water when Ching-Chang and Chang-Ching came and blocked them. "Not so fast you little shits!!" Matt and Mimi saw Jake coming and he did not look happy. " You.....You did this to my leg. Now you must pay!! Ching and Chang, grab them and take them to the pets. They should be hungry by now!" Jake looked like he would get his revenge. Matt and Mimi looked at each other and nodded. "It’s Kung-Fu time!!" They both shouted at each other and began to fight. Matt got Ching and Mimi got Chang. Matt had the harder one. Ching grabbed Matt and Matt took his arm and swung him over his shoulder. Ching popped right up again and punched Matt in the face. Matt got thrown to the edge of the boat. Matt

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