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The Island of Fate:page 2

Matt felt he got wiped out. He was only sixteen. He saw ching coming toward him and Ching jumped in the air and pulled out his sword and was going to ram it in to Matt. Oh my god I’m going to die!!!! Matt brought his legs up and Ching landed on them when Matt flew him off the deck. As Ching was flying he graded Matt and he went with Ching. Matt was holding on to his life. Ching still had the sword in his hand and he stabbed Matt right in the arm. Matt screamed and punched Chings head. Ching fell. Matt just hung there. Mimi was sort of running and making chang bump into things. Chang was the not so intelligent one. Mimi came up to him kicked him in the face. It wasn’t hard enough and chang was going to push her of when Mimi simple moved out of the way and he fell in the water. "Your dumber then you look man!" Mimi was telling her self when she noticed Matt was not on board. "Matt!!! Matt!!!! MATT!!!!" She didn’t know what to do but then she heard a little voice. "help" It was Matt!!! Mimi ran over to the side of the boat and saw him just hanging on with one arm and was going to fall. Matt lost his grip and let go when Mimi grabbed him. "I won’t let go. K. I promise!" She almost had him up when she got stabbed in the leg. Mimi grabbed her pain when she reliesd she let go of Matt. Matt was still hanging their and Jake took Mimi and left Matt there to die. I’m sorry Matt. I failed. Mimi was so depressed. Jake took her to the next floor and was going to kill her. "Here that pretty lady, that is the sound of your death!! ?Hahahahaaaa!!!!" He rose the sword and was going to slice her when suddenly fell. Mimi looked at him just lying their and their was a long, sharp piece of wood through him. Mimi looked up and their Stood Matt. "Now who’s the weak one?" Matt said as he looked down at the dead pirate. "MATT!!!!!" Mimi limped up to him and hugged him. She then saw his wound. "Oh Matt, are you O.K.?" Mimi was crying because she new they were safe at last. Matt painfully answered. "Yeah, I’m all right. What happened to you?" Mimi was saying that Jake stabbed her as she was trying to save Matt. "I’m glad your OK." "Lets go home." Matt was helping Mimi walk and as they reached the wheel of the ship they looked out to sea and saw a rescue boat. Mimi was practically screaming Help and they just arrived. It just happened to be a boat that Tai and Kari were on. "MATT!!!! MIMI!!!!!! YOUR OK!!!!" Tai was jumping up and down with Kari. Matt and Mimi looked at each other and both smiled as they were separated to get there wounds took care of. They finally made it home and Sora, T.K., Joe, and Izzy were their on shore watching the boat pull in. Mimi slowly got out with her crutches and Matt with his arm cast on. Everyone came running toward them and seemed so happy. "Hey Matt, What did you to do on that Island? I bet you got pretty annoyed with Mimi, huh?" Tai asked as he was their right with Sora. "No Tai, I didn’t. I actually was happy it was Mimi and know one else." Matt said looking at Mimi they kissed. Mimi and Matt held each other so tight and kissed more. Mimi and Matt was out of breath but still kept on kissing. They slowly backed away from each other. Then rubbed noses together. "No wonder!!" Tai said with amazement. "Matt, why didn’t you call!!!!" Matt turned around and it was his mom. "I tried but someone else kind of strung me up." Matt said as he was laughing looking at Mimi. Everyone was hugging them and saying there glad there all right. That night they went home for good. Mimi had to get back to where she lived and she lived far away. "Matt, remember I you said we would say good bye this time?" Mimi looked downhearted. "Yeah?" Matt looked kind of like he had just lost a friend. Mimi started crying and ran to Matt and hugged him. She held him so tight as if she never wanted to let go. "I don’t want to say good bye. It’s not fair. Why do I have the bad luck. Ever since I moved away from here I have had a terrible time. I miss my old friends, and right when I find someone who cares for me and will hold me tight when things are bad and say everything will be all right, I have to go!!! It’s not fair!!" Mimi was crying in Matts shoulder. Matt didn’t mind though. It was the last time he would get to hold her. Mimi looked up at Matt and saw a tiny little tear in his eye. It made her cry even more. "Mimi Dear, We have to go now." It was Mimi’s mom and dad. Mimi gently moved away and walked away very slowly. She took one look back at Matt and ran to the car. She was on so much pain that she couldn’t bare to be there anymore. Matt waved but nothing waved back. Matt turned around and started to walk home. He was crying. "The first time I care for someone, they leave. I never want to care again!!" and he ran home, to his room, plopped on his bed, stuck his face in the pillow and started to ball. "It’s not fair! It’s not fair!!" And he fell asleep. ~~~~ "Hey Matt, You look well today!!!" Joe was on the bus as he walked in. "Yeah well I don’t feel it!" He uttered as he went to sit down. "Oh....forget about her already. It’s been a week already. You didn’t have a hard time forgetting her five years ago!! "Joe was only trying to help Matt out but Matt got steamed. "Listen Joe, YOU don’t know what its like to lose something very important to you. I never forgot about her I just didn’t think of her constantly. Now I do!!! You just don’t understand!!!" Matt sat down and didn’t talk . Joe just sat there like he just got killed. Joe mouthed very softly to Matt as if he were sorrowful, " You’ve got the better life. You’ve got a lot of friends, and know one would mess with ya. But you want to know something? I loose something a little bit at a time each day. My pride. Any girl would love to go out with you but what about me? Huh? They make me feel like crap!! I am always going to be left alone. Always out. Always!!" Matt knew that he was kind of right in some ways. He does have a good life. "Joe, you won’t always be left out. you just haven’t found you’re type yet. In fact, it might not even be your type you fall in love with." Joe seemed a little more up. "Look Joe, I’m sorry. I just miss her." Joe could tell he really did. Then they were at school. Matt went to his locker and got his books and folders he would need for his first hour. He got in the room and saw his friends. They talked. School started and it was time for class. Matt was daydreaming about his beloved Mimi when the teacher asked him something. "Matt, Whats the answer?" Matt didn’t even know what the question was. "" The whole class laughed and the teacher struck his desk hard with a ruler. "I don’t have time for kids who are not willing to learn. This isn’t even math!" The teacher ordered Matt to go to the office. "And don’t come back until your ready!!!" The teacher shoved him out and slammed the class door. "Oh yeah, this makes me feel much better!" He walked to the office and sat there for a while. I bet you know what he was thinking to himself. Of course about Mimi. ~~~~~~~ "It’s time for you to go now Mr. Ishida. Out of all the people to come down here it was you. Why? Oh well just get to class." As Matt left he was walking and thinking about Mimi some more and he wasn’t really paying attention. He turned a sharp corner and bumped into someone. The things from this persons hand flew everywhere. "Oh...I’m so sorry, I was just in a hurry to get to class and...." He was helping the person pick up the stuff and the person spoke. "Oh no, I’m sorry. I just moved here and I was on my way to my first class....." Matt recognized this voice. It was a comforting voice. He froze in one spot and slowly looked to see who it was. "Mimi?" This person looked up as well. It was Mimi!!! "Matt!!!!! Is it really you or do I miss you so much your just some weirdo that looks like him?" "It’s me." Matt said ever so softly. He was smiling the biggest anyone has ever seen. The embraced with a hug. "Oh...Matt, I missed you ever so much!!! I begged to come back and it took a week to convince them but I did and now I’m with you again. "She squeezed him so tight. "Mimi, aren’t you glad you didn’t say by. If we did, we might not have seen each other again." Mimi looked in his eyes and then whispered something. "Yes we would of. "Were meant to be together." Matt then smiled and went straight for Mimi and kissed her. He held her tight as they softly kissed and then they heard someone coming. Do they care? I think not. Matt and Mimi felt they were the only people that existed on this planet. "There they are!!!!" Matt and Mimi both lightly pulled away and hugged again. "You two better get to class NOW!!!" Matt grabbed Mimi’s hand and whispered "Where doing this together." and they walked away holding each other. Well..........That’s my story of how these two love birds became to be. Matt finally got the girl and Mimi finally got the guy. They were destined to be together. And should be on the show. If you ever get trapped on a island. Make sure its someone you can handle and if ya like someone, tell them. They just might like you too. And Most importantly. If you need to use a phone and someone else does to, tell them to get away because you got there first(he-he). Well, Ta Ta for Now!!!